Hardships That Children Face
.... mind. Hate can become acceptable in many forms such as bigotry, racism, or sexism. By the words and actions of a parent the child can be abused, which will in turn lead to the second thing that a child does and that is grow. As the child learns from the parents he or she also matures into a likeness in someway of that parent. This begins a cycle that only creates more injustice and hurt. The child goes on feeling and acting the same way that the parents did believing its okay to feel and act that way as well as associating with people that share those same beliefs. The parents that commit these injustices are sometimes looked .....
Violence On TV
.... viewing does affect children. The effects have been seen in a number of cases. In New York, a 16-year-old boy broke into a cellar. When the police caught him and asked him why he was wearing gloves he replied that he had learned to do so to not leave fingerprints and that he discovered this on television. In Alabama, a nine-year-old boy received a bad report card from his teacher. He suggested sending the teacher poisoned candy as revenge as he had seen on television the night before. In California, a seven-year-old boy sprinkled ground-up glass into the the lamb stew the family was to eat for dinner. When asked why he di .....
Stereotyping And Racism
.... brown, red or yellow. A white racist thinks all blacks are alike, while a black racist thinks all Hispanics are alike. In addition, a Hispanic racist may think all Native Americans are alike. The ethnic boundaries of racism “pigeon hole” another group, while having no boundaries of its own. It only requires a tangible object that can be pointed at, discriminated against, spat upon and attacked. The differences are not important because the attack comes from fear. Racism is expressed in labels including: “chink”, “nigger”, “honky”, “wop, “kike” and “Gook”. Such is the power of stereotypical, simple-minded thinking.
My br .....
Same Sex Marriages
.... marriages promote physically harmful activity, and the chance for children to be raised in an unstable household. A common fear is the potential disillusion of the marriage contract between a man and a woman. They believe this contract encompasses terms including the ability and expectation of procreation. Though these points are valid, they are somewhat irrelevant due to the separation of church and state. The argument is not the religious sanctioning of same sex marriage; it is the need for government recognition of it.
Throughout history, society and government have constantly been infringing on the people’s right to marry .....
Should Unmarried Couples Live Together?
.... to test drive it before buying it? or, do you try on cloths and shoes before you buy them? Of course almost everyone would answer these questions yes, because too test drive a car or to try on some clothes or shoes before buying them would be the practical thing to do. However, research has proven this theory wrong. Research has proven that couples who have lived together before marriage are more likely to disagree on such things as; entertainment, household chores, finances and are more likely to become sexually involved. In the past three decades during the same time as the rise of couples living together before marriage th .....
Television Violence Related To Children
.... hurt Wyle E. Coyote, or stop him from repeating his harmful actions. He shows no pain, never goes to the hospital, nor does he ever receive any attention or affection from those who care about him, his family. Cartoons, such as The Road Runner, that children view are misleading them, in the fact that they to can partake in these dangerous acts and never face serious consequences. The case of the young boy who set his house on fire after watching an episode of the ever so popular, Beavis and Butthead, is a prime example. Children witness their favorite characters, their heroes, involving themselves in dangerous situations but ne .....
Spousal Abuse
.... radio, and TV ads across the country proclaim that “every fifteen seconds a woman is beaten by a man.” Violence against women is clearly a problem of national importance, but has anyone ever asked how often men are beaten by women? The unfortunate fact is that men are the victims of domestic violence at least as often as women are. A survey conducted by National Family Violence showed that men are just as likely to be the victims of domestic violence as women are. In a study in Nineteen- seventy - five (1975) and nineteen - eighty - five (1985), the overall rate of domestic violence by men against men actually i .....
Affirmative Action In Florida
.... serves more to divide out society than to unite and equalize it. First implemented to protect the rights and opportunities of women and minorities, it has cascaded into policies that favoritize but do not necessarily achieve the fundamental goals behind affirmative action. Governor Jeb Bush of Tallahassee recently implemented a new initiative in the Florida Affirmative Action Plan. His new plan reflects the true spirit of affirmative action by eliminating ineffective practices and replacing them with more efficient manners of aiding minorities and women in our society.
Affirmative action can be viewed as a way in which femin .....
Images In Advertising
.... that is the perfect height and weight. Society is led to believe that we will transform into a supermodel if we obtain this same beverage. Sadly, this will not occur because the beauty of the model is due to many different factors other than this drink. Despite this, the question still remains: If she drinks it and looks fantastic, will I be as appealing if I drink it?
The author Jean Killone analyzes how advertising affects our civilization. Her opinion is somewhat similar to mine. She believes that we are a blank image, and what we perceive from advertising eventually molds us into what the advertiser desires. We beli .....
Violence Between Blacks And Whites
.... still raged.
"Black Codes" replaced "Slave Codes". Blacks could not vote, hold office or speak to a White person. Riots in Memphis, Tennessee and New Orleans became "victories for white people" in the spring of 1866. A local newspaper even said, "Thank heaven the White race are once more rulers of Memphis."
In 1867 white fears became realized as blacks became enfranchised for the upcoming political convention. Supremeacy groups such as the Ku Klux Klan used violence to intimidate and influence potential voters from exercising their new right. Even Southern white sympathizers "had to be driven off, intimidated or slain". .....
Cultural Diversity & Intergroup Relations: A Glimpse Into The World Of The Disabled
.... noticed people looking at us sympathetically and some very arrogantly. One person in particular couldn’t stop starring at me. The way he was looking at me upset me and made me a bit annoyed. In my mind I felt like hitting him with my walker, but my good sense told me it is not a good idea. By the time I got to the cafeteria, I was really tired and worn out. I saw my fellow handicapped classmates and we decided to take a little rest. We did not realize how much energy and strength it took to use crutches, wheelchairs, walkers. After that, Lou and I headed toward the library. I really do not think Lewis University is handicap f .....
Adoption Changes From Past To Present
.... procedures were born in the late 19th century (Batton). At that time, having a child outside of marriage was considered shameful, and the secrecy of closed adoption protected the birth mother from facing social criticism. This process also protected the adoptive parents from interference by the birth mother. By definition, closed adoption means no communication or information is shared with any members of the adoption triad (Batton). Though closed adoption was intended to protect the adoption triad, there is great evidence to support concern regarding this procedure.
During the 1980’s, single parenting became more soci .....