.... or some of the times Discoid lupus will progress
into systemic Lupus. For some people, it only the joints and skin. In
others, the joints, blood, kidneys, lungs or other organs or tissues can be
affected. Last of all, Drug-induced Lupus, which occurs after taking some
certain prescribed drugs. Many of the symptoms of drug-induced only four
percent of people who take hydralazine or procainamide will develop the
Life as a teen living with Lupus would be difficult. Living with
the embarrassment of the butterfly rash all over the face. Facing the
torture and teasing of the cruel kids. Sports would not be an opti .....
The Need For Sleep
.... same as if you were awake. You're in the dreaming stage, which occurs
several times across the course of the night.
Now, what happens when we're deprived of the restful sleep we need?
We're less alert and attentive, more inclined to irritability and other
mood problems. These emotional changes can cause our relationships with
people to be difficult. Our concentration and judgment suffer, our ability
to perform even simple tasks declines, and our productivity is sabotaged.
Sleeplessness, whether it's the result of a sleep disorder or an
overextended lifestyle, invites diminished quality of life and
deteriorating health. .....
The History Of Birth Control
.... want to know).
Pessaries are vaginal suppositories. Used from ancient times to the
present, they can be a fairly effective form of birth control. In ancient
times, pessaries often contained acacia gum, which, while having some
possible spermacidal effect, very likely sealed up the cervix, making it
impossible for the sperm to pass through. This would make pessaries with
acacia gum more of a barrier than a spermacidal or contraceptive form of
birth control, but in the past they were not considered barriers. The
Kahun Papyrus, the oldest written document referring to birth control
measures that has been found to date, refers to a .....
Needle Exchange Programs
.... street exchanges by outreach workers, and scheduled mobile van
stops at designated streets such as AHOPE (Addicts Health Opportunity and
Exchange located in Boston). In addition to providing needles, the programs
distribute alcohol swabs, medicative ointments, vials of bleach,
instructions in the use of condoms and other safer-sex measures, and also
refer thousands of injection drug users to drug abuse treatment programs.
(Knox A1)These products are distributed for free, in hope of decreasing the
amount of HIV/AIDS cases.
Needle exchange programs reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. As the use
of needle exchange increases, the u .....
Culture From Cranium
.... based on the radical religious beliefs, and biblical interpretations of
John Humphrey Noyes.
Noyes grew up in a well to do household in Vermont. He Graduated
from Dartmouth College in 1830 with high honors. Up to that point he had
been cynically agnostic. But in 1831 he attended a revival with his mother
lead by Charles Finney, the leader of a large religious movement in the
northeast. Deeply moved he decided to enter the ministry. Noyes attended
the Andover Theological Seminary and Yale Divinity School. It was at Yale
that he started developing his controversial views, which then prevented
him from being ordained. He deci .....
Attention Deficit Disorder
.... "A.D.D. is a breakdown of the filter systems of
the brain," according to Dr. Edward Hallowell, a world-renowned expert on
A.D.D. and author of several best-selling books on the subject. A.D.D. is
not an indicator of low intelligence, nor is it a learning disability. The
A.D.D. brain cannot filter the information coming in and cannot filter what
is going out. It is constantly bombarded with stimuli which can't be fully
processed--resulting in unpredictable responses.
When was A.D.D. first recognized as a neurological disorder?
Although Attention Deficit Disorder has gained world-wide
recognition in the 1990's, its disc .....
Treating Diabetes With Transplanted Cells
.... islet transplants. In most patients the islets had not been able
to control blood sugar levels or had lost some of their activity in the
three years. The islets had been performing at maximum capacity and had
become exhausted. They decided that is enough islets are supplied they
should reverse diabetes permanently. Although technical obstacles remained
most of them had to do with the demand of huge numbers of islets. They are
testing a membrane that is made of similar material but is flatter and so
enables them to pack islets closer together. With this new membrane(about
the size of one and a half dollar bills) they could .....
The Ebola Virus
.... still
remain unknown. No association with monkeys could be attributed to either
of the outbreaks. The only other case besides in Marburg that Ebola seemed
to be associated with monkeys was a filovirus (family of viruses containing
Ebola) isolated from cynomolgus monkeys from the Philippines. This Virus
caused no serious symptoms in humans. Scattered outbreaks of Ebola have
been reported in Central Africa for several years.
The Ebola virus is a member a family of RNA viruses known as
filoviruses. Ebola is a negative stranded RNA virus. The virus partial has
the shape of a long stand with loops on the end, like worms. There ar .....
.... benefit you if your idea of a work out is getting
some food from the kitchen for the movie you are about to watch.
As of right now creatine is legal in every level of competition
from high school to professional to Olympic. So is it worth taking? If
you ask anyone who is taking creatine they will say yes. How bad can it be
if it is already found in your body and the food you eat it is just like
taking a calcium pill? Why not is what you get from most of the people who
are taking it, it can only help. My friend Eric has been taking it for a
little over a year and said that it has helped his performance greatly. He
was .....
Marfans Syndrome
.... in patients with the Marfan syndrome. This widening
is progressive and can cause leakage of the aortic valve or tears
(dissection) in the aorta wall. When the aorta becomes greatly widened, or
tears, surgery is necessary.
Skeletal problems common in people with the Marfan syndrome include
curvature of the spine (scoliosis), abnormally shaped chest (pectus
deformity), loose jointedness and disproportionate growth usually, but not
always, resulting in tall stature. People with the Marfan syndrome are
often near-sighted (myopic). In addition, about 50 percent have dislocation
of the ocular lens. The Marfan syndrome is d .....
Amico Acids - The Building Blocks Of Life
.... Herald Bloom points out, he says, "The problem is how do
we know, that if there arose a peptide, a combination of amino acids, that
the second peptide would not arise 5 thousand years later 10 thousand miles
away. How would it come together with hundreds of combinations even to
form the simplest protein molecule." He says, In fact if you take the
simplest protein molecule and a combination of 50 amino acids, he says that
the probability of that arising by chance is 6 x 10 to the 58'th power.
Which is six hundred oquadicillion to one possibility, which is in
scientific language, simply means that it's impossible. Dr. George Wall, .....
Being A Virologist
.... antibodies. One, they can take them from patient zero. Patient
zero would be where the virus originated from.
Two, they could inject into an animal like a horse. If the animal,
horse creates antibodies to fight off the virus, we take some of its blood.
And from the plasma we extract the antibodies. Here is a method used
long ago. Lets say that you were going to get vaccinated from the common
cold. In the old days, they would take a dead virus and put into your
blood stream, by cutting, or injecting you. You would take this while you
were very young. Your body would recognize the presence of a foreign
creature in your bo .....