An Indian Woman In Guatemala: Without A Trace Of Bitterness In Her Voice
.... people. This type of
torture and oppression continued, and during the 1970's the repression was
especially harsh; during this time more and more Indians began to resist. It
was during this time that Rigoberta Menchu's family became involved in the
The situation in Guatemala is similar to South Africa, where the black majority
are ruled with absolute power by the white minority. Like South Africa, the
Indians in Guatemala are lacking in even the most basic of human rights.
"Indeed the so-called forest Indians are being systematically exterminated in
the name of progress. But unlike the Indian rebels of the pas .....
Dual Citizenship In Canada
.... that each has a traditional role within the marriage.
For example, Ross is responsible for the financial aspects of the home while
Karen is responsible for the household chores. At the beginning of the marriage,
they attempted to have a "weekend marriage" but this was a great strain and
Karen sacrificed her career by finding a job closer to Ross. This demonstrates
they are traditional within the marriage, although Karen has an untraditional
Career Opportunities
As both Karen and Ross hold dual citizenship in Canada and the United
States, they have frequently discussed the possibility of working in Canada.
They conclu .....
Affirmitive Action
.... Haag put it
best, when he declares that. " Affirmative action has done as much injury to
black scholars as to black students." Isn't it time to return to hiring people
on individual merit, and return the millions spent on Affirmative action. That
money could be better spent on bringing minority and female applicants up to
standards. I believe the most qualified person should be awarded the job,
regardless of race, ethnicity, or disability.
British Control Of The Caribbean And Its Allusion In Caribbean Literature
.... than a young black girl, the reader might see the
injustice and the ethnic discrimination that a black person must endure. She
would not be accustomed to being called a "little black nincompoop" (Hodge 457),
and she would most likely not have to suffer a physical beating with a ruler
(Hodge 456). In Lady Aunt Gold Teeth, the issue of color is evident through
the aunt's religious affiliation. Changing the color of the narrator in My Aunt
Gold Teeth might make a difference in the way the person perceives their aunt.
For example, the narrator says, "I was rather ashamed at the exhibition" (Na
463), when his aunt appears to h .....
Presidents And Affirmative Action
.... agency handled affirmative action in its own individual
way, some were not as consistant as other agencies were. He created the Office
of Federal Contract Compliance Program (OFCCP) in 1978 to ensure compliance with
the affirmative action policies.
Affirmative action began to go downhill when Ronald Reagan and later George Bush
came into office. Affirmative action lost some gains it had made and was mor or
less ignored by the Republicans in the White House and in Congress. Affirmative
action was silently being "killed" by our federal administrators. But among this
destruction there was one positive aspect, the passage of America .....
America And Affirmative Action
.... the 14th
Amendment of the Constitution and the Civil Rights laws., The claim is that
these programs distort what is now a level playing field and bestow preferential
treatment on understanding minorities because of the color of their skin. While
this view seems very logical on the surface, many contend that it lacks any
historical support and is aimed more at preserving existing White privilege than
establishing equality of opportunity for all. Any cursory look at the history
of this country should provide a serious critique to the idea of a level playing
field. Since the birth of this nation, Blacks have been enslaved, oppre .....
Affirmative Action
.... who
is underrepresented. This type of situation happens often. It is not the
qualifications, but the color of the skin that employers look for today.
Affirmative action is a step backwards. We are back to color and race
differences. We are all Americans and should be treated as so, not what
ethnicity we are. Affirmative action should be abolished solely because we do
not want to make the same mistake our society made in the past --- discriminate
according to color. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Many people say that we should keep affirmative action to render
fairness to the minorities because of the wrongs that was .....
Affirmative Action In Seattle
.... rates, the
City can determine whether or not women, people of color, or persons with
disabilities are underrepresented in a given job classification within the work
force; second, the City's affirmative action program encourages managers and
personnel officers to make special outreach efforts into groups and communities
that are underrepresented in our work force, in order to increase the number of
qualified candidates in the potential hiring pool;
Third, the City's affirmative action program directs that when there are
two fully qualified candidates for a given position, preference should be given
to the candidate tha .....
Anti-Affirmative Action
.... Another article I found,
"Affirmative action: A Counter-Productive Policy" by Ernest Pasour also on the
W.W.W., is one example which reveals that Duke, a very famous and prestigious
university, adopted a resolution requiring each of it's department to hire at
least one new African-American for a faculty position the 1993 date. More
proofs of Affirmative Action in action is the admission practices at the
University of California Berkeley. In the same article by Pasour, it states
that while whites or Asian-Americans need at least a 3.7 grade point average
through high school to be in consideration for admission in Berkeley, most .....
The Bill Of Rights
.... Virgin and Massachusetts, the
American colonist relied upon the rights enjoyed by Englishmen. The struggle for
independence, however, demonstrated to them that rights not specified and
codified in constitutional documents were insecure. The result was a movement
as soon as independence was declared, to adopt bindings constitutions that
limited governmental power and protected individual rights. Seven of the
thirteen states adopted constitutions that included specific bills of rights.
The first state bill of rights was the Virginia Declaration of Rights, adopted
as part of the state b's first constitution on June 12,1776.
Virgi .....
Brief History Of The NRA
.... November of 1993 and was then
signed into law by President Clinton later in the month. The act was originally
named for anti gun lobbyist Sarah Brady, and not for former press secretary Jim
Brady. It was through Jim Brady's support and the media coverage that linked
his name to the act. The act requires that there be a waiting period of five
state government business days at the time an individual applies to purchase a
handgun from a federal firearm license. During the five day wait, the local
sheriff or police chief must "make a reasonable effort" to see if the purchaser
is prohibited from owning a handgun. The police offici .....
Proposal For Reparations Of African Americans
.... of Freeman: 350,000 2nd
generation descendant of slave: 350,000 of Freeman: 225,000 3rd
generation descendant of slave: 225,000 of Freeman: 180,000 4th generation
descendant of slave : 180,000 of Freeman: 120,000 5th generation
descendant of slave: 120,000 of Freeman: 90,000 6th generation
descendant of slave: 90,000 of Freeman: 60,000 7th generation
descendant of slave: 60,000 of Freeman: 30,000
Additional Moneys.
Family member lynched: 60,000 per family Family member raped by slave master:
20,000 Family member falsely imprisoned: 6,000
It is important to note that in .....