.... attributable to cocaine,
alcohol, or heroin. Attempts to help persons quit smoking through counseling,
participation in support groups, and, for those with a strong physical
dependence on nicotine, substitution of chewing gum containing nicotine to
lessen withdrawal symptoms.
Smoking Tobacco
.... and most addicts want to be cured.
.... cortex of the adrenal gland in humans, regulate protein and carbohydrate
metabolism. Aldosterone, another steroid produced in the adrenal cortex, plays
a role in the mineral and water balance of the body.
Anabolic steroids are commercially produced by chemical methods from the
male hormone testosterone. Artificial steroids were first developed for medical
purposes during World War II (1939-1945) by the German army. The Germans gave
it to their soldiers to make them more aggressive in combat. After the war,
doctors in Europe and the U.S. used steroids to treat anemia, malnutrition, and
to help patients recover faster from surg .....
.... activities, and consequently
increased stress.
According to Business Week, the typical American works 47 hours a week, and if
current trends continue, in 20 years "the average person would be on the job 60
hours a week." Another factor that increases stress is technological
advancements. With all the new technology one is always connected to work and
accessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week. According to Business Week, it is now
possible, and thus increasingly expected, for employees to be accessible and
productive any hour, any day.
At a workplace, one observes several sales people working long hours, claiming
it is due .....
Coping With Stress In An Organization
.... or a demotivating effect. Each of us have our
own level of how much stimulation or stress we need in our lives to keep us from
getting bored.1 Others however, have a much lower tolerance for stress stimuli.
So managers must be able to look at each individual and decide if the individual
has a high or low tolerance for stress. Managers can do this only if they have
a good understanding of what causes stress.
Stress can come from a multitude of different reasons, but for
simplicity lets break it down into two forms: individual induced stress and
physical environment stress. Individual stress includes .....
Color Blindless
.... with di-chromatic vision tend to confuse red, green, and gray, but can
easily distinguish blue and yellow. Some cannot even see the longest wavelengths
of light -- the red end. Though it is rare, others cannot see the short
wavelengths, near the violet end. These people tend to confuse blue, yellow,
and gray, but not red and green.
Normal vision is called trichromatism. Most color blind people have a
version of trichro-matism called anomalous trichromatism. People with this
condition can see the same colors as people with normal vision, but not as well.
For example, many people with this common form of color blindnes .....
Teens And Smoking
.... of
Observational Learning, The Copying behavior effect.
This research is to examine the effects of parental smoking (behavior), has, on
the decision of teens to smoke cigarettes. Due to prior studies using global
measures that may or may not include South Eastern North Carolina. The
Fayetteville/Fort Bragg area was chosen for this study to pinpoint the effects
in this particular locale. Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base have a very
diverse socieo-economic and culturally diverse population, which will have a
positive effect on randomness of sample selection. With this association in
mind, this researcher is interested in kn .....
Teen Smoking
.... while rejecting
society and its norms. They want to reach out and rebel at the same
time."(Roberts 38) Tobacco companies spend four billion dollars each year in
advertising and promotional costs and claim there is no health risk. Six hundred
thousand people die every year from smoking related illness, and others quit.
Teenagers are not concerned about their health. The tobacco industry tries to
appeal to the youth. The earlier kids get hooked, the more secure the companies'
sales are. "For the tobacco industry, these youngsters are an essential source
of new customers. While cigarette makers deny it, advertising and promotion of
The Differences And Similarities Of Pneumonia And Tuberculosis
.... Lobar pneumonia affects one lobe of a lung while
bronchial pneumonia affects the areas closest to the bronchi (O'Toole, 1992).
In the United States over three million people are infected with pneumonia each
year; five percent of which die.
There are over 30 causes for pneumonia however there are 4 main causes
which are bacterial, viral, mycoplasma and fungal (American Lung Association,
1996). Bacterial pneumonia attacks everyone from young to old, however
"alcoholics, the debilitated, post-operative patients, people with respiratory
disease or viral infections and people who have weakened immune systems are at
greate .....
The Effects Of Anabolic Steroids
.... to mind of the giant body builder, who is so big he can't touch his back
because his biceps are in the way, but he can manage to bench press his car.
The possible growth and development is amazing. With much less work necessary,
the results can be astounding. Athletes can get bigger, stronger and faster,
with less effort than previous. The limits of an athletes potential with
steroids seem to be unbounded. These are the positive aspects to the use of
steroids. One study showed that as much as ten pounds of lean muscle mass could
be gained by a mature adult using steroids over a years period. The resulting
size and strength inc .....
The Heart
.... Diseases.
The Three Layers of Muscle
The heart has three layers of a muscular wall. A thin layer of tissue,
the pericardium covers the outside, and another layer, the endocardium, lines
the inside. The myocardium is the middle layer and is the biggest of all.
Myocardial Infarction is a disease later read about in this report. The
pericardium is a fibrous sac which is very smooth lining. In the space space
between the pericardium and epicardium is a small amount of fluid. This fluid
makes the movement of the heart muscles smooth. Myocardium is the heart muscle
The right atrium is a low pr .....
The Hormones And Development Of One's Sex
.... testis are essential for male development - Mullerian-inhibiting
substance and androgen." The mechanism in which spermatogenic tubules form
Mullerian-inhibiting substance is still unclear to scientists. Problems with
improper levels of this hormone result in genetic and phenotypic reproductive
The other hormone secreted by the testis is testosterone. It has two functions;
it promotes maturation of the spermatogenic tubules (and is therefore indirectly
effecting the levels of Mullerian-inhibiting substance), and it has its well
known essential role in the development of the male genital tract.
Throughout this articl .....