Paramilitary And Survivalist Groups
.... and they are strong
defenders of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. They usually tend
to be non-violent, except in some cases, when they are protesting laws that
"lessen the strength" of the Second Amendment. Thus these groups are not as
racist, but more intolerant of gun-laws. In the mid-western area, there are
great numbers of militias and paramilitary groups who feel very strongly about
"anti-Christian" laws, or capital issues like abortion. Groups in this area
are anti-abortionists, and have right-winged beliefs surrounding similar major
issues. They do not feel as strongly about gun-control, in contrast to .....
The Hippie Movement That Arose From Vast Political Changes
.... Party, women
moving into the work force, the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and
John F. Kennedy Jr., the war in Vietnam, the Kent State protest, and finally the
Woodstock festival.
The electric subcurrent of the fifties was, above all, rock'n'roll, the live
wire that linked bedazzled teenagers around the nation, and quickly around the
world, into the common enterprise of being young. Rock was rough, raw, insistent,
especially by comparison with the music it replaced; it whooped and groaned,
shook, rattled, and rolled. Rock was clamor, the noise of youth submerged by
order and prosperity, now frantically clawing thei .....
Norwegian Security Policy After The Cold War
.... that wars
between nations and ethnic groups have hardly been abolished. As a result, it
has become more difficult to identify the risk of armed aggression directed
against Norway The risk would seem to reside in the escalation of a whole series
of completely different political developments. For example, these eventualities
could take the form of the emergence of a nationalistic dictatorship, or the
development of ungovernable political chaos in formerly communist countries.
Because of the existence of some very large arsenals and supplies of military
equipment, it is important to judge the political aims of potential oppo .....
The Green Party Of Canada
.... belonging to the Green
Party is an interesting bunch. They're all ages and come from a wide variety of
views and opinions. Even together as a party they vary in their individual
values and beliefs compared to other political parties in Canada. The party
faithful is unlike most other parties in many ways, the most noticeable
difference is having tried to invert a system which is bottom-up, meaning that
all the real power and responsibility are held at the level of the local
chapters. This is unique to the Green Party because most political organizations
operate on a top-down basis, with a middle group within the party hierarchy tha .....
Policies On Cuba
.... of any
American assassination plans, the United States no longer deals in the
assignation of political leaders, now we have allies who are more able and
discrete in doing that type of work. The only ancient legacy that remains in
our foreign policy towards Cuba is a political and economic embargo implemented
at the beginning of the Cold War in an attempt to crush a third world country.
At the time of the embargo its supporters assured the country that Cuba
would not survive a year without political or economic aid from the Western
World. Three decades later Cuba is still led by Castro and our policy has not
changed, maybe it .....
U.S Postal Service As A Monopoly
.... with this
added revenue the Postal Service was still greatly under funded on its own (#1,
Intro). During this time it was discussed to privatize the postal service and
introduce competition because of the extreme losses that the service was
experiencing. A positive argument for privatizing the Postal Service was with
numerous competitors in the market there would be more efficiency and the public
would receive lower prices. But this would also increase the usage of resources,
for example airplanes and cars. One of the problems the Post Office had was its
receipts from consumer purchases that were submitted the next day after .....
Luke's Three Dimensions Of Power
.... of the inequities found in the valleys of the
Cumberland Mountains. Reasons for the mountain people's submission and non-
participation will be recognized and their nexus with the power relationship
established. In this way, Gaventa's dissatisfaction with the pluralist approach
will be justified and the emphatic ability of the other two dimensions to
withhold issues and shape behaviour will be verified as principal agents of
Power and Powerlessness.
The one dimensional view of power is often called the 'pluralist'
approach and emphasizes the exercise of power through decision making and
observable behaviour. Robert Dahl, a ma .....
Presidential Candidates: Division And Classification
.... candidate, has already done some work on welfare reform. He recently
passed a bill which allows the state to create programs that will move people
from welfare to work. His reform plan will effectively lower welfare recipients
by requiring able-bodied people to work, single-teen parents to stay in school,
and limiting welfare to five years. Dole knows what he wants to accomplish and
has innovative ways of doing it. Powell has a large cult following and would be
a great candidate. His only problem: he hasn't decided to run yet.
Arlen Spector believes the government should be "limited, but not
uncaring or a do noth .....
President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative: In Relation With The Soviet Union
.... for a nuclear
war with the soviets. "The dream of a non nuclear world is a great and notable
one, how ever for the foreseeable future it is unattainable in actuality and
unwise in theory." 5 Because of this harsh the United States is left with a
problem; How can we beet this so called inevitability? The answer is: space
based defense weapons. The program, brought forth by the Reagan administration,
was called the strategic defense Initiative, and some called "Star Wars." 6
Reagan's strategic defense initiative, created in the 80's, was an acceptable
for the U.S; it worked to convince the Soviets not only to reduce there nuclear .....
The Presidential Debates Between Bill Clinton And Dole
.... had Clinton summarizing all that he has done in the past
four years such as 10.5 million more jobs, the Brady Bill, and Family, Medical,
and educational bills. In turn Dole complains that the United States has
stagnant wages, and that 40% of wages are spent on taxes. On the topic of drug
use in the United States Clinton claimed that cocaine use decreased 30% and
crime decreased as well. Dole soon reacted by saying, rather sarcastically that
drug abuse has doubled and for so much money that has been spent on crime little
has changed. Throughout the debates Clinton claims he has done so much good for
the country such as cutti .....
Problems In Air Traffic Control And Proposed Solutions
.... this catastrophic equipment failure. It took a few minutes for
controllers to realize the shut-down had affected the entire facility. There was
no book procedure to cover this emergency scenario, so most controllers
Controllers in adjourning Los Angeles, Salt Lake, and Seattle ARTCCs and
various Terminal Radar Approach Controls (TRACON; the level of radar coverage
below upper-level ARTCC radar) were asked to take control over all airspace
within their radar coverage, and divert aircraft under their control inbound to
Northern California. Control towers in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose,
Sacramento, and other airport .....
Propaganda In Elections
.... to redirect the merits of a proposal and
towards steps that can be taken to reduce the fear.
Propaganda has had a tremendously powerful role in the history of the
world and in our own development. It has stirred both men and women to
unprecedented feats and ruined reputations.
What comes to mind when you think of a racist person? I imagine an angry
white male with a Ku Kux Klan costume. I rarely think of the other racists, the
African-Americans, the Latino-Americans, the Asian-Americans and the rest of
whom believe they are the superior race. Why do people as myself picture this
image when we think of a racist person? I'll tell y .....