U.S. Criminal Justice System
.... a person being guilty or not, the
court must supply sufficient amount of evidence so that no one will be punished
by mistake. Moreover, since the jury selection is done so secretly and strict
that it is not possible to judge any one in court in the favor of any side, it
is the decision of the jurors who were selected from regular citizens to find
any guilty or innocent. However, the major weakness of the jury system is that
will the defendant get the fair trial if jurors are being prejudice. As I
observe several years in the United States, racism do still exist in the United
States unlike what I though before coming here. It is im .....
U.S Foreign Policy Toward Jewish Refugees During 1933-1939
.... Great Depression. With the
lingering memory of the more than 300,000 U.S. troops either killed or injured
in World War I, isolationism was the dominant sentiment in most political
circles. Americans were not going to be "dragged" into another war by the
British. The Depression had bred increased xenophobia and anti-Semitism, and
with upward of 30% unemployment in some industrial areas1, many Americans wanted
to see immigration halted completely. It was in this context that the
democratic world, led by the United States, was faced with a refugee problem
that it was morally bound to deal with. The question then became; what woul .....
Term Limits For Legislators
.... of term limits are calling for two terms in the Senate, and three in
the House. It is possible, then, for a member to serve six years in the House,
twelve years in the Senate, eight years as Vice President, and eight years as
President, a total of thirty-six years. It is not unlikely, therefore, that
there will continue to be career politicians. The issue is not about total time
that one may participate in government, rather it is about how long one may
serve in a particular capacity. Term limits enjoy popular, but not political,
support, thereby polarizing the electorate and the elected. This paper will
discuss th .....
Watergate: Was The Nixon White House Involved?
.... Nixon was worried about the break-in, he advised the White House press
secretary, Ron Ziegler, to dismiss the incident as “a third-rate burglary”
(Cannon 107). In the years ensuing the invasion at the Watergate building,
questions and controversy have surfaced consequent to whether or not the White
House, under the control of President Nixon, was either directly or discursively
involved in the planning and/or performing of any illegal deeds. As the
Watergate scandal unfolded, the Nixon administration was quick to mitigate the
responsibility for the occurrences, however, in actuality, numerous facts and
particulars ascertain Whit .....
What Is Fascism And Why Does It Emerge?
.... with the fascist total ruling over the people and nation came its total
ruling over the economy. Although different fascist have had different economic
structures, all regimes more or less, have had the same model. The main defining
character of the fascist economy is the principle of goverment-buisness
relationship. Like the first fascist regime in Italy, its leader created a
system where private ownership was allowed but state intervention was issued on
management and labour. He did this by creating grouped established syndicates,
such as “The National Confederation of Commerce” or the “The National Federation
of Credit and In .....
America: The Land Of Opportunity
.... branches is to split up the power and work. This is done so that no one
branch has more power that the other. I think that others should move to America
because of the opportunity the U. S. has to offer. The U.S. has many jobs and
schools. The schools in the U.S. are great they teach you all that you would
possibly want to know. I know that in some countries the men can only labor and
the women get treated badly. Here there is no worry for we have a good security
system. Also many kids in other countries do without education and that I think
is important in today's life. Also many go without food and clothing. In America
we t .....
Religious Freedom Restoration Act
.... effect of a generally applicable and otherwise valid provision, the
First Amendment was not offended.” (Questions and Answers, Map of the RFRA).
"...the government no longer had to justify most burdens on religious exercise.
The free exercise clause offered protection only if a particular religious
practice was singled out for discriminatory treatment. In short, free exercise
was a sub category of equal protection. This placed religious rights in an
inferior position to other First Amendment rights such as freedom of speech and
press." (Questions and Answers, Map of the RFRA).
This court case caused a series of court .....
Natural Law Theory
.... theory of
Stoicism. Stoicism is an interpretation of the natural law which states that
every, single person is a part of the universe that was created and is ruled by
a divine power rationally. To live rationally and with virtue, according to the
Stoics, was to follow one*s nature and reason. Thus, they deemed emotion and
passion irrational, and therefore unnatural. For Stoics, the wise would be
those who excluded emotion and passion from their decision making
process.(Bainton 21-22) The great Christian philosophers came upon this theory
and realized that it was compatible to their religion. Probably the most famous
of them wa .....
America: The Modern Day Athens
.... should be made here that
Athens, for all its noble ideas about men being able to govern themselves,
excluded most of the people that lived within its cities walls. Women, for
example had no say in government. They were subjected to running the homes,
raising children, and tending to the needs of their husbands. Slavery, which
existed in Athens, also caused a blot on the noble experiment of democracy.
Slaves had no vote, no participation in government, and no recourse from a cruel
Athenian government relied upon direct democracy to raise taxes, make laws,
and gather armed forces when necessary.
The American .....
Democracy In Ancient Greece
.... rather than to benefit
the government of Athens.
The democracy of Athens was used in many ways other than for what it was
designed for. It was abused by many rulers of that time. They were concerned
with their own personal growth and because of their greed and selfishness, they
made laws and codes that would benefit their own personal gain. The results
though have not always been as what they had expected to have been. Many of the
lower classes were treated very unfairly and rulers lost popularity to the lower
classes. Civil war was even about to break out at one point due to Draco's
codes and laws.
When civil war almost .....
Apartheid In Modern South Africa
.... De Klerk also showed his intentions to "bring a
swift end to legally sanctioned racial segregation" (56). "He called on
Parliament to repeal immediately the remaining pillars of discrimination that
dictate where blacks can work and live" (56). De Klerk also asked lawmakers to
discontinue the Group Areas Act which segregated black and white residential
areas and the Land Acts, which prevents blacks from owning land outside of
specially assigned homelands (56). The Population Registration Act which forces
South Africans to register by racial groups for political and economic purposes
was phased out under de Klerk's plans as the ac .....
Chinese Immigration Into America
.... ("Golden Mountain.") Other reasons were
due to overpopulation, poverty, hunger, flooding, high taxes, bad economy,
collapsing government, and crop failure. (Takaki, page 38) James Marshall
discovery of gold in California in 1848 prompted many Chinese to take a sojourn
into America to get rich quick. A young man in Canton wrote to his brother in
Boston saying, "good many Americans speak of California, Oh! Very rich
country! O hear good many Americans and Europeans go there very much. I think
I shall go to California next summer." Stories like these built up this dream
of the "Golden Mountain." The plan for most Chine .....