Welfare Reform
.... that certain changes should be made to our welfare policy.
Instead of just offering money to its recipients, the government also
offers job opportunities and training for these people on welfare. The
main goal of the welfare program is to get people off of welfare and into
jobs. The welfare program is meant to be only temporary.
Under the welfare reform bill of 1996, Bill Clinton added many
limitations on America’s welfare policy. The president’s plan proposes a
two-year lifetime limit on welfare for most recipients. Work requirements
and welfare time limits are two of the current changes to America’s
welfare system. .....
Immigration And Population In America
.... accounted for fifteen percent.
Germany made up seven percent, Dutch three, and French two percent. The
ethnic diversity of the United States was obvious. (222)
In 1790, many Americans became worried that the many different
groups of people would “fracture the nation.... Thomas Jefferson worried
that immigrants from monarchical countries, untutored in the ways of
democracy would ‘warp and bias’ the direction of American political
development. Reflecting such fears, the nations first Naturalization
Act...required a residency period of five years...before immigrants could
apply for citizenship, and limited applications to ‘f .....
.... and take them to the Caribbean, and then take the crops and goods
and bring them back to Europe. The African people, in order to communicate
invented a language that was a mixture of all the African languages
combined, called Creole. This language now varies from island to island.
They also kept their culture which accounts for calypso music and the
instruments used in these songs.
Slavery was common all over the world until 1794 when France signed
the Act of the National Convention abolishing slavery. It would take
America about a hundred years to do the same (Slavery Two; Milton Meltzer).
George Washington was America's .....
Negative Effects Of Television On Today’s Youth
.... at the University of Pennsylvania, children who watched a
violent program instead of a nonviolent one were slower to see help when
they witnessed acts of violence (Goodwyn 164).
In another study at Pennsylvania State University, about 100
preschool children were observed both before and after watching television.
Some watched cartoons that contained aggressive and violent acts, while
others watched programs that didn’t show any kinds of violence. The
researchers noticed several differences between the kids that watched the
violent shows and those who watched nonviolent shows (Kalin n.p.g.).
“Children who watch the violent .....
Working Mothers
.... has enriched
both sexes. Today’s women are entitled to be apart of the life their
mothers had to fight to live. Jennifer Wedberg states, “Life is more
complex now, you have to figure out what to do with your life, be a
housewife or a working woman.” A woman’s personal identity includes a job
or career. According to Christopher Moeller, “More people should value
equality and people wanting self-esteem, which is what a job sometimes
gives a woman.” James Lindow stays at home with the children while his
wife works and he claims it doesn’t bother him. But according to surveys,
two out of three men and women feel they can’t live .....
Straight-Edge: What It Is And What It Isn't
.... of the philosophies that a straight-edge
person believes in. There have been theories that an earlier punk band,
called the Teen Idols (which included Ian MacKaye and the drummer from
Minor Threat*), started the ideology of straight-edge, but the term was not
used until MacKaye wrote and published the song. Minor Threat have since
disbanded, but hardcore fans everywhere still follow the words of the song.
(MacKaye later joined up with the punk band Fugazi and is tragically no
longer straight-edge.)
The symbol of straight-edge, the X, which is commonly seen on
straight-edge apparel and painted in black ink, started a long ti .....
.... could only fit in with the Hippie population. "Under 25
became a magical age, and young people all over the world were united by
this bond" (Harris 15). This bond was of Non-conformity and it was the
"Creed of the Young" (Harris 15). Most Hippies came from wealthy middle
class families. Some people said that they were spoiled and wasting their
lives away. But to Hippies themselves this was a way of life and no one
was going to get in the way of their dreams and ambitions.
Hippies flocked to a certain area of San Francisco on the corner of Haight
Street and Ashbury Street, where the world got their first view of this
unique grou .....
.... throughout. With a higher white population there will probably be more
white community leaders, government officials .There will be more whites in
the workforce .
The total black persons was 2,805,115 vs.blacks in rural 53,940 . I
would deduce that more jobs for blacks in less rural areas . I think that
this shows that if you are living in a rural area and black that you would
be less likely to have the want stay in your rural community if the urban
area offers you higher paying job in the city.
Total whites 10,653,051 vs.total rural whites is 2,732,204. This
could offer the idea that if you are white and not in a rural are .....
Child Abuse
.... suggests that this
figure may be higher. F thermore, children are likely to be at greater risk
of physical abuse by mothers who are being physically abused by a spouse
than children living in families where violence is absent. Here are some of
the factors that tell why parents hit their children : 1) Substance abuse
(Alcohol and other drugs) 2) Poor self image 3) Distrust in others 4) Low
impulse control 5) Unrealistic expectations of children 6) Limited or
incorrect knowledge of child development 7) A negative view of children 8)
Fear of spoiling of children When a woman is threatened or assultated by a
man this is called spousal .....
Cultural Differences Between Americans And Spaniards
.... ending at 9:00 pm.. The idea behind Siesta is to escape the torturous
Spanish summer heat during the hottest part of the day. That made
perfectly good sense to me, because I was very reluctant to step foot out
of an air conditioned space during those hot summer days in Spain.
Among Spaniards and Americans alike, I’ve also realized another
important fact; the body’s natural desire to shutdown after the noon meal.
It wouldn’t be unbelievable to assume that a normal body function and
Spain’s oppressive heat coupled together created a sound basis for normal
everyday life. Our American west is no different; from 10:00am- 2:00pm
du .....
Road Rage
.... we are in a car?
Second of all you want to use your change lanes signal whenever you
are about to do so. That could trigger most people if they get cut off,
you want to give the person or persons in the other lanes as much time as
possible to anticipate you moving in front of them.
Next, if you see someone that is tailgating you in your mirror
move the right lane, if you are in the fast lane, so that they can pass you
and you are not going to get hit by the person, and also do not tailgate
others. Ninety percent of all accidents occuring from the rear end of the
cars are because someone is following another car to closely. It .....
.... beginning. It was
formed from some veterans from the confederate army and was first called
the Kuklos Clan which, in Greek, meant Circle Clan. One person thought it
would be a good idea to call it the "Ku Klux Klan" as a parody of the
fraternity names which always had three Greek alphabet letters in it. They
created the Clan to be mischievous and to do it without anyone knowing who
they were which accounts for their costumes and masks. They, like most
whites, were upset that the black people were free because black people
were a constant reminder of the bitter defeat of the South. So to have fun
they terrorized black people. Even .....