The Presidency Of Theodore Roosevelt
.... of
the president and executive branch of US government, making it a force with
which to be reckoned.
As the first president with progressive views, Roosevelt enacted
the first regulatory laws and prosecuted big businesses who had been
violating them and others for years. Roosevelt also initiated the United
States' active interests in other countries, and began to spread the
benefits of democracy throughout the world. Before Roosevelt, the United
States was an inward-looking country, largely xenophobic to the calls of
the rest of the world, and chiefly concerned with bettering itself. As one
critic put it, "Roosevelt was t .....
The Need For Affirmative Action
.... equality of opportunity for all.
Just looking at the history of this country should provide a serious
critique to the idea of a level playing field. Since the birth of this
nation, Blacks have been an enslaved, oppressed, and exploited people.
Until 1954, when the Supreme Court handed down Brown v. Board, Blacks were
legally pushed to the margin of society where many were left to dwell in
poverty and powerlessness. The Brown decision removed the legal impediments
that had so long kept Blacks deprived of the educational necessities. It
merely allowed Blacks to enter the arena of competition. Without the
deconstruction of white pow .....
Veterans Day
.... that we have now. We would have no respect, no rights, and
no happiness, In other countries, people don't have freedom, and they are
suffering and dying. Without freedom, we would have nothing.
In conclusion I just wanted to tell everyone what I feel is the
important reasons why we should respect our veterans.
I hope that everyone will now be aware of how lucky we are to live
in this country, to have people who care for us so greatly and to cherish
the freedom we have because of the men and woman who fought for us, our
Federal Bureau Of Investigation
.... The positioning of the words "Department of Justice" and "Federal
Bureau of Investigation" are also important, due to the fact that the FBI
falls under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department. Finally, the
jagged edges of the seal show the ruggedness of the Bureau and its ability
to withstand the test of time.
The FBI is the principal investigative arm of the United States
Department of Justice. It has the authority and responsibility to
investigate specific crimes assigned to it. The FBI also is authorized to
provide other law enforcement agencies with cooperative services, such as
fingerprint identificat .....
The Electoral College System
.... works like this today. Every
ten years the census figures adjusts how many representatives each state
has. This number plus two, representing the two senators, equals how many
electors each state has. Also Washington DC has 3 electors. Then each state
has the right to decide how to select these electors. Forty-eight states
use the general ticket system, two, Maine and Nebraska, use the district
system. The general ticket system is supposed to operate as follows. There
is a direct vote election held in each state and the winner of the vote is
suppose to get all of that states electoral votes. In 24 states the
electors are required t .....
Proposition 6: Prohibition Of Sale Of Horse Meat For Human Consumption
.... horses for human
consumption for sale and/ or export to foreign countries. Horses can also
be bought without any history of the horse or its owner so there is no way
to tell if the animal was stolen or if it has had a bad medical history
which could result in somebody's pet to be slaughtered or sending a sick
and/ or disease infected animal to be made into food.
Arguments against: Horsemeat is commonly used for sustenance in
other countries. Proposition 6 would interfere with the peoples individual
rights to eat what they want. Many horses that would be abandoned or left
to die would be removed instead of left to .....
The Infamous Watergate Scandal
.... the trial and offered leniency in exchanged for further information.
As it became increasingly evident that the Watergate burglars were tied
closely to the Central Intelligence Agency and the Committee to re-elect
the president. (Watergate)
Four of these men that were arrested on the morning of June 17, 1972
came from Miami, Florida. They were Bernard L. Barker, Frank A. Sturgis,
Virgillio R. Gonzalez, and Eugenio R. Martinez. The other man was from
Rockville, Maryland named James W. McCord, Jr. The two co-plotters were G.
Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt. (Watergate)
The senate established and investig .....
The Selection Of Presidential Nominees
.... reasonable one that would transcend partisanship. The original
provision for balloting by the Electoral College was flawed and had to be
superseded by the 12th Amendment, which stated "Electors shall meet in
their respective states and vote by ballot for President and vice-president.
Modern Presidential campaigns vast and complex operations costing many
millions of dollars. Their expense contrasts sharply with the convictions
expressed in 1828 by John Qunicy Adams " to pay money for securing [the
presidency of the United States] is incorrect in principle."
The apparent existence of running for President owes to a variety of
fact .....
What Role Should The U.S. Play In World Defense?
.... a
nation have been involved in 5 major wars since the turn of the century,
and ask yourself this question: How many of these wars directly affected
our own national security, and put the American people as a whole at great
risk? All of these wars have been fought on other soil, the United States
has not seen a war on our own soil since the Civil War, which ended in 1865.
This was an internal U.S. affair, which as you know, no foreign country got
involved with-at least not out in the open. I will briefly go through each
of these five wars which have occurred in our century and try to find any
reason or reasons why we got involved. K .....
Quotas Are Outdated In Affirmative Action Programs
.... participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to
discrimination under programs or activities receiving financial assistance.”
Title VII states that “[i]t shall be unlawful for an employer to: fail or
refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate
against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions,
or privileges of employment , because of such individuals race, color,
religion, sex, or natural origin”(Civil Rights Act Title VII). These laws
can be justified by our constitutional principle that all men are created
equal, and should remain a part of our laws and tho .....
The Cold War - Foreign Policy - Eisenhower And Kennedy
.... time, it said
that our main goal was to keep communism from spreading. It would be later
seen that the focus of our efforts would be on the third world nations
which were weak and thus possible to have their governments overthrown.
Although both presidents agreed on the topic of containment, Kennedy was a
little more forceful in his approach. This was seen through his
inauguration speech in which he made clear his central opposition to
communism. He felt that the nation was not doing enough to combat it.
Nevertheless, both he and Eisenhower followed a distinct policy of
containment which would lead to further similarities in thei .....
1984: A Political Statement Against Totalitarianism
.... 83). This reflects Orwell's own
life experiences as a citizen in war torn England and how he uses this in
1984. George Orwell is famous for two major novels which attack
totalitarianism. The first is Animal Farm a satire describing the leaders
of the Soviet Union as animals on an animal farm. The second novel is 1984
a story of dictators who are in complete control of a large part of the
world after the Allies lost in World War II . The government in this novel
gives no freedoms to its citizens. They live in fear because they are
afraid of having bad thoughts about the government of Oceania, a crime
punishable by death. .....