The Increasing Application Of Scientific Management Principles Of Work Organisations To Services Is, Despite Its Limitations, Inevitable And
.... development of the best work method, via systematic
observation, measurement and analysis; (2) the scientific selection and
development of workers; (3) the relating and bringing together of the best work
method and the developed and trained worker; (4) the co-operation of managers
and non-managers which includes the division of work and the managers
responsibility of work.
From this five key facets have evolved that lie at the foundation of scientific
management. Hales (1994) has summarised these as follows:
- systematic standardised work methods via mechanisation and standard
- a clean functional division between manage .....
The Question Of Equality
.... one bold
The trouble with this formulation, however, is that the dictator-
proletariat is itself dictated upon by an all-powerful Party, while even among
the poor there is a hierarchy of classes, beginning with the "advanced"
proletariat, followed by the peasantry, the intellectuals and the petite
bourgeoise. Moreover, there is a contemptible class, the lumpenproletariat, a
term reserved for "the scum of the earth."
Stated, therefore, in Marxist-Jacobinist terms, the rebellion of the
poor is self-contradictory: it is unable to approximate the egalitarian idea.
The reason for this lies in the heart of Marxism itself .....
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right?
.... the death penalty. Orwell writes "It is curious; but till that
moment I had never realized what it means to destroy a healthy, conscious man.
When I saw the prisoner step aside to avoid the puddle, I saw the mystery, the
unspeakable wrongness, of cutting a life short when it is in full tide. This
man was not dying, he was alive just as we are alive." In this quote Orwell
brings out the emotion of knowing that what is being executed may seem like a
monster, but the fact remains that the prisoner is still a human being. Orwell
also brings out the point that when we were a society that conducted hangings,
the executioner would .....
Adolescent Case Study
.... of depression and a significant drinking problem. Presently
she is in good overall physical health.
E. Most of the family's interest revolves around the subject's
athletic activities such as baseball and church related activities such as Sunday
services and youth centered groups.
F. The family attends a full gospel, nondenominational church on a
regular basis. Their political views are primarily democratic.
G. The family is of Italian descent and somewhat antisocial. They
rarely see anyone on a personal basis and have no close personal friends.
III. History of the Case
A. The subject is approximately 5'5" tall, lo .....
Definition Of "Power"
.... the NBA, Dennis Rodman took this struggle to an extreme. In disagreement with
an official's call, Rodman head-butted the official, and through a temper-
tantrum on his way off the court. Quite obviously, this is bad. Every player
in the league agrees to the rules set by the NBA from the beginning. The rules
are made to keep control, and the officials have power to enforce these rules.
If there were no regulations, players would be doing whatever they wanted
whenever they wanted. If Rodman's antics would have taken place somewhere other
than a basketball court he probably would be in trouble with the law. If he
were .....
The Greenwich Association For Retarded Citizens (G.A.R.C.) Of Greenwich High
.... pizza frequently because it seems to be the group consensus on what we would
all like to eat. During the holidays we celebrate in interesting ways; on
Halloween we have a party where every one gets dressed and brings candy. For
the Christmas season we are going to celebrate with a party at a members house
and listen to Christmas carols, and have dinner. We have had bake sales and
have sold candy in order to raise money for the clubs activities. These are
usually a success because every one participates and we all seem to function
well as a group. When there are dances or football games at school we each take
one of the .....
Lowell Police
.... where I had the chance to ask them a few questions.
1. What made you want to become a cop?
2. How do you feel about kids and our constant drug problem?
3. Do you think certain laws should apply to certain situations?
4. Do you feel you are making a significant contribution to society?
5. What's the number one crime you constantly encounter?
Bob became a cop because it was a family thing. William became a cop
because he thought he could make a difference, and he lost a brother so I didn't
push the subject any further. As for drugs, both agreed that they enforce no
drugs to the letter of the la .....
Ethics And Engineering
.... over this bridge, an engineer must also
consider if it is possible to truly make this bridge safe within the allotted
budget. He must not think purely of the technical aspects of the bridge making,
but of the human side. Statements like "Is it safe?" should be replaced by "Is
the bridge safe enough?" Whenever one's work involves the public, one must be
concerned for the public's health and safety.
Professionals today must make judgement calls that were never required
of them before. They must decide whether what is good for science and
technology is good for humanity. There must be a certain responsibility to an
expert for .....
Historical Analogies Have A Great And Significant Value To Everyone
.... to the Croats. Hundreds of thousands died during Hitler's evil rage and now
with Sudan Hussein practicing the same methods, action should be taken.
I think historical analogy is very important and serves a great value.
With historical analogy we can see positive and negative consequences from past
events and could use these results to avoid certain situations. As said before, “
The future has no place to come from but the past, hence the past has predictive
Sharing Leadership
.... is going rock climbing and the Patrol leader is an expert, which
leader would be best to lead the group?
-If the patrol must decide on a design for a new patrol flag, which leader
would be best to lead the group?
-If the Patrol leader needs to decide on a campsite for his patrol at summer
camp and he gets knows that he may not get his first choice, which leader would
be best to lead the group?
-Is there one leader that is best for all situations?
-Does a good leader have a combination of all of these styles?
-Now that we have a general idea of leadership styles, we can examine each more
closely. Remember that differen .....
POW #12: The Big Knight Switch
.... sections and
proceeded to attempt to solve the problem. I calculated it to take each piece a
minimal of four moves to reach the other side of the board so I instantly knew I
would require 16 boxes for my diagram. But rather then going through that
process, I decided to take a much easier one, that being by simply drawing a 3x3
chess board with the chess pieces. After completing it, I began by simply
plotting the points and attempting to figure out the process through which I
would go through to solve this POW. I was quickly amazed when I found the answer
only minutes after originally starting. I re-tracked my steps and ma .....
Queen Mab's Speech
.... church appointment. Sometimes she gallops over a soliders neck, he
then dreams of cutting foreigh thoats, give farthoms deep. Then she drums in his
ear, at when he wakes up frightened and says a prayer or two. Then falls back
asleep. This is the same Queen Mab that knots the horses mane at night. That
mats and cakes the tangles in your hair, said to be put their by elves, once
untangled, misfortune will occur. This is the burden of all virgins, when
ladies lie on their backs she makes them learn how to bear children. This she
is ....