.... different, that is exactly what makes us human, so when we treat people
entirely the same, we deny their identity. For example that does not mean that
I should not treat all people with respect, but I feel that even that may differ
depending on who you are and how I am related to you. For instance, I will not
give a stranger the same amount of respect that I might give my mother or father.
I feel that would be unfair, and ignorant. The stranger should have to earn my
respect, just like my parents or friends. The teachings of Marx exemplified this
very wrong that I am discussing. Marx believed (if I am not mistaken)that in
ord .....
Justification Of Violence
.... before it's too late. Other situations which
call for justifiable violence, in my opinion, are robbery at gunpoint and any
other type of unprovoked violence.
Other than self-defense, I do not believe violence should be tolerated at
any cost. Hitting children when they do something "wrong" is not justifiable.
I believe that if a child does something their parents don't want them to do,
they should be taught not to do it anymore simply because their parents don't
want them to do it. But, I believe that when you hit a child when they do
something wrong, they don't repeat the action because they're afraid of the
consequenc .....
Love One Another
.... but what if I am a shy person? There is wrong being shy. Everybody is
shy of something, but shyness can always be reverse. I used to be shy of
something, but then I gave it some thought when I was thinking when life was
getting boring. I thought that if I were more open and sought friendship, my
life would be much happier.
So loving one another. Is it possible? In my words it is possible, but
it is a long process that cannot happen overnight. It takes a period of time.
I never accomplished the full meaning of loving one another, but just because I
never completed in loving everybody, it does not mean I do not have to try. .....
Moral And Ethical Dilemmas
.... helpful. Often you
feel pressured by piers that say, "it's no big deal", or "you'll understand
later". It's important that I understand why a particular action or resolution
is correct or incorrect. If I can't or don't it's difficult to feel I've been
honest with myself. That for me can be a good measure of ethical behavior, my
The ideal way to deal with difficult questions is to have a foolproof
formula. Find steps that will always lead to correct decisions. Unfortunately
I do not yet have such a formula and often learn by hard experience right and
wrong. Let me start by saying I firmly believe the formula exi .....
Rites Of Passage
.... of married
men in their perspective villages. Within a section by A. W. Howitt, in Eliade's
book, From Primitives to Zen: A thematic Sourcebook of the History of Religions ,
a ceremony known as the "Showing the Grandfather" is described(Eliade, p. 288)
In this initiation the Kurnai have a formal way of bringing a man's son into the
highest, and most secret realm of their religion. By incorporating the use of
the father and son relationship, this particular ritual involves the revelation
of the central meaning, or "mystery" of their religion. The men and women are
separated. Secrecy is one the most important traditions in this .....
The Right To Life
.... abortion only if she was raped and can not afford to have the child,
or if she does not know who the father is. If the woman just want's to have an
abortion for no reason, believes that the baby will be born with a handicap, or
will be born with a disease, life threatening or not the abortion should not be
permitted to take place. Within the past year President Clinton has vetoed a
bill that will outlaw "partial birth abortions," I strongly oppose his decision
and believe that he should have outlawed them. In New Jersey, there is an
assemblywoman writing a bill that would outlaw them in New Jersey and fine each
party involved twe .....
The World's Longest War
.... and that hating infidels is a virtue and killing
an infidel is a ticket to heaven. In many of the faithful this religious
fanaticism has merged with the secular fanaticism of Marxism-Leninism to make a
witch's brew of hate and savagery against Christendom and capitalism. ('America
is the Great Satan.')
The demise of Marxism-Leninism in Europe does not extend to the Middle East.
Russian and Chinese weapons continue to be sold for Arab oil money. During
centuries of warfare the western countries have become democracies. Even Eastern
Europe is avalanching into democracy. But, except for present day Turkey and
some Far Easter .....
Violence Is An Appropriate Response To Racism
.... people that they would end up seriously hurt. Put this teaching into
practise, if someone hurts you once let them do it a secong time is the message
here. The other side to this statement is to agree that racists should be dealt
with in a violent way. In some resects, this is correct because if people have
the mentality to be racist towards another person, they need to be punished, and
if violence fits this sort of punish mentment. People, whatever race they are
have to choice to decide where they live. They deserve to feel comfortable in
their home even if it is not where the majority of their race lives. No one has
the .....
The Modern Men's Movement
.... This male movement has been cautiously encouraged by women's groups.
Most realize the new pressures being exerted on men by the changes in society
and recognize a male movement as a means to finding the new balance. "I believe
that 'we', I.e. men and women, need a "men's movement" in the sense of men that
have come to understand the evils of patriarchy ... These are men who are
prepared to work in harmony with women to create a new society liberated from
patriarchy." (Hagan, 14) Women want and need the men's movement as bad or worse
then men do. The entire point of the feminist movement is to change men. Though
no .....
J.M Coetzee's "The Harms Of Pornography"
.... article "The Harms of Pornography", the real
questions here are, "what is the difference between obscenity and pornography",
and even more importantly, "where do we draw the line between the two"? Coetzee
brings up a good point here. A point on which the entire debate over pornography
hinges. What is the defenition of "obscenity"? An excerpt from a speech by Mike
Godwin, Online Counsel for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, gives a good
definition of obscenity in his on-line article: "Fear of Freedom: The Backlash
Against Free Speech on the 'Net'".
Everybody more or less knows something about what qualifies as obscene.
You know .....
Gays: A Struggle For Acceptance
.... of life. Stand up and fight against those who
have done you wrong! This is what gave homosexuals such a conviction to start
fighting for their own cause. This paper will follow the progress of gay and
lesbians in the twentieth century before, during and after World War II. What
was their position in the armed forces during the war and what was government
and military policy during and after the war on gays in the army and in
government positions? How did gay and lesbians respond to the new policies after
the war and why were organizations like the Mattachine Society and the Daughters
of Bilitis founded? On December 7, 1941 at 7:5 .....
What Is Love? Why Are You Asking Me?
.... than
mine. It is here that I must stop to apologize to you, Louis, for making this
part of the paper far too personal than necessary.
"Falling in Love" is a common myth in this society. The actual act of
falling in love, according to Peck, is a misconception. There is a
differentiation to be made between what is termed "falling in love" and the act
of real loving. Peck describes exactly what it is that we experience when We
think we have fallen in love. Much of what Peck describes as falling in love
has to do with what he calls "ego boundaries". These ego boundaries are
established during infancy and continue to develop thro .....