Canada - Of The United States Of America
.... America?
In Canada, strong government involvement plays an immense role in
determining the destiny of its people for the good of the society.
In Canada you are reminded of the government every day. It parades before you.
It is not content to be the servant, but will be the master...
Henry David Thoreau, 18861
Although slightly outdated, as of 1982 47.3 percent of Canada's GNP was
in government hands, compared with 38% in the United States. Government
spending in Canada was 24.4% greater than in the U.S. and if you subtract the
U.S.'s excessive national defense spending, the gap between the two countries
consi .....
The Employment Equity Act: A Short Paper Evaluating The Success Of The Act.
.... peoples were being denied the full benefits of employment." Based on
the findings of the Abella Commission, the federal government implemented "The
Employment Equity Act" in 1986. This short paper will evaluate the success of
the "Act" and will argue that although some progress has been made, the Canadian
Labour force still does not reflect the demographic composition of Canada as the
Act had targeted.
For the purposes of implementing Employment Equity, certain individuals
or groups who are at an employment disadvantage are designated to benefit from
Employment Equity. The Employment Equity Act describes the designate .....
The Canadian Senate
.... .....
Capital Punishment: For
.... would you really want this man back on the streets on parolle for good
behavior in prison. Would you find any relief in knowing he is locked up in a
comfy jail cell with cable tv, and recieving a chance for parolle in 20 or so
years. No this man needs to be on death row, awaiting execution.
Rehabilitation isn't used on death row because the criminals have aready
been found to be a future risk to society, but if there was no Death Penalty do
you think a man like Richard Allen Davis could possibly be rehabilitated under
the current inmate program. It isn't likely. Only 10% of people in the program
are rehabilitated, the .....
Why The Death Penalty Is Dead Wrong
.... tightly. After
several more minutes, the most violent of the convulsions subsided. At this
time, the muscles along Don's left arm and back began twitching in a
wavelike motion under his skin. Spittle drooled from his mouth. Don Harling
took exactly ten minutes and 31 seconds to die. Approximately three months
later, he was found innocent."
And it wasn't the first time. Amnesty International sites that "from
1900 to 1985 over 350 people sentenced to death were later found to be
innocent of the crimes charged. Some excaped execution by only minutes, but 23
were actually executed. Within the last 20 years, 54 Americans und .....
Capital Punishment: For
.... (Haag, 67).
Other opponents argue that there is the chance of executing an innocent
prisoner. Hugo Adam Bedu and Michael L. Radelet collected evidence of every
capital punishment case after the 1930's. They concluded that 23 innocent
people, out of several thousand cases in the twentieth century, were convicted
and executed, but all of these mistakes were made because there was a “forced
confession, suppression of evidence, and perjury” (Samaha 442). That means not
one of these persons was actually innocent they just had bad lawyers, or no
lawyers when they had their trial. The last time a truly innocent person wa .....
.... Some
see obscenity in nude pictures, statues, paintings, etc. While others find less
obscenity in these things. All the same, "obscene" isn't the same as "wrong" or
"bad". Clearly obscenity is not identical with evil. It only covers a single
segment of it. But what is that segment? A look at the words "obscenity" and
"pornography" suggests that it is a segment that didn't worry people very much
till relatively recently.
Though censorship was known in english law quite early on, it wasn't for
obscenity but for heresy and sedition."Undue" exploitation of sex" is what
criminal law in Canada prohibits. This is how criminal la .....
Censorship: Gradual Loss Of Freedoms Promised In The Constitution
.... control
a community that overspans borders, oceans, and vast distances. The rest of the
civilized world, on the Web or not, laughs at our arrogance, ignorance and just
plain stupidity. This idiocy has made its way into the "other" mass media, and
we, our leaders at least, look like foolish children. With perseverance we may
Clinton Administration Policy Toward The Caribbean Country Of Haiti
.... group for their continued backing and support
of General Cedras, for their human rights violations.
Issues of , refugee's illegally trying to enter the United States
creating an economic burden on much of south Florida. All of these issues arose
during president Bush's term in office. The Bush administration was to turn
back the refugee's. The Bush administration saw no vital national interest in
concerning it self with the internal problems of Haiti ,because there were so
many problems at home in the United States, other than to turn the refugee's
away from south Florida. When president Clinton took over the office of the .....
Congress And The Change In Term Limits
.... saying. This is why
new blood needs to enter Congress more frequently, in order to avoid the highly
influenced Congress that is filled with old people with old ideals. Needless to
say the once optimistic freshmen were unsuccessful in their task, and it=s plain
to see why. Until that changes, Congress is not going to change. Congressmen
need to get back to basics and realize that they are in office to serve their
people, and not themselves.
What would change Congress is term limits. By the middle of last year nearly
half of the states had restricted, almost all of them by popular vote, the
number of terms that their members of .....
Cold War Vs. United States
.... government massacred thousand of ethic minority Kurds when the Kurds
rebelled against Iraq government in northern Iraq. The United States did not do
a lot to help the Kurds because United States and the rest of the countries
around the world recognized Iraq as a sovereign state in the international
community even though that United States had a large military presence in the
Persian gul f area during that time.
More and more, non goverment organizations also play very important
roles in world peace. Since 1945, the United Nations, a non government
organization, has helped to bring cease-fire agreements to numerous .....
The Mythology Of Crime And Criminal Justice: Contributing Factors Of Crime
.... or dictatorial government.
Under common law, a crime was generally classified as treason, felony,
or misdemeanor, but many offenses could not be defined exactly, and the rule was
adopted that any immoral act tending to the prejudice of the community was, per
se, a crime, and punishable by the courts. Crimes are now usually classified as
mala in se, which includes acts, such as murder, so offensive to morals as to be
obviously criminal; and mala prohibita, which are violations of specific
regulatory statutes, such as traffic violations, that ordinarily would not be
punishable in the absence of statutory enactments prohibiting the .....