About Medical Marijuana
.... Glaucoma, which damages vision by
gradually increasing eye pressure over time, is the leading cause of blindness
in the United States.
Multiple Sclerosis: Marijuana reduces the muscle pain and spasticity caused by
the disease. It may also relieve tremor and unsteadiness of gait, and it helps
some patients with bladder control. Multiple sclerosis is the leading cause of
neurological disability among young and middle-aged adults in the United States.
Epilepsy: Marijuana prevents epileptic seizures in some patients.
Chronic Pain: Marijuana reduces the chronic, often debilitating pain caused by
a variety of injuries an .....
Marijuana As A Medicine
.... sedative. A member of Milwaukee's AIDS community, said that
a friend of his was taking Marinol to increase his appetite: “He spends the
whole day laughing and watching movies...He can't even drive a car because he's
so out of it.” (3/25/97) In addition to that, Marinol only comes in pill form,
which makes it useless for patients taking it for nausea. Marijuana has neither
of those drawbacks. Because it is usually smoked, even the most nauseous patient
can use it as well as easily regulate their intake (“Medical Marijuana” 23). No
prescription drug offers the benefits and potential of marijuana.
Many people have testified t .....
.... of garlic from the mouth (breath).
Multiple Sclerosis
.... One
thing is certain, though. Some sort of defect in the immune system causes white
blood cells to attack and destroy the myelin sheath.
There are five main types of Multiple Sclerosis. The first type is Benign
Multiple Sclerosis. It is the least severe, has little progression, and takes up
twenty percent of all cases. The second type is Benign Relapsing-Remitting
Multiple Sclerosis. It carries symptoms that fluctuate in severity, mild
disability, and it makes up thirty percent of the total. The third type is
Chronic Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. It is characterized by disability that
increases with each attack, and it .....
.... by symptoms, but a blood, urine or saliva test
can confirm that you have the virus. Treatment of the virus includes diet of
soft foods, bed rest, and pain relievers. The mumps vaccine is given to
children that are about twelve months old. The vaccine is usually conbined with
measles and rubella vaccines, which is called the MMR vaccine.
Narcissism: Psychological Theories And Therapeutic Interventions In The Narcissistic Disorders
.... are avoided. By simultaneously seeking the admiration of others and
keeping them at a distance the narcissist is usually able to maintain the
illusion of grandiosity no matter how people respond. Thus, when people praise
the narcissist his or her grandiosity will increase, but when criticized the
grandiosity will usually remain unaffected because the narcissist will devalue
the criticizing person.
Akhtar (1989) [as cited in Carson & Butcher, 1992; P. 271] discusses six
areas of pathological functioning which characterize the narcissist. In
particular, four of these narcissistic character traits best illustrate the
patter .....
What Are Visual Defects And How Common Are They ?
.... the image so it looks right-
side-up to you. You can find a diagram of the above on page 3.
The most common visual defects are nearsightedness and farsightedness.
In nearsightedness, also known as myopia, the eye is longer than usual. This is
corrected by using a concave lens to spread the light rays just enough to
increase the eye's focal length. Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness, is
caused by a shorter than usual eye. A convex lens increases light bending and
returns the point of focus to the retina.
Coon, Dennis, Introduction to Psychology, St. Paul, Minnesota, West Publishing
Company, 1989, pp. .....
Nutrition In Mountain Biking
.... riding a bicycle, your muscles produce 30-100 times more heat than
when your body is at rest. The body puts out this inferno by increasing the
sweat rates. In the summer you can lose over two liters of fluid per hour on a
really hot day, dehydration and saddle soars are the leading reasons cyclists
drop out of races. The body loses this much fluid mostly from an increase in
sweat rates. Water does not supply calories, minerals, or vitamins, but it is
mandatory almost for every body function. It keeps body temperatures from
rising while the person is exercising. Water accounts for 55-65% of your body
weight. Cycl .....
Nutrition And You
.... is also desirable to
practice more that one sport as different sports exercise different areas of the
body. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the sources of energy for the body.
The contained energy is expressed in calories. There are 9 calories per gram in
fat and there are about 4 calories per gram in proteins and carbohydrates .
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. This energy is mostly
used for muscle movement and digestion of food. Some sources of carbohydrates
are : grains, fruits, vegetables, and anything else that grows out of the ground.
The energy in carbohydrates is almost instantly digeste .....
.... or sometimes all. These factors make dieting
virtually impossible because these problems are not ones that can be solved by
simply cutting calories. Especially the problem of binge eating.
Compulsive "binge" eating in the obese is not caused by just wanting to eat.
The want to eat is caused by looking for a sense of security. A sense of
security wanted because there are poor or no coping skills for stress or
depression and low self-esteem. Therefore, when a compulsive overeater or binge
eater diet, the diet is doomed to fail because the weight returns when the
person resumes normal eating. Thus creating an even greater d .....
Observation Of The Early Childhood
.... from the start. After hanging
from the first bar, she quickly swung her feet over to the side for leg support.
She was able to cross but only with a great deal of assistance from me.
Karligh also showed mastery in riding the big wheel. Her speed and
turning ability seemed to surpass anyone else on the playground. Bethany chose
to ride only after a piece of candy bribery. Her tricycle skills were somewhat
sluggish but more or less average. However, once again Bethany was victorious.
The last large muscle activity was completing the obstacle course. The
obstacle course involved running up a slide, crawling through a tunnel, c .....
Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors
.... senseless, worrisome, and
often times, embarrassing, or frightening thoughts that repeat over and over in
the mind in an endless loop. The automatic nature of these recurant thoughts
makes them difficult for the person to ignore or restrain successfully.
The essence of a Compulsive Personality Disorder is normally found in a
restricted person, who is a perfectionist to a degree that demands that others
to submit to his\her way of doing things. A compulsive personality is also often
indecisive and excessively devoted to work to the exclusion of pleasure. When
pleasure is considered, it is something to be planned and worked .....