CODEINE (C18 H2, NO3 H3PO4 1/2 H2O)
.... in the intestinal
wall. There are possible adverse effects. The most frequently observed adverse
reactions include lightheadedness, dizziness, sedation, nausea, vomiting, and
sweating. These effects seem to be more prominent in ambulatory patients and in
those who are not suffering severe pain. Other adverse reactions include the
following: (1) Central Nervous System- Euphoria, dysphoria, weakness, headache,
insomnia, agitation, disorientation, and visual disturbances. (2)
Gastrointestinal- Dry mouth, anorexia, constipation, and biliary tract spasm.
(3) Cardiovascular- Flushing of the face, abnormally slow heartbeat, fai .....
Robert Wright's Article "The Evolution Of Despair"
.... feelings that Wright
describes. And with the pronoun ‘we' Wright tells his readers, ‘Yes, I
have been through the same things.' This sort of statement is like a token
of good will. The readers feel that Wright understands their plight and
thus are more likely to listen to what he has to say.
With this trust established, Wright moves on to the task of
building confidence in his readers. He lives up to his title of science
writer by providing various statistics ("As of 1993, 37% of Americans felt
they could trust most people, down from 58% in 1960" (4).) and reporting
the findings of numerous professors and scientists ( .....
The Study Of Akali Metal Contamination In Road Side Soil
.... Six surface soil samples were collected at the intersection of
Cold Spring Lane and the exit ramp of Interstate 83, in northwest Baltimore city.
These samples were collected at distances from the roadway of 0m, 2m, 4m, 6m,
10m, and 20m. These samples were dried in a convection oven at 110°C for over 24
hours then crushed. Aliquots of approximately one gram were weighed and then
extracted with 10.0 mL of 1M ammonium acetate. The extract was filtered with an
inline filter disc with a pore size of 5mm and then diluted to 100.0 mL.
Instrumental: The extracts were analyzed for Ca, Na, and Mg using a Varian model
AA-3 flame atomizati .....
Radioactive Wastes
.... the same equipment: evaporation of the waste
solution mixed with the additives necesary for the production of borosilicate
glass, calcination and elaboration of the glass. These operations are carried
out in a metallic pot that is heated in an induction furnace. The vitrification
of one load of wastes comprises of the following stages. The first step is
'Feeding'. In this step the vitrification receives a constant flow of mixture of
wastes and of additives until it is 80% full of calcine. The feeding rate and
heating power are adjusted so that an aqueous phase of several litres is
permanently maintained at the surface of the po .....
.... to be always in danger in copper mines. Today, we have reduced a fair
amount of these hazards. Miners wear hats made of iron or very hard plastic.
This is to protect them from falling rocks. Lamps are also attached to these
helmets in case some of the lighting in the mine goes out leaving a miner
stranded in the dark. One of the biggest problems with mining is that in some
places dangerous gas’s may exist, like Carbon Monoxide. In the past we had very
cruel and inhuman ways to detect harmful gases. One of these ways was the use of
canaries. Miners would let them fly into a part of the mine where a poison gas
was suspected. If there .....
.... number of moles of O2 that were present in
our sample of KClO4 was .06 moles. 1.9g ¸ 32g/mole = .06 moles 3. The number of
moles of O2 lost is .02 moles. 1.7g ¸ 32g/mol = .05 moles 4. KClO4 à KCl + 202
4.0g ¸ 138.6g/mol = .03 moles ´ 202 ¸ KClO4 = .06 moles ´ 32g = 1.9g 5 Percent
Yield: 89% O2 lost 1.7g ¸ O2 Expected 1.9g
Determination Of An Unknown Amino Acid From Titration
.... reacted with HCl, the resulting amino
acid would be glycine hydrochloride (see fig. 2). Glycine hydrochloride is an
example of an acidic salt form of the amino acid. Likewise, if NaOH were added,
the resulting amino acid would be sodium glycinate (see fig. 3), an example of a
basic salt form.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Due to the nature of amino acids, a titration curve can be employed to identify
an unknown amino acid. A titration curve is the plot of the pH versus the volume
of titrant used. In the case of amino acids, the titrant will be both an acid
and a base. The acid is a useful tool because it is able to add a proton to the .....
Determining The Ratio Of Circumference To Diameter Of A Circle
.... ratio times 100. For example, if I took
the error of the experimental ratio for the paper towels, which was 0.12. I took
that and divided it by the accepted ratio giving me .03821651. Then I multiplied
that by 100 giving me about 3.14. Using these steps I found the percentage error
for all of the objects measured.
The next step was to graph the results. I was able to do this very
easily with spreadsheet. I typed in all of my data and the computer gave me a
nice scatter block graph. I also made a graph by hand. I set up the scale by
taking the number of blocks up the side of my graph and dividing them by the
number of blocks acr .....
The Discovery Of The Electron
.... is completely stable. Electrons contribute
the bulk to ordinary matter; the volume of an atom is nearly all occupied by the
cloud of elec trons surrounding the nucleus, which occupies only about 10^-13 of
the atom's volume. The chemical properties of ordinary matter are determined by
the electron cloud.
The electron obeys the Fermi-Dirac statistics, and for this reason is
often called a fermion. One of the primary attributes of matter, impenetrability,
results from the fact that the elec tron, being a fermion, obeys the Pauli
exclusion principle.
The electron is the lightest of a family of elementary particles, the
leptons. The .....
.... and guanine, are double-ringed purine compounds. The others, cytosine
and thymine, are single-ringed pyrimidine compounds. (Miller, 141) Four types of
DNA nucleotides can be formed, depending on which nitrogenous base is involved.
The phosphate group of each nucleotide bonds with a carbon from the deoxyribose.
This forms what is called a polynucleotide chain. James D. Watson and Francis
Crick proved that most DNA consists of two polynucleotide chains that are
twisted together into a coil, forming a double helix. Watson and Crick also
discovered that in a double helix, the pairing between bases of the two chains
is highly specif .....
Do Cleaning Chemicals Clean As Well After They Have Been Frozen
.... and after the substances were frozen. The first test set would
focus on unfrozen chemicals, while the second was set up for previously frozen
The Test:
To start the experiment the researcher fried four pieces of bacon until
there was enough grease in the skillet to perform the test. He then put a
quarter teaspoon of the grease onto two nine by thirteen casserole dishes. Each
casserole dish was set up for three frozen and three unfrozen chemical cleaners.
A measured amount of cleaner (both frozen and unfrozen) was added to each spot
of grease. After approximately two minutes of breaking down the grease, the
dishes we .....
Ethical Procedures And Guidelines Defining Psychological Research
.... to animal research. The last major section of the
ASA ethical guidelines has to do with giving credit where credit is due, and
information sources. All of these regulations make research safer for the
subjects and increase the effectively of psychological research.
In psychological research, protecting subjects dignity is very important.
Without willing subjects the research process would be brought to a halt. In
order to protect the subjects' dignity, the lab experiments must be well
prepared, and ethically appropriate. Only subjects who are targeted should be
affected, and if a large number of people are to be affecte .....