The Effects Of Divorce
.... of the children come out of divorce unharmed. Another one
third function adequately, but experience difficulties, and the remaining one
third have severe upsets in their developmental process. However the authors of
the "Family in Transition", approach this finding with caution because the
conclusions were made without comparing the children of two parent families.
Never the less they do note there are overall trends in the functioning of
children after divorce. The areas most often discussed are intellectual
performance, juvenile delinquency and aggression, social and emotional well-
being and cognition and perception,
(A & .....
Female Dominance Or Male Failure?
.... very much for the males.”
(p 340)
Thurber compares the similarities of courtship to the complicated works
of Encyclopedia Brittanica. A book which is full of wonders and within lies
mysteries of the unknown and unpredictable. In comparison to the Encyclopedia
Brittanica the female is alike in many ways, such as its perfect construction
and orderly appearance seeming as if they replicate one another like a clone. I
believe Thurber views all female species as being similar to one another with
respect to their character.
The author also associates courtship as a business, a show business. A
world which is chaotic, disorderl .....
.... is possible. This anxiety would cause the
fetishist to associate his or her sexual desire with another body part or object.
By doing this he or she can link sexual experience with another part and
forget about infertility, humiliation, or anxiety. Usually the desire is linked
closely to the genitals, it could be something seen when the genitals were first
viewed, such as, underwear, or something associatively linkable to the
experience (e.g. fur, which could be symbolic of pubic hair).
In some cases kleptomania has been considered a fetish. Many fetishists
develop a compulsive urge to obtain their cherished articles by an .....
Sexual Harassment: For Sex Or Money?
.... To tell a little boy that it is amoral to kiss anyone on the cheek is
wrong. To punish him for it shows a situation that has gone completely out of
control. The boy did not even know what sex was, much less how to harass
someone with it! If it takes these extreme measures to keep harassment out of
the workplace then maybe we should abolish the workplace too.
A case that clearly does show sexual harassment is Bob Packwood.
Packwood used his position and power to take sexual favors from women. He
forced his attention on women in his staff who had no choice but to accept him
or quit their jobs. Packwood's actions .....
Gender Stereotypes
.... serious subjects such as parenthood. Concerned with being good parents,
people are accumulating a lot of information on the subject. As the information
can be very helpful, sometimes it can be destructive. That is the case when it
comes to the problem of "tomboys" and "sissies." What are these two terms used
for? The term "tomboy" is used when referring to a girl who is masculine, and
the term "sissy" is used when referring to a boy who is feminine. We need to
state what we consider feminine and what is masculine. According to the
established sense in the society, femininity and masculinity are tightly bound
to gender. Men ar .....
Same Sex Parents
.... might argue that the child
would be lacking the father in a lesbian couple and a mother in a gay couple.
Sure, little Joey might not have a male role-model around the house, but all the
kids raised by single mothers seem to be okay. Children who lose a parent and
are raised in single parent households are not harmed. Or are they? If they
are, they are affected in just the same way as children raised by gay and
lesbian couples —that is, couples who are lacking a male or female role model.
Children raised with parents of the same sex develop positive tolerances.
They tend to have more positive outlooks, and have a degree .....
.... law's definition. In Georgia, incest is defined as any sexual intercourse
between known relatives, by blood or by marriage, (meaning a step-parent and
step-child.) Incest laws basically exist to prohibit marriage or inbreeding
between family members, and the sentences are almost never carried out. (Kosof,
pg 53) So incest is stated as wrong, but not enforced. The Bible states that
incest is wrong, just as the law does. ACursed be he who has relations with his
father's wife... Cursed be he who has relations with his sister or half-sister!"
(Deu 27:20,22.) Therefore, the definition can be altered to fit the needs of the
definer. The .....
The Influence Of Parents On Their Children's Sexual Orientation
.... certain types of behavior, either homo- or heterosexual
(Bailey 125-126).
Some say that hormones affect the sexuality of children, which may be
inherited from the parents. For example, an anatomical difference in the
hypothalamus of homosexual men has recently been identified, but the reason for
this difference is still unknown (Golombok 4). Sex hormones are seen by some as
the likely factor in the development of sexual orientation because sex hormone
action underlines sexual differentiation and the development of secondary sex
characteristics. Studies of the association of sex hormone levels during
adolescence and adulthood h .....
.... contact with the other person and showing that you are the kind of person
worth talking to. Our relationship was initiated as soon as I was brought into
this world and facilitated by the fact that we were brother and sister. The
next step is experimenting which is deciding whether we want to pursue a
relationship further by using small talk and the like. Since I was unable to
talk at the time, my sister and I dismissed this step. Next comes the step of
intensifying when the expression of feelings become more common. This came
quite naturally to the two of us. People were always asking my sister to show
how much she loved m .....
Legislating Sexuality
.... Although African Americans gained suffrage through the fifteenth amendment
in 1870 (Cooke, 151), it was not until the passing of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 that they were actually freed from discrimination by the government(Cooke,
150). Why is it then that in today's modern American society, an institution
that prides itself on being "the home of the free and the land of the brave", a
vast number of Americans are hiding beneath a shroud of ignorance when it comes
to the issue of homosexuality? It seems that the gay community is being
attacked out of fear and intolerance with this new bill, the same vices that
threatened Afr .....
Love In Today's Society
.... ago.
My sources run the gamut of ideas in the subject of love. I think
Auden's poem is the best representation of what has been termed “courtly love.”
This seems logical, since this Romantic Era type of love was a pre-cursor to
what we know as modern love. The author takes the troubadour role in his
crooning style of praising his love's qualities. He idealizes his mate and is
satisfied just being in the same room as she. There are not any ulterior motives
evident. Auden would be categorized as a “heavenly lover,” in that his love is
more lofty and sacred. There is definite contrast to this idealism .....
Men And Women
.... has his own identity and personality.
Everyone feels, acts, thinks, and dreams differently. People may have some of
these things in common with one another, but they will not be totally the same,
it is like a fingerprint, unique.
There are many origins to a person's identity, their family, friends,
home life, religion, environment and others. But how does it get there, you do
not go into a store and pick on off the shelf. A person's identity is
developed over many years and put together by the person themselves. It comes
from the individuals ability to think, reason and form an opinion. Nobody has
the same mind, .....