Australia Day
.... a lot to me. As I was not born in Australia and only received my Australian citizenship in 1995, I have never really seen the significance of the public holiday; however one thing I do believe in, is that the date should be changed. The government must find a day on which everyone can feel included, in which everyone can participate equally, and can celebrate with pride our Australian identity. I believe acknowledgement of the past is the first step towards reconciliation. That includes recognition that since white settlement (or invasion, as indigenous people experienced it) the Aborigines were dispossessed of their land and the .....
Trapped Inside The TV
.... tendencies and public discourse of all the people in the respective communities. The print based societies can date as far back as the conversations that took place as cave paintings or smoke signals up to the invention of the alphabet and of course into the enlightened age of Colonial America. This place we call home, America was founded by a group of intellectual men who brought over readings, and books from the “Old World” to start their “New World” with. In America literacy rates climbed, and everyone wanted to read. As time went on, reading was no longer considered an elitist activity but rather an activity that was .....
An Analysis Based On The Responsibility Of The Rich To The Poor
.... World Food Bank - "We must ask if such a program would actually do more good than harm" (485). In much simpler terms, a lot of the United States tax dollars are going forth to produce more food for the rapidly growing population around the world when indeed it is not factual that this policy is even working. If this is so, the farmers are actually adding to poverty by helping themselves, much like a parasitic relationship. Singer knows that the starvation problem is an immense puzzle that has several missing pieces and expresses his opinion as the following:
The problem is not that the world cannot produce enough to feed and .....
.... everyone seeks happiness and satisfaction in everything they do and therefore it is just human nature to act this way. Selfishness is a term that can be used to describe people who do things only for themselves and do things solely for their own satisfaction unlike others who do it in part for their own satisfaction but also to actually assist that other person.
This new notion that I've learned took me a while to get used to since for some strange reason anything that people did for me after that I did not really appreciate since I though of every action as being selfish. After some time coping with this idea I came to realiz .....
Diversity On Campus
.... for college students to acquire have been described as: "1. Appreciation of similarities and differences. 2.Utilization of techniques that exemplify the best traditions of true democracy. 3.Respect for equal worth of one's self and every other person. 4. Respect for law and order; honesty and integrity of thought and action; responsibility; and education.5. Respect for the rights of all equal protection under the law,as well as equal opportunity to secure education, employment, housing, and equal accommodations. 6. Acceptance by individuals and by groups of the responsibility for protecting human rights and to living up to the .....
What Are You Watching
.... the drive for the V-chip, argues that there is nothing in the legislation that limits the content of programs. He, and other supporters of the V-chip, said that the broadcasters would still be able to air any programming they wish. They will just have to accompany the programming with a rating that will help identify to parents the content of the programs. He emphasizes that it will be left to the parents to decide which programs they wish to view, not the government (“Markey Chip” 11).
Broadcasters respond by saying that there is simply too large of a volume of programs to rate all of them (“Markey Chip” 14). As an examp .....
.... improve, then this system will remain moving forward. The free economic system in the United States is progressing and will continue to do so as long as incentive greed is performed by each individual legally and honestly without any exterior interference or limitations. People have different abilities and skills, therefore, each person has a goal to be achieved in life, and as long as one continues to move forward towards that goal, one is progressing.
Incentive greed is necessary to keep the economy alive. This kind of greed is the driving force that keeps a system healthy and progressive. Without these incentives, the economy .....
The Horrible Truth Of Child Labor
.... this lack of knowledge, and lack of power to do anything about it, that is the cause of the continued child labour workforce. Therefore, to abolish child labour, the general populace must first be aware of the harsh reality, and then create and implement solutions to ameliorate the problem.
Most people around the world know little of the horrible truth, if they did a large part of the anti-child labour battle would be won. More people being aware of the inhumane activities occurring, could help in the fight against child labour, increase donations to anti-child labour organizations, or boycott companies that employed children und .....
Show Your Love
.... new, bright penny. He plays with that penny, and imagines that it is a real gold. He can use that penny to buy a moving machine to make his father finish the work early, and buy a car to make his father's life easier. Peter loves his father very much. That's why he wants to do those kinds of things. And then when he loses the penny at last, he is really sad about that. Not because he is afraid that his father will beat him, just because he thinks he has lost all of his hopes. He does not have the ability to buy a car or moving machine for his father and that make Peter feels really sad. He just hides himself in his own room and s .....
Progresses In Society And Their Outcomes
.... but to the society. And as the society should progress, it will have to have the individual work hard and responsibly before the society works as a whole.
As the individual takes on their own responsibilities, they should realize that they are bettering society not for them but for the future. And in the future many more unknowns will challenge us and it might slow down progression in society yet if we work hard in now then in the future more can be enjoyed. We should think more and more about our children and their children and their children and even though we have to work hard now, outcomes of our work will show in the soci .....
Types Of Bosses
.... or requests that need to be met then he helps the employees, it usually makes them more productive. For example, another of my bosses, Marty, understands when there are so many things that need to be done and not enough people to do them. If only one person is scheduled for a shift and there is too much work for that person, Marty helps out wherever he is needed. Working together may sometimes make you feel equal rather than having the owner/worker relationship. The owner/worker relationship is not always bad but can be intimidating. When I am working side by side with my boss I feel I share an understanding for the work et .....
.... century ahead, no respected marine biologist expects the oceanic fish catch, which has plateaued over the last decade, to double. The world's oceans are being pushed beyond the breaking point, due to a lethal combination of pollution and over-exploitation. Eleven of the 15 most important oceanic fisheries and 70 percent of the major fish species are now fully or over exploited, according to experts (Stefoff, 85). And more than half the world's coral reefs are now sick or dying.
Growing stress can also be seen in the world's woodlands, where the clearing of tropical forests has contributed recently to unpredicted fires acros .....