Gun Control
.... properly, by means of a cabinet or trigger lock. Under the proposed law,
police officials can enter a premises without consent if they suspect an illegal
gun is being hidden there. These new laws conflict with the existing laws and
most people make a decision on only what they are told.
The proposed law that Alan Rock has created has many people upset.
Anti-gun lobbyists believe that more restrictions breach personal freedom. In
1993, statistics were taken in Edmonton concerning assaults. The statistics
showed that firearms were used in six percent of all assaults while knives were
used in eight. Therefore, knives were the “ .....
How Western Imperialism Affects China And Japan
.... to other territorial concessions . China was also forced to open its
seacoasts and its rivers to Western intruders . The Europeans also exploited
China's land by securing rights to build railways and develop its natural
resources .
China had been unwilling to learn the ways of the West and so became the
next victim to fall prey to Western Imperialism , Japan however, was more open
to foreign influences , therefore its outcome to western imperialism was quite
different. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , Japan also turned
inward seeking its own isolation from the larger world . Then in 1853 ,
Commodore Mathew Pe .....
Imperialism And India
.... the
right to make was or peaceful arrangements with powers who were non-Christian.
This control expanded with the founding of a port at Bombay in 1668, and the
founding of Calcutta in 1690. Then in 1756, a young employee named Robert Clive,
who had been named lieutenant-governor in 1755, was sent to take back Calcutta
from the Bengal nawab. He accomplished this in January of 1757. Then later
that year, Clive lead a group of 950 European and 2,000 Indian soldiers(sepoys)
against a group of 50,000 Indians lead by a degenerate nawab at Plassey. The
victory of the English forces over the local resistance brought Bengal under th .....
Saddam Hussein
.... on which Hussein is in power is controversial. He was not
elected to his position, he took it. There was a military coup in 1968 that led
him and his Ba'ath party to power. He was not elected, as until last year,
there had not been an election since the coup (Cooperman 49). This says that
Hussein has been a tyrant from the start, and his need for power is incredible.
He wants complete domination of the Middle East, if not the world.
Iraq is now a country struggling to survive. It is in the midst of an
embargo, and the people are suffering. Death rates are up, and the amount of
food available is declining. Saddam is displ .....
Medicare In The '96 Elections
.... funded program would subsidize the service of physicians, inpatient
hospital care and some limited home care. The money would come from that money
set aside for Social Security. Medicare, along with its sister program,
Medicaid, allow broad access to physician and hospital care to all disabled
Social Security recipients, most all elderly and some of the poor.
Medicare has two parts, A and B. Part A, which covers all enrollees,
covers hospital costs only. Part B, also known as Supplementary Medical
Insurance (SMI), is an optional plan for which a premium is charged. The SMI
plan covers 80 percent of office visits, .....
Ireland's Michael Collins And Emon De Valera
.... leadership to
focus the restless energy of the Irish into effective political action, but it
was not long in coming. At Christmas 1916 all rebel prisoners who had been
interned without trial, those that the British had considered insignificant,
were released as a goodwill gesture to the United States which had been very
angry by British conduct regarding the rebels. This proved to be a costly
mistake. Among those released was a cadre of IRB men who had spent their time
in prison educating and organizing themselves into what came out to be a
formidable political and military force. The leader of these efforts in prison
was Mich .....
1996: A Turbulent Year For Israel
.... and the and the West Bank. That leads to
another issue over whether or not a rail link between Gaza and the West Bank
should be formed. The major problem with that would be the cost. In the next
round of Israeli-PLO peace talks, both sides could not reach a compromise and
after four hours talks failed. To complicate matters further 3,000 houses were
approved to be built in the West Bank by the Israeli government. "Peace Now
spokesman", Alon Arnon, called the housing, "A final burial of the hope of
peace." (West Bank Settlement Approved) Netanyahu also ended the month by
opening a tunnel to Muslim and Jewish Holy sites tha .....
North American Free Trade Agreement: NAFTA
.... across the continent. Farmers fear that produce grown in
Mexico will be contaminated from pesticides banned in the United States. These
are but a few of the arguments for and against NAFTA.
What does NAFTA mean
A Free Trade Area is, by definition, an area where all barriers to trade
are lifted. This is not the case with regards to NAFTA at this point.
Currently most of the trade barriers between the United States and Canada are
lifted but those with Mexico have largely been kept in place. This is an
obvious disparity on the part of the Mexican government but is due largely to
the proportional loss of income to the gover .....
Are Political Parties In Decline?
.... and recieve large donations for corporate involvements.
Parties are not more influencial due to more money, nor are they better
Yes: John Meisel Decline of Party in Canada
Strong point-
John Meisel states that the primary factor leading to the dircet
declination of political parties in Canada is the rise of the bureaucratic
state. Modern Politics have eclipsed the past when political parties did not
need to gain specific knowledge as the focused on a few key points rather than
large amounts of responsibility. Today too many complex issues are dumped upon
our elected representatives, and they have no hope in .....
Red Guards
.... should go on red and stop on green. When the Red Guards added students
from another school or workers from another factory they decorated the entrance
with purple paper, lanterns and a red cloth covered with flowers.
People who did not agree with Mao Tse-tung and his teachings were often
dragged through the streets and forced to wear dunce caps. The main reason of
course was to humiliate. This group in time became more destructive. Even
some of China's highest leaders were taken. The Red Guards demonstrations
lasted through fall, and winter of 1966 and well into 1967.
The Red Guards highly looked up to Mao they .....
Sectionalism And The Breakup Of The U.S
.... only way to operate large farms at the time,
primarily being the large cotton plantations of the south.
Several people tried to resolve the issue of slavery with compromises
and bills that set clear rules and laws to appeal to both sides. The most
prominent being the Missouri compromise. This document set the standard for
slavery at the time. It also managed to further divide the country into two
opposing groups geographically separated by the 36 degree 30 minute line. The
bill clearly stated that no states above the proposed line shall have slavery,
with exception to those already in existence. This meant that all new states .....
The First Amendment: Sex, Laws, And Cyberspace
.... and Cyberspace examines
these battles and includes interviews with key players in both pro- and anti-
regulation camps. The authors offer a spirited defense of the freedoms now
under fire, and suggest ways to monitor the “net” without stifling it.
As an example the reader must look at is Jake Baker who liked to write
savage, pornographic snuff stories and post them to the Internet. Always
written in the first person and tinged with an eerie realism, his tales were
simple, explicit, and gruesome.
"She's shaking with terror as Jerry and I circle her. She says in a little,
terrified voice, 'Why are you doing this...I've never hur .....