Breast Cancer
.... facts which women
who have the disease must face and the mental and psychological strain is
unimaginable to those who are not affected.
Article Research
Article I
As with mainly all diseases, there is not just one contributing factor
to its existence. Breast Cancer has numerous causes and by studying these
factors, we can see who is at high risk. In a life-time, a person will
either be diagnosed with cancer or die from it. Women between the ages of
25-29 who have used oral contraceptives, or are taking the pill, are 16%
more likely to develop Breast Cancer. Women in the United States, at an
early age, have less of a ri .....
The History Of Medicine
.... but
cautery .
Civilization came to be around 12,000 BC. Diseases were treated if
minor with domestic remedies such as diet, herbs, plasters, and massage.
Often, if the case was severe, the patient was killed to relieve the
community of his burden, or the healer was summoned. Old shaman's
techniques were more based on myth and magic. Magic was man's first
attempt to understand nature. Defensive magic used fetishes (objects
endowed with magical powers), amulets (protective objects against black
magic), and talismans (good luck objects). The shaman based his diagnosis
on the concept that there was only one disease. T .....
Christian Science
.... access to God's love through the consistent operation of
God's law of health and wholeness on his behalf. It knows God, or divine
Mind, as the only healer. It brings the transforming action of Christ, the
idea of divine Love, to the patient's consciousness. A transformation or
spiritualization of a patient's thoughts changes his condition” (Science
and Health, p. 194:6).
Christian Scientists believe that sin, disease, and death does not
originate in God, who is eternal good. Death and disease are not ultimate
realities of God's creation and are to be overcome as Jesus taught and
illustrated. Christian Scientists believe .....
The Ebola Virus
.... Ebola virus.
Hemorrhagic fever as defined in Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health
Dictionary as, a group of viral aerosol infections, characterized by fever,
chills, headache, malaise, and respiratory or GI symptoms, followed by
capillary hemorrhages, and, in severe infection, oliguria, kidney failure,
hypotension, and, possibly, death. The incubation period for Ebola
Hemorrhagic Fever ranges from 2-21 days (JAMA 273: 1748). The blood fails
to clot and patients may bleed from injections sites and into the
gastrointestinal tract, skin and internal organs (Ebola Info. from the CDC
2). The Ebola virus has a tropism for liver .....
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
.... and nurses concerning babies born with FAS. Because alcohol drunk
by a pregnant mother passes through her bloodstream to the placenta and
into the baby's bloodstream, and the fetal metabolism is fifty percent
slower than the mother's, the effects of the alcohol stay with the baby
long after it does with the mother. Doctors and nurses said that some
babies are born smelling of cheap wine, since they soaked in it in the
mother's alcoholic amniotic fluid before birth. Additionally, some babies
are actually born drunk. As a result, they need to be sobered and
detoxified as soon as the umbilical cord is cut. Even though these a .....
Males In The Nursing Profession
.... satisfaction that comes from helping
others or from saving a life. I can relate to some of the male nurses views.
I find extreme pleasure from helping others and it is good to know that I
am going to be in a profession where I can help others daily.
Another reason males choose nursing relates to job security and
salary. For many men, nursing just isn't a job, it is recognized as a
career. " The nearly $40,000 a year that the average nurse takes home is
attractive to many men,"(T. Squires, 1995). This is one of the reasons I
entered nursing, but not the main reason. With any career choice, I have to
consider pay and security fo .....
Soda Pop And Its Problem
.... your older you are going
to wish you would have drank more milk. People are drinking more pop than
of milk nowadays because of the taste and of the advertising of these
beverages. If you do not like the taste of milk there is soy milk which
will give you the calcium you need.
Pop also can be very addictive. Some people crave the taste and
feel of pop and need to have it in their diet. Pepsi and Coke have the
cola-bean in them. This ingredient can be very addictive so some. Diet
pop can have even a stronger addiction than regular pop because of the
sacrin that is added. Sacrin is also called Neutrasweet and is a type of
fa .....
The Controversy Surrounding The Gulf War Syndrome
.... for Mark, he had done his job, he defeated the enemy and kept himself
alive. His own personal joy and relief overwhelmed him to the extent of
asking his girlfriend for her hand in marriage. She immediately said yes.
Within a year and a half upon the year's end, Mark and his wife had their
first child. Their child was not born as healthy as they had hoped. Mark
was devastated at his child's problems. Why did these things have to
happen to his child? In the weeks to come, rumors were spreading that many
babies of veterans were also born with problems. Veterans themselves were
getting sick. Something was wrong, and people wen .....
.... extreme weight
loss. Sometimes they must be hospitalized to prevent starvation because
food and weight become obsessions. For some, the compulsiveness shows up in
strange eating rituals, some even collect recipes and prepare gourmet
feasts for family and friends. Loss of monthly menstrual periods is typical
in women with this disorder and men with this disorder usually become
People with bulmia nervosa consume large amounts of food and then rid their
bodies of the excess calories by vomiting, abusing laxatives or excersising
obsessively. Some use a combination of all these forms of purging. Many
individuals with buli .....
Registered Nurses
.... hospitals and other health facilities. Students take courses
in anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, nutrition, psychology and
other behavioral sciences and nursing. They also must take liberal arts
classes. In all states, students must graduate from a nursing program and
pass a national licensing examination to obtain a nursing license.
Licenses must be renewed periodically; some states require continuing
education for license renewal. There are three major education paths to
nursing: Associate degree (A.D.N.), diploma, and Bachelor of Science degree
in nursing (B.S.N.). A.D.N. programs are offered by community and .....
Addiction: Its Causes And Effects
.... addiction (. Before we can understand why
addiction is the number one social and health problem in the United States,
a definition of addiction needs to be established (Experience 12). It is
important to remember no one thing can explain addiction. Factors include
personalities, culture, environments, substances and behaviors (Rodgers 5).
The definition of addiction varies depending on who is being asked. A
sociologist may say addiction is caused by poverty, while psychologists
will say personality traits and character are the cause of addictive
personalities. Politicians will say it's a problem of self-control. A
biologis .....
The Flu
.... and the
flu shot. During the course of our research we learned ways to educate the
public to eliminate those beliefs.
We have gathered seven resources with information pertaining to the
flu and the flu shot. Two articles came from journals of medicine called
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and the American
Journal of Nursing (AJN). The last five sources we found on the Internet.
Using the search words "flu shot," we found the homepage for the Mayo
Clinic. The last four sources came from the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention's (CDC) homepage.
This report will cover four sections. .....