The Rise Of Communism In Russia
.... in France and Germany, it was brought into Russia in the middle
of the nineteenth century and promptly attracted support among the country's
educated, public-minded elite, who at that time were called intelligentsia
(Pipes, 21). After Revolution broke out over Europe in 1848 the modern working
class appeared on the scene as a major historical force. However, Russia
remained out of the changes that Europe was experiencing. As a socialist
movement and inclination, the Russian Social-Democratic Party continued the
traditions of all the Russian Revolutions of the past, with the goal of
conquering political freedom (Daniels 7).
The Role Of The Prosecutor
.... of cases that are taken into the
courts, Athe character, quality and efficiency of the whole system is shaped in
great measure by the manner in which he exercises his broad discretionary
powers@ (Britanica).
Like other lawyers, the prosecutor is subject to disciplinary actions
for conduct that is prohibited by Acodes and cannons@ (Matrix). These Acodes
and cannons@ are intended to assist and advise the prosecutor.
The majority of the prosecutor=s work load consists of cases which a
complaint was either files by a citizen or by following an arrest made by the
police. But there are instances where a citizen is unwilling to .....
The Role Of Decision Making In The Pre-Crisis Period Of India (15 March, 1959 - 7 September, 1962)
.... Asia. A major figure in India's decision making was Jawaharlal
Nehru, leader of the Congress Party, head of the Planning Commission and chief
spokesman of the government in Parliament. These titles not only made him an
important nationalistic figure but also Gandhi's appointed heir and a "major
architect of India's political institutions" (Brecher, 1959). Krishna Menon,
"the controversial defense minister consulted in almost every issue" along with
Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant was also a figure of great importance (Langyel, 1962).
This importance was mainly derived from the fact that both shared the same
overall world view of Nehru .....
The Second Amendment
.... to discuss, people should be better informed and make a decision
based on fact and not fiction. Many advocates of the
limitations of guns can quote numerous examples of increasing violence and
homicide crimes. But the area which hits the closest to home is the issue of
violence among the teenagers of our society. The years have changed on how
students deal with their problems "Twenty-five or thirty years ago, when teenage
boys got into a fight... it usually meant a fist fight. In more and more
neighborhoods... it now means a shoot out" ("Gun Control"320). Violence like
that is a major problem on our streets .....
Liberalism And Freedom
.... liberalism in early America.
On religious freedom, seventeenth century minister Roger Williams wrote:
"All Civill States with their Officers of justice in their
respectiveconstitutions and administrations are proved essentially Civill, and
therefore not judges, governours or defendours of the spirituall or christian
state and worship." (Volkomer, 50)
This quote is notable because it illustrates the early liberal ideas of
religious freedom by stating that government officials have no right to pass
judgment on religious practices. In furtherance of his views, Williams founded
a colony at Plymouth and contributed to the develo .....
The United States As A World Power: How Much Longer Will The US Be The Policeman Of The World ?
.... Latin American countries. Sometimes even
European countries declared war on America because of this doctrine.
The Monroe Doctrine was delivered by James Monroe to the United States
Congress in 1823. Since that time, this document has been the cornerstone of the
United States foreign policy. This document was established for two major
reasons, both involving European countries on United States soil. The first was
Russia, who at the time was planning to establish a colony on the pacific
northwest coast, the United States felt that it was a strategic military
position, and if ever at war with Russia, it would pose as a threat .....
Power And The Declaration Of Independence
.... the same meaning of control, strength,
and force, "power to produce an effect, supposes power not to produce it;
otherwise it is not power but necessity" (OED 2536). This definition explains
how the power government or social institutions rests in their ability to
command people, rocks, colonies to do something they otherwise would not do. To
make the people pay taxes. To make the rocks form into a fence. To make the
colonists honor the King. The colonialists adopt this interpretation of power.
They see power as a cruel force that has wedded them to a King who has "a
history of repeated injuries and usurptions." The framers o .....
Time For Reform? Considering The Failures Of The Electoral College
.... p. 717), what it is in fact is the product of a 200 year old debate over
who should select the President and why.
In 1787, the Framers in their infinite wisdom, saw the need to respect the
principles of both Federalists and States Righters (republicans) (Hoxie p. 717).
Summarily a compromise was struck between those who felt Congress should select
the President and those who felt the states should have a say. In 1788 the
Electoral College was indoctrinated and placed into operation. The College was
to allow people a say in who lead them, but was also to protect against the
general public's ignorance of politics. Why the fear o .....
The Triple E Senate Of Canada
.... In federal systems, the legislative review
function of the Senate is only secondary to their role in providing for
representation for various parts of the country in the national legislature.
Representation is selected in favour of the smaller regions, in contrast to the
first chamber, where representation is always based on population. Therefore
the functions associated with the Senate are legislative review and the
representation of the various regions on a different basis from the lower house.
The Fathers of Confederation originally intended for the Senate to play
the legislative review role. As sir John A. MacDonald said .....
Canada's Institutional Landscape And The Government's Ignorance Of Farmer's Needs
.... landscape of Canada has not acted favorably
for Saskatchewan wheat farmers. The development of the institutions, ie. the
House of Commons and the Senate, and the policies that have developed from these
institutions have continually ignored the needs of prairie farmers, emphasizing
the cynicism Saskatchewan wheat farmers have towards the political process. The
antipathy towards the political institutions has developed because of recent
cost-cutting initiatives and deregulatory procedures by the government and by
mis-representation of farmers' needs in government today. The failure of
Saskatchewan wheat farmers to expre .....
The Uniqueness Of The American Constitution
.... for traveling purposes, but also
allows for a more 'united' spirit. People in California can easily view a
commercial for a product affiliated with New York without having to translate
the cost or watch the television screen scroll down 50 different prices. The
Stock Market functions fairly smooth now, but with an East Texas businessman
trying to sell to a novice buyer from Minnesota, things would be complicated and
time consuming. Other examples of powers held only by the federal government
are the formation and control of a militia and foreign relations. If each state
had its own army and own foreign policy combined, the idea .....
The United Nations
.... Even when the
Assembly is not in session, its work goes on in special committees and bodies.
The Assembly has the right to discuss and make recommendations on all
matters within the scope of the UN Charter. It has no power to compel action by
any Government, but its recommendations carry the weight of world opinion. The
Assembly also sets policies and determines programmes for the UN Secretariat. It
sets goals and directs activities for development, approves the budget of peace-
keeping operations and calls for world conferences on major issues. Occupying a
central position in the UN, the Assembly receives reports from .....