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"I Do" Or "Please Don't": Hawaii's Same Sex Marriages

.... parental custody, insurance and health benefits, the ability to file joint tax returns, alimony and child support, and inheritance of property and visitation of a partner or a child in the hospital. In fact, the Hawaii Commission on Sexual Orientation itself concluded that denial of marriage licenses to same-sex couples deprived applicants of these legal and economic benefits. So, are homosexuals fighting for the right of marriage to state their love as the gay rights groups suggest or are they pushing for the right of marriage because of the many benefits that come with it? The answer is obvious – they are fighting for the bene .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1350 | Number of pages: 5

Sex And Agression: Whip Me, Beat Me, Make Me Feel Like An IDIOT!

.... of this “therapy” but that does not mean it does not hold its own social value and merit. In closing I would like to say that I feel enlightened to have this information, which may help me in the future to sympathize with someone who may have that "urge", and I feel that armed with this knowledge I may be able to recognize that deviant in the future. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 306 | Number of pages: 2

A Review Of "The Outsiders Club" Screened On BBC 2 In October 96

.... forefront of this debate, and the leading protagonist have usually been activists within the wider disability movement, who are well aware of other social and sexual issues such as gender, sexism, homophobia, and so on. The Outsiders was set up (and is still fronted by) an able bodied woman who for many years has been well known in the controversial arena of sexual liberation and soft-core pornography, so it is hardly surprising that her group has both supporters and critics. A recent BBC-2 documentary series (From the Edge) devoted a whole programme to the group, and this essay picks up the main themes that were aired. SEXUALITY .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1845 | Number of pages: 7

Bad Choosers

.... States law mandates that both complete a certain amount of schooling. Both must toil through the identity crisis of adolescence, followed by the mid- life crisis of aging, and lastly, the mortality crisis in their elder years. There is a great possibility that both must appropriate wealth, provided they are not substinence farmers living in some foreign country that does not tax (In which case, the man would slave away in the fields from dusk until dawn while the woman would wash a dish, tie their eighteen ignorant children down to a chair and show them the beauty of using a hula-hoe). Men and women share many hardships througho .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1778 | Number of pages: 7


.... in fact the successes in BDSM are far greater. In short BDSM is normal, and is worthwhile as well. Try it you might like it. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 274 | Number of pages: 1

Pornography Censorship

.... small portion of Internet traffic it still is quite effortless. Basically the only thing one needs to do is select any of the search engines and simply type: sex. This will pull up a host of different sites where one can easily click on any of them and view pornography. What many groups are trying to do is make it less accessible to people and especially young people. What is happening is that the term pornography is which a broad word used in many different contexts and is difficult to determine what should be censored. Pornography is defined in Webster's dictionary as pictures, film, or writing which deliberately arouse sexual e .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 850 | Number of pages: 4

Child Abuse: An Exposition

.... and you scream involuntarily. His grip tightens as he places his hand over your mouth. “We'll have to do this the hard way!” comes his intense whisper. You flail your arms at him, but it doesn't help. His writhing massive body is on top of yours, and you feel so powerless. Eventually, you sink into a sobbing heap and simply wait for his passions to stop. You wait for the nightmare to end. When he is done, you limp to the laundry room and try fruitlessly to get the blood stains out of your clothes. It is all your fault... Abuse: The violation or defilement of; What you have just experienced is one type of abuse th .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2216 | Number of pages: 9

Consent And Its Place In SM Sex

.... might not even seem obvious until it is too late. It is possible though highly unlikely that one could lose the usage of one's hands. Often in SM sex, extremely intimate information is given to your partner, for example a fantasy. If the fantasy involves play that mainstream American society might not find acceptable, a deeper level of trust would most likely be necessary. Many human beings have rape fantasies. Do they want to actually be raped? The answer to me is very clear, absolutely not. The fantasy, is not about the violent act that rape actually is. It is about control, that control given to another, the feeling tha .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1506 | Number of pages: 6

Male/Female Differences In Perceptions Of Sexual Harassment

.... are serious and offending. Is there a difference between what men perceive as sexual harassment and what women consider sexual harassment? The purpose of this study is to determine if in fact there is a difference. According to earlier research, men and women would perceive and define sexual harassment differently (Ellison v. Brady, 1989). "The findings that women define sexual harassment more broadly and inclusive than men is reliable" (Ellison v. Brady). "A significant difference between the sexes shows up both in surveys of working people and in scenario studies; fifty-nine percent of men rated sexual touching as .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 584 | Number of pages: 3

"Does The Military Continue To Have Sexual Harassment And Discrimination Against Women In The 90's?"

.... are still restricted because of it. For example: serving in direct combat capacities such as armor, infantry, and special forces--branches from which much of the senior leadership is drawn. “In 1994, the annual Navywide Personnel Survey included questions on women's role for the first time. Some 65 percent of officers and almost 50 percent of enlisted respondents said they did not think women were fully accepted in combat roles. While approximately 80 percent said harassment was not tolerated at their command, almost half of all respondents disagreed that everyone is treated equally in promotions and advancements.”(2) Some .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1500 | Number of pages: 6

Sexual Addiction

.... and circular reasoning abound in the addict's warped mental processes. Some of the excuses are: "What she doesn't know won't hurt her," "It's my way of relaxing," If my wife would be more responsive,” and “If I don't get it every few days, the pressure builds up.” Whatever the rationalization, it further cuts the addicts off from the reality of the behavior. The next stage is sex addicts go through is sincere delusion in which they will believe their own lies. When they vow to themselves that they will quit, they are sincere and may even experience a great deal of emotion- tears of pain or anger when some .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 587 | Number of pages: 3


.... and is probably the word that was repeated to us the most as children, so we should all get that one right. But still, how can yes mean no? Apparently through a term known as "verbal coersion," which allows a large grey area to form between these simple answers to sometimes complicated questions. "Verbal Coersion" is not a term you will find in the dictionary, at least not in any of the ones I own. In an article by David R. Carlin, Jr., he states that as he interprets this term "rape [can] occur even when consent is given, provided this consent is influenced by external pressures and is not simply the result of internal desire .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1505 | Number of pages: 6

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