The Balance Of Power Theory
.... form alliances. Throughout history we can see the B.O.P.
concept in action. The clearest example of the B.O.P. concept can be found in
the Cold War. In the Cold War the two superpowers the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
held a stable world balance between them. Both states sought to deter
domination by the other through a build up of arms and through the creation of
strong alliance systems. Under the B.O.P. theory the logic of the Cold War
stratagies and alliances seems apparent, with the best method of security being
In an ideal system of B.O.P. all states would 1. act in relatively the
same fashion and 2. would make .....
The Brady Bill
.... guns are not sold to convicted felons or to
those who are mentally unstable. Even the proponents of the bill agreed that
the effect of the bill on curbing the gun violence might be minimal considering
the fact that the majority of guns used for criminal purposes were purchased
through illegal dealers. However, the Brady Bill represented the first major
gun control legislation passed by Congress for more than 20 years, and it meant
a significant victory for gun control advocates in their way toward even
stricter gun control legislation in the future.
Gun Rights vs. Gun Control
The Brady bill, the Brady Handgun Violence Preventi .....
The Bush Administration's Relation With Iraq Prior To Iraq's Invasion Of Kuwait: Credibility And Misperception
.... with Iraq prior to its invasion of
Kuwait were clouded in a context of misperception by both states and further
complicated by a lack of credibility on the part of key actors of both sides as
well. This tragic sequence of events that led to the invasion of Kuwait cannot
solely be attributed to personality traits or even actions by key individuals
within the Administration. In retrospect, it is much more complex than that.
However, the actions and public and private statements on the part of key
personnel on both sides most likely contributed to the eventual invasion of
Kuwait by Iraq in 1990.
Since, a brief, yet mo .....
The Death Penalty: Justifiable
.... own house. Banda then sucked the blood from the woman's mouth.
Does that describe a kind, gentle man, who is not a threat to society? A
man who values life or a man that deserves life when he seems so eager to
destroy it? I certainly wouldn't think so.
Some people believe that the death penalty is wrong, what do you think?
Is it OK for a man to commit heinous murders but not OK for our valued legal
system, who's outcomes depend on ordinary people like you and me, to decide to
terminate that mans life for his crimes to others?
The death penalty is just that; a penalty. Its intention is not to
present an example to others, to .....
The First Amendment: Free Of Expression
.... my feelings on the freedom of
religion were almost satanic, because I said teachers should not be able to
publicly practice religion in schools because it will encourage students to
become a part of that religion. The presentation was neither slanderous nor
obscene, but it did criticize teachers and administrators calling them "fascist
dictators". At first I was angry at the school because I could wear clothing
that was obscene or contained liquor advertisements, now they have completely
taken away my freedom of speech. This of course proved my argument that
teachers and administrators are totalitarians. As one journalist put .....
USSR: The Doomed Empire
.... due to economic factors.
What America proved was that the economy works best when the government
stays out and individuals within the society do the work.2 It is only the
individuals within the society that truly understand what products are in demand.
Under Communist regime a few select rulers decide what are the needs of the
society, what resources are their country's scarcities, and how to obtain these
scarcities. Finding this information is a big job and requires endless amounts
of domestic attention. With this in mind the quote “Nature's laws are
immutable... Communism is only an ideal dream”3 becomes much cle .....
The Effect Of Third Party Candidates In Presidental Elections
.... system. Until then, political candidates were utterly dependant upon
the political infrastructure of an established party for their campaigns. Until
the development of mass media technologies, including radio and television,
political candidates had no direct means of communicating with the public and
were thus dependant on the communications systems of the major parties. Thus,
third party movements lacked the capabilities to run an effective campaign
against the major parties.
However, mass media has changed the scope of the election process and
brought about the demise of the major political parties (Robinson 147 .....
The Presidential Election Of 1972
.... had a devastating moment in his campaign while in
Maryland. "In early May a sick young man named Arthur Bremer altered the
politics of 1972. As Governor Wallace campaigned toward certain victory in the
Maryland primary, Bremer stepped forward out of a shopping-center crowd and shot
him four times. Wallace survived, but at the cost of being paralyzed from the
waist down. Maryland's voters surged out on election day to give Wallace a huge
victory, his last of 1972. While Wallace recuperated, the millions who would
have voted for him as a Democratic or independent candidate began to move in
overwhelming proportions behind the can .....
The End Of The Cold War
.... city. It was not until the 1980s that cold war tensions eased
through the glasnost (openness to public debate) polices of soviet leader
Mikhail Gorbachev. Finally, in November 1989, the wall crumbled under the hands
of the Germans and the cold war ended.2
The downfall of the cold war started when Ronald Reagan came into office
in 1981. Reagan had two main priorities. He wanted to cut taxes and increase
defense spending. He felt that the United States of America should take a
confrontational approach towards Russia.3
Mikhail Gorbachev was the leader of Russia in 1985. He wanted to improve
the Russian economy. He also wanted to i .....
European Union
.... still strong throughout Europe
many people are strongly against the E.U. Analysts strongly suggest, however,
that the E.U. is the only way Europe can improve it's economy. Unemployment in
most of Europe is running above 10 percent and countries like Germany and France
are suffering from net investment outflows, European economies are groaning
under the weight of rigid regulation, high labor costs, high taxes and generous
social services that have become too expensive to sustain. Meanwhile, labor
protests are on the rise, companies cut costs and governments try to slash
budget deficits.
The E.U. causes another .....
The Failures Of Affirmative Action
.... . . . without regard to their race, creed, color, or
national origin (Civil Rights).” When Lyndon Banes Johnson signed that order,
he enacted one of the most discriminating pieces of legislature since the Jim
Crow Laws were passed.
Affirmative action was created in an effort to help minorities leap the
discriminative barriers that were ever so present when the bill was first
enacted, in 1965. At this time, the country was in the wake of nationwide civil-
rights demonstrations, and racial tension was at its peak. Most of the
corporate executive and managerial positions were occupied by white males, who
controlled the hiring and .....
The Federalist Papers And Federalism
.... within a larger political framework
while still allowing each state to maintain it's own political integrity" (712).
Having just won a revolution against an oppressive monarchy, the American
colonists were in willing to replace it with another monarchy style of
government. On the other hand, their experience with the disorganization under
the Articles of Confederation, due to unfair competition between the individual
states, made them a little more receptive to an increase in national powers. A
number of Federalist Papers argued that a new kind of balance, never achieved
elsewhere was possible. The Papers were themselves a bala .....