.... the
basic reason why someone would want to spend a week or so crammed into a stuffy
container or other similarly uncomfortable accommodations in order to get from
wherever they are to somewhere else. It isn't because they just didn't have the
money for a plane ticket, but it is the fact that they are being lured by the
prospect of a better life. They are willing to leave their homelands and endure
uncertain conditions in order to get there.
There is, of course, the possibility of applying to another country, such as the
United States or any other world economic superpower, for admission as an
immigrant. This is a very long and .....
The Micmac V.S. The Iroquois
.... Micmac government was three-tiered, with local, district, and
national chiefs, or ‘Sagamores'. Each settlement's council of elders chose a
local chief. The chief was the focus of power in the settlement. The local chief
attained position through both hereditary right and meritorious behavior. The
oldest son of a dead chief was usually given first consideration as a successor.
If he was found unfit for office, despite special training, others in family
and/or others in the community were considered. These chiefs usually had two
assistants or captains. These were called second and third watchers. They would
assume command from a si .....
The Paradox Of Community
.... litigation, a norm of aversion towards this legal discourse
is evident throughout the majority of the community. Those who enforce personal
injury claims are viewed by fellow residents as greedy, selfish, and “quick to
sue.” Litigation is portrayed as weakening the collective values personified in
the law as a means of turning the law against the community to make an “easy
buck” (144). Even highly respected members of the community are criticized for
making personal injury claims. For example, a minister filed a suit after
slipping and falling at a school. A local observer commented by saying there
are “a lot of people who ar .....
Ship's Main Engine Lube Oil System
.... are used. Lube oil systems are equipped with a wide variety of
strainers. It is important to operate these strainers at all times to prevent
clogging. Aboard our ship, we have Hayward Plug-type Duplex Basket Strainers.
All of these types of strainers are one way. The liquid to be strained enters
to the top and filters through the bottom.
Both strainers and filters clean lube oil using a similar process. The
components of the strainer element, also known as a basket, consists of a spring,
a pleated perforated screen, and a handle. There is a metal to metal seal
between the basket and the inlet port. The cover of the st .....
Mythology: Important Part Of History
.... a
way I am responsible for the Trojan War. One day Discord threw an apple on to
Olympus to be given to the most beautiful goddess. Hera, Athene, and I all
tried to claim the title. Each of us tried to persaude the judge, Paris, in our
favor. Hera told him he would be a powerful ruler, Athene promised him that he
would receive great military fame, and I guaranteed him Helen of Troy's hand in
marriage. He then declared me the fairest of all, and abducted Helen of Troy
thus beginning the Trojan War. I have also inspired many paintings,
sculptures, and poetry. The most famous painting featuring me is the Birth of
Venus. It .....
.... long ago, when this old world was a very young place, and when the few
people there were had just begun to live together in groups for their own
protection, the great gods selected the places for humans to build the cities.
They looked down upon the earth, through the clouds that shrouded their home on
the very peak of the high mountain called Olympus, and they chose the sites they
thought would provide everything mortals needed to live and prosper. Now, each
god and goddess was eager to have a great city built in his or her honor, and so
the prime locations-the very best places for the great cities to be built c .....
Atlantis: We Will Never Know
.... to invade all of
Europe and Asia the Athenians, on behalf of all Greeks, defeated the Atlanteans
to avoid enslavement. (4)
The works of Plato opened the floodgates to endless speculation on
whether the continent described was fact or fiction. Atlantis has since been
placed in Spain, Mongolia, Palestine, Nigeria, the Netherlands, Brazil, Sweden,
Greenland and Yucatan. Every nook and cranny of the globe has been hypothesized;
mountain peaks, desert lands, the ocean floor and even the barren wasteland of
Antarctica have been mentioned in theories. (5)
While some of these theories are compatible with Plato's w .....
Being A Hero
.... price, though; he must endure the things heroes endure to become what
they are. Despite his accomplishments and the glory associated with his life,
Aeneas only achieves the status of hero through divine intervention, and this
god-given position causes him just as much grief as it does splendor.
Aeneas is the son of Venus. This fact alone brings about much of the
hero in him. Venus, a concerned mother, always looks out for her son. She does
everything she thinks will help to ensure his safety and success. At the
beginning of his journey from Troy, she prevents his death at sea. Juno has
persuaded King Aeolus to cause vicious .....
Contrasting Apollo & Dionysus
.... heal the sick and
the dying, because he is associated with medicine, probably because of his vast
Dionysus, on the other hand, represents the Play side of life. He is the
god of emotions, the god of wine, and also the god of fertility. Some things
attributed to Dionysus are the dithyrambs, or choral hymns, sung for him but the
people. This was how they praised him. Drama is also directly associated with
him. Being the god of wine and the god of fertility led to some very strange
things in situations where Dionysus prevailed over Apollo. Many drunken orgies
took place during this time.
The Dionysion followers migh .....
The Cyclops: An Unusual People
.... They forged thunderbolts for Zeus because he freed them (Schmidt
74). A war was in the midst so the Cyclopes made armor and weapons for the gods
of Olympus (Evslin 39). Even though the Cyclopes performed all of these good
deeds the people still disliked them so much that they were forced to return to
their smithy in the middle of a volcano for eternity (71). The Cyclopes lives
were filled with helpfulness to others, but they were still shunned and hated.
The Cyclopes were basically good people, but there were other Cyclopes.
Homer wrote of Cyclopes that were extremely bad. They were downright savage
shepherds (Schmidt 74). T .....
Mythology: Dionysus And Semele
.... He ordered his
soldiers to imprison the visitors, but he had no idea that Dionysus was a new
The soldiers tried to imprison the maidens but said that the doors
unbarred themselves. Pentheus was furious. He ordered his soldiers to imprison
Dionysus but the prison could not hold him. Dionysis tried to show that the
wonders of this new worship of a new and great god was divine but when Pentheus
only heaped insults and threats upon him, Dionysus left him to his
doom.(Hamilton 71)
When Pentheus went to pursue the maidens that had escaped his prison,
many Theban women joined him, and that is when Dionysis made them mad and th .....
.... their knights by preparing their armor and weaponry.
During some of the jousting scenes squires retrieve jousts and pass them over to
their knights, but never really assist in combat. Just from the experience and
duties as a squire, it is typical that a young squire may eventually become a
knight. However, in the movie during an Easter afternoon the knights are
jousting for the right to attempt to draw the sword from the stone, and young
Arthur forgets his brother's sword. So young Arthur runs back to the camp to
retrieve it and finds it has been stolen. He chases after the peasant thief
into the woods but the thief gets away. .....