The Federal Bureau Of Investigation
.... responsibility of investigating
espionage, sabotage, sedition (resistance against lawful authority), and draft
violations. The passage of the National Motor Vehicle Theft Act in 1919 further
broadened the Bureau's jurisdiction.
After the passage of Prohibition in 1920, the gangster era began,
bringing about a whole new type of crime. Criminals engaged in kidnapping and
bank robbery, which were not federal crimes at that time. This changed in 1932
with the passage of a federal kidnapping statute. In 1934, many other federal
criminal statutes were passed, and Congress gave Special Agents the authority to
make arrests a .....
The Government And Environmental Policy
.... can be difficult with so many people working together. Another
problem is that there are many subgovernments affecting the legislation as well,
such as interest groups like the Sierra Club, Administrative Agents like the
Environmental Protection Agency, and Congressional Committees. Because these
groups add to the total number of people working on the legislation, the
original noble ideology of making policy for the good of the nation is voided.
Also because there are so many differences of opinion, few drastic changes are
made, instead small incremental changes are made which take up lots of time and
retard the effectiven .....
The HOPE Bill
.... program places all kids in situations to learn of other cultures and
to gain a caring and understanding in all situations, people caring for the
plight of others. In the fourth through the sixth grade, all kids are required
to complete at least 5 hours of community service each week; in high school,
they are required to complete ten hours a week. This
program has caused the world to gain a more caring, empathetic attitude towards
the well-being of others. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
or the one." This was the groundbreaking program that people had been waiting
for so that a program like mine could e .....
Interest Groups
.... or unions. The number of business oriented lobbies has grown since
the 1960s and continues to grow. Public-interest groups have also grown
enormously since the 1960s. Liberal groups started the trend, but conservative
groups are now just as common, although some groups are better represented
through interest groups than others are. There are many ways that the groups
can influence politics too. The increase in interest group activity has
fragmented the political debate into little pockets of debates and have served
to further erode the power of political parties, who try to make broad based
appeals. PACs also give money .....
The Need For Gun Control
.... handgun regulations are a must in today's society. I'm not saying that
we have to ban handguns, but we have to take legislative measures in order to
limit the possibility of handguns falling into the hands or youths. Peter Annin
and Tom Morganthau state that according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's
Uniform Crime Report, murders committed by persons under the age of eighteen who
were arrested jumped from 1,193 in 1985 to 2982 in 1994. [1] This report shows
a substantial increase in the number of killings by people who are under the age
of eighteen. Most of these people are often participants in gangs and in .....
The New Federalist Party
.... the federal government and the state governments. Both
"heads" do nothing more than serve or govern over the body, which represents the
citizens of the United States of America. The second purpose of the hydra is to
shift the focus from the representative party to the individual members of the
party. A political party should, like the hydra, should be nothing more than a
myth. Votes in an election should not be cast for a party but for the
individual candidates. The New Federalist party will be nothing more than a
collection of like-minded people seeking to better our great country.
In the following pages I have set fo .....
The Power Of The Judiciary
.... Executive watching over the Legislative,
and the Legislative watching over the Executive. To be more specific it would
be Congress watching over the President and the President watching over Congress.
(The Federalist Papers, #51)
This system, as I mentioned earlier seemed to be the perfect protection
against tyranny of any kind, and in fact it is quite effective, but I feel the
problem is in that the Federalists didn't take into account that the Judiciary
would in fact become a policy making branch in itself, with the power to check
any one of the other two branches just as much as they would check each other.
Robert Dahl wrote, .....
The Press And Media Cause Rampant Swaying Of The Election Votes Through Their Opinions And Reports
.... mistake would be the Sedition Act, which tested the first amendment and the
freedoms of the press. This obviously did not please the press and its opinions
were generally shifted to that of the Anti-Federalist. This was a deadly blow
to John Adams' presidency and the Federalist party. He himself was no stranger
to the press, he worked together with the Sons of Liberty and "cooked up
paragraphs" while "working the political engine" in the Boston Gazette (Brown
1975). Adams experience with the press had convinced him that it was a primary
source of political persuasion, and the thought was intriguing to him. He is
quoted .....
Actions And Behavior Of The President
.... to do this he initiated a number of
agencies and projects to employ people. In the first "Hundred Days" of
Roosevelt's first term he initiated a number of programs which increased the
size of the Federal Government and the power of the President. He did all that
he could to see that his proposals were put into place. This included a failed
court packing scheme to have a more friendly Supreme Court to find his programs
constitutional (Lowi and Ginsberg
230.) In contrast to this belief in broad presidential authority by Franklin
Roosevelt was Howard Taft. Taft believed that Presidential authority was very
limited the constitut .....
The Republican Party: Overall Issues, 1860-1868
.... and South waged war
over these issues, with the Republican North emerging victorious. The
Republicans took charge of the national political power. Although he worked
with an anti-slavery platform, President Lincoln attempted to make a generous
peace with the South, with hopes of expanding the power of the Republican party
with support from the South. Examples of this can be found in the fact that
Confederate officials were not barred from public office, compensation for lost
slaves was not ruled out and Lincoln hinted that he would be generous with
pardons to rebel leaders. With the Emancipation Proclamation, the Republic .....
The Right To Keep And Bear Arms
.... debate have some merit, some more than others. All use a
mixture of facts, figures, and emotions to express their views. I will be
presenting some of their history, their views, and how they make their cases.
The NRA is perhaps the most well known of the participants. They were formed
after the Civil War, in 1871, as an organization dedicated to the rifle
marksmanship of the state Militias. This was due to Union Army's lack of
marksmanship. Following World War II, many returning veterans joined the ranks
of the NRA. They endured their share of military life and over time the NRA's
mission was changed to that of a sportsman's orga .....
The Rise And Fall Of McCarthyism: An Explanation Of How The Media Created And Then Destroyed Joseph McCarthy.
.... many Republicans, he accused
the administrations of Roosevelt and Truman with "twenty years of
treason."(Grolier, 1996)
After his reelection in 1952, McCarthy directed similar accusations at
the Eisenhower administration from a new post as head of the Senate's Government
Operations Committee and it's permanent investigations subcommittee. Eventually
he was discredited by the lack of substance in his claims of Communist
penetration in the U.S. army, through the nationally televised Army-McCarthy
hearings in 1954. On December 2,1954 the Senate voted to condemn him for
"conduct contrary to Senatorial traditions." The final vote was .....