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Why Does Man Create Anyway?

.... to active, or a little of both. Once I visited a different church with a friend and I found it incredibly hard to accept the way born again christians prayed so freely and openly compared to quiet contemplation, in a contemplative cloistered monastery with Benedictine Nuns. I questioned how one could really pray with so much yelling, crying and loud music, especially when I was so use to Gregorian chant or complete silence. The way that born again christians pray would not have been accepted as it is today. Art brings peace, happiness, and joy to us, whether it is visual art, music, yoga etc. It enhances individuality an .....

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.... all the Christian denominations practice Baptism, they disagree on when they should do so. ROMAN CATHOLIC, EPISCOPALIAN, LUTHERAN, PRESBYTERIAN, REFORMED, and METHODIST churches baptize both infants and adult converts. Baptism is prior to Confirmation, which typically occurs between the ages of 12 and 16. In the REFORMED CHURCH, Confirmation is optional and very flexible. The ORTHODOX CATHOLICS, NAZARENES, WESLEYANS, BAPTISTS, ADVENTISTS, and members of the CHURCH OF CHRIST, FULL GOSPEL CHURCH, ASSEMBLY OF GOD, and UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH believe in Baptism of believers only who have made a personal confession of faith. Both EPI .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1460 | Number of pages: 6

The Holy Bible And Its History

.... scribes called the Masoretes carefully transmitted it from copy to copy preserving and handing down their writings. Several of those "Masoretes" manuscripts still exist. Some of the more important ones are listed below: The Cairo Codex of the Prophets (AD 895) Containing the Prophets The British Museum Codex Oriental 4445 (ninth or tenth century), containing a large portion of the Pentateuch. The Leningrad Codex of the Prophets (AD 916) Containing the Major Prophets. The Leningrad Codex (AD 1008-1009) The complete Old Testament text. The Aleppo Codex (AD 900-925) Originally containing the entire Old Testament text b .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 4094 | Number of pages: 15

The Hindu And Muslim Religions

.... were written to give the priests instructions as how to perform the rituals (Halverson 87-88). Dean C. Halverson quotes: According to Hindu tradition, Ishvarn became known to humanity through Trimurti (literally, “three manifestations”) of Brohman. Those manifestations include Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver), and Siva (the Destroyer). Each of the three deities has at least one devi, or divine spouse... Ishvara became personified even further through the ten mythical incarnations of Vishnu, called avatars. The forms of these incarnations include that of animals (for example, a fish, tortoi .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 4096 | Number of pages: 15

Thomas Aquinas And The Existence Of God

.... is in the state of actuality), to potentially become a pile of ashes something in the actual state (like a flame), has to cause the house to move from being actually a house and potentially a pile of ashes to actually a pile or ashes. In his third step Aquinas says, “Now it is not possible that the same thing should be at once in actuality and potentiality in the same respect.” He means that something cannot be in both the actual state and the potential state at the same time. For example, a house cannot be actually a house and actually a pile of ashes at the same time, but it can be actually a house and potentially a pile of a .....

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Buddhism, Hinduism, And Christianity

.... Hindu people believed the action of the people in their life were rewarded or punished in their next life. The Social affect this religion had on its people was that the caste system and its believes provided an organized society in which people believed social mobility comes only through reincarnation. Christianity believes that there is only one true God, Jesus, the Son of God and redeemer of human kind. They also believed in the Ten Commandments which were the love of God and thy neighbor, preaching of brotherhood and equality which attracted the support of poor slaves, and the refusal to worship the emperor. This effected the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 402 | Number of pages: 2

Comparing The Sermon On The Mount And The Sermon On The Plain

.... had your time of happiness. Alas for you who are well fed now; you will go hungry. Alas for you who laugh now; you will mourn and weep. Alas for you when all speak well of you; that is how their fathers treated the false prophets” (Lk. 6:24-36 Ox.). Following Luke’s account of the sermon, the law of love proceeds the beatitudes. God’s commands concerning love are given for application in our lives (Lk. 6:27-36 Ox.). Loving your enemies is a powerful command of the Lord. When the Lord uses the phrase “love your enemies,” He does not mean to have a good feeling towards them but rather do good to them (Elwell, 814). Both acco .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1610 | Number of pages: 6

Puritanism During The Salem Witch Trials

.... groups, the Puritans, came in the hope of founding an order composed of pure and untainted Christians. Even today many immigrants, both legal and illegal, come to the United States with the hope of escaping the oppression found in many parts of the world. Puritanism as a whole was a society of strict, exclusive, conformists who believed they had a predestined path in life. Puritans had a drab, simple way of life with no vain enjoyment. They were very self-righteous, did not believe in leisure, rest or fun, had an intense work ethic and high moral standards. If an act was pleasuring it was of the devil, therefore such harmful .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 610 | Number of pages: 3

Christian Love And Community

.... who violate the personhood of others, especially if this is done persistently as a habit must pay the ultimate penalty. This punishment must be inflicted for the sake of maintaining the community whose foundation has been violated. We can debate whether some non-lethal alternative is a fitting substitute for the death penalty. But the standard of judgment is whether the punishment fits the crime and sufficiently honors the nature of moral community. LOVE AND AN IDEAL SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY Agape, Christian love, is unconditional. It does not depend on the worthiness or merit of those to whom it is directed. It is persistent i .....

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Episcopalianism / Anglicanism

.... not allowed to leave until years later when he became pope. He then chose his friend, Augustine, a monk, to be the one to go to England. Augustine and his group met the King of Kent and were allowed to make converts. Eventually, the King even allowed himself to be baptized, and Kent became an independent branch of the Catholic Church (Stendahll 332-335). After Augustine's death, evil times came upon the church. The King died and his son relapsed for a time into heathenism. But, the missionary effort was eventually successful and the papacy was at the full height of influence by the end of the thirteenth century when the co .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 3441 | Number of pages: 13

The Existence Of God

.... being can be conceived. Hence it is false that God exists in the understanding but not in reality. This is evident from all of the previous statements. By granting the fool's statement as true he's setting up the fool to contradict himself. He then leads the fool to a statement that he cannot deny. He says that the existence in reality would be greater than the existence in understanding alone. This statement cannot be denied because through reason there are more advantages in reality than only existing in understanding. He then moves along the same line to get the fool to agree that it is possible to conceive that a b .....

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.... condemnation to convey his messages. He used these forms of writing because he needed to shock the people into attention. Trito-Isaiah’s life and ministry comes to the central message that all human activity motivated by the fear of anything but God is contrary to faith and will almost always lead the faithful astray (Who’s who in the Bible 169). An outstanding characteristic of Trito-Isaiah’s message occurs in his repeated and deceptively simple concern: Do not fear! (Who’s who in the Bible 169) The prophet condemned all efforts to defend the kingdom through alliances with enemies, to compromise faith in the Lord, and to rely .....

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