.... to be born because of lucid dreaming. In a true story
taken from the book called Living with Dreams a woman dreamt that she just
had a period in her dreams. This was so realistic that she actually thought
she had a real period not one dreamt up in a dream. A few days later she
had sex thinking that it was the best time to have sex without becoming
pregnant. Two or three weeks she felt something strange was happening and
so consulted a doctor who said that she had become pregnant. All this
happened just because of a dream.
Another dream that caused panic was when a student from university
had just completed a project and all he had .....
East Of Eden
.... secret guilt:.(Steinbeck p.355) Guilt builds up and then hidden which
only causes more problems. Guilt is natural and is human nature but can be
controlled."And with crime guilt, and there is the story of
mankind".(Steinbeck p.355) After anger comes the revenge which leads to
crime and then after the crime guilt sets in.
The Ebola Virus
.... You are dead before
you have even started to show signs of this virus. It is believed that it
is some sort of mutated form of AIDS because it started in the original
spot as AIDS did, Kinshasa and moved along the highway ripping its way
through Northern Africa. As of now there are an estimated 150 000 people
who have died from this virus. This figure is in Africa alone. In October
1989, monkeys were dying by the hundreds in a building 2 miles away from
the White House. They were diagnosed as dying from Ebola. Except that this
strain of Ebola was not harmful to humans. It only killed monkeys. If a
virus can change its metabolis .....
Diet And Cancer... What Is The Link?
.... total calories and, in particular, reduce the intake of saturated fat to less
than 10% of total calories.
2. Increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
3. Consume salt-cured, salt-pickled and smoked foods only in moderation.
4. Drink alcoholic beverages only in moderation, if at all.*
Most cancers start when the body is exposed to a carcinogen, a cancer-
causing substance that is found everywhere in our environment for example in
sunlight. When the body is exposed to this substance it can usually destroy the
carcinogen without malignant effects. If any of the substance eludes the body's
defense system .....
.... and,
using these theories, telling his patients through interpretations what was
going on inside the unconscious part of their minds, thus making the
unconscious become conscious. Many hysterias were cured this way, and in
1895, Breuer and Freud published their findings and theories in Studies in
Traditional psychoanalytical theory states that all human beings are born
with instinctual drives that are constantly active even though a person is
usually not conscious of thus being driven. Two drives--one for sexual
pleasure, called libido, the other called aggression--motivate and propel
mos .....
Human Subconcious
.... a movie we saw (Enemy Mine) trying to see what kind of ideas each story
shows about human nature.
In a first place, Sphere tries to emphasize the idea that most of us tend
to ignore our subconscious. We all had a fear, an idea or a dream that we
don't want to talk about. Sometimes it could be strange thoughts that we
had or something similar. We don't want to talk about them because they
shock us and they make us feel uncomfortable. Often we don't even realize
when these thoughts happen because it all happens in our subconscious. The
subconscious is the part of our mind that holds the forbidden, the unknown
of us, and all the p .....
Is More Than One Cause Of AIDS Possible?
.... that also have HIV cannot be ignored. HIV is however not
the only cause of AIDS. This is proven by the thousands of AIDS victims
that do not have HIV. It is widely assumed by nearly everyone in the world
that HIV is the only cause of AIDS. It is puzzling, however, that this is
believed, because there has never been any solid evidence to say that this
is true and there has not been a single paper written that proves that this
is true. Scientists need to stop basing all of their research on something
that may not be valid in the first place. They need to find proof that HIV
is the only cause of AIDS before they can research a w .....
Lucid Dreaming: Asleep And Aware
.... and changes in heart rate. The amount of
brain activity is more heightened than that of a regular dream, but less
than when waking. It has also been observed that a person having a lucid
dream shows more brain activity than a waking person under the influence of
hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD (Lucid Dreaming 364).
A lucid dream is usually provoked by an earlier day of heightened
stress or anxiety (Lucid Dreaming 364). They usually occur at the end of
an eight or nine hour sleep (Horgan 50).
Several methods have been developed for inducing lucid dreams. The
simplest and most common method is known as the MILD method, o .....
Preventing Health Problems Through Running
.... also reveled that diverticular disease can be reduced
in men that run. For instance, Marty Munson and Teresa Yeykal writes in
the article "Outrun trouble" which says, "guys who racked up the most ours
doing vigorous exercise reduced their risks of diverticular decease by a
third."(38) They also say "it's good advice to make your lifestyle to
consume high fiber."(38)
I found that running can also reduce the risk of heart disease.
The article "Run for your life" talks about Mitchell H. Whaley, the
director of adult physical fitness program at Ball State University. He
analyzed data collected from a group of men, whic .....
Diabetes Type I
.... is a hormone. The role of insulin is to convert the food we eat
into various useful substances, discarding everything that is wasteful.
It is the job of insulin to see that the useful substances are put to best
use for our well-being. The useful substances are used for building cells,
are made ready for immediate expenditure as energy and also stored for
later energy expenditure.
The cause of diabetes is an absolute or lack of the hormone insulin. As a
result of this lack of insulin the processes that involve converting the
foods we eat into various useful substances does not occur.
Insulin comes from the beta cells which ar .....
Teenage Years
.... or circle. Whereas most of the
time we are rejected and we become depressed. Depression, another problem,
along with ignorance and apathy that thwarts our lives. A wise man when
questioned about his view on ignorance and apathy, said "I don't know, and
I don't give a damn.
We find outlets for our emotions through either art, poetry or music, being
the three most common. There are thousands of poems floating around written
by bitter or depressed teenagers that are never recognised as works of art.
Another form of escape for teenagers is, unfortunately, suicide. It is
alarming how high the teen suicide rates have risen over the .....
The Apprehensive Aparition
.... a result of
alcoholism may see such frightening things as red spiders or pink elephants,
or they may feel that lice are crawling over their skin, because
hallucination although usually visual may be experienced through any of the
senses. The imagery of a vision is experienced as if it came from outside,
although not from ordinary reality as perception does.
Young children often fail to distinguish between imagery and
perception and suppose that what they imagine is external and perceptible
to others; but as they grow older, they become better at making the
distinction. Adults sometimes fail to make the distinction, especially a .....