Affirmative Action
.... the federal Employment Equity Act, exists to
ensure employment equity. Such legislation requires employers to report what
proportion of their employees belong to these four groups. Employers must then
prove that all groups are equally represented at all levels within their
Affirmative action promotes equality in the workplace in such areas as
hiring, training-apprenticeships, promotion, compensation, transfer, layoff,
termination and goals. It also promotes equal employment opportunities for
those groups or individuals who are disadvantaged due to race, religion, creed,
colour, disability, national or ethnic .....
An Ethical And Practical Defense Of Affirmative Action
.... that these
attacks are devoid of proper historical context and shrouded in white male
hegemony and privilege. Then, I will discuss the moral and ethical issues raised
by continuing to function within a system that systematically disadvantages
historically marginalized groups. With that as a backdrop, I will make a
positive case for continuing affirmative action programs and discuss the
practical concerns that continuing such programs may raise. Perhaps the biggest
complaint that one hears about affirmative action policies aimed at helping
Black Americans is that they violate the 14th Amendment of the Constitution and
the Civil Rig .....
Affirmative Action
.... don't allow it. For example in a supreme
court decision, it was allowed for a Michigan school district to layoff non-
minority teachers in order to hire minority teachers with less
experience(Altschiller, p13). If a similar case were to appear again the result
would most likely be different.
In no case should the person who is less qualified be hired. It also
doesn't make much sense to try to do away with a racial problem by using race as
the important factor. When it's looked at from the logical point of view most
people do see it as a bad thing. Like when the question "Because of past
discrimination, should qualified bla .....
Affirmative Action: Solution Or Confusion?
.... on gender. Another comment which I usually receive is,
"Well, being a woman probably didn't hurt their resume." Both of my relatives
are very good at their jobs; one was even on the popular television show, Cops.
Neither of them are "wimps", yet most males look down upon them as being hired
because of affirmative action. This type of criticism is received by many
minorities holding good jobs, whether they are qualified or not. To quote
William Reynolds, assistant attorney general in the civil rights division:
In many cases, affirmative action takes away from legitimate
minority success. People look at the black b .....
Affirmative Action: Public OPinion Vs. Policy
.... "Affirmative Action issue taps a fundamental cleavage in American
Society" (Gamson and Modigliani 170)--each with their own view of affirmative
action on different sides of the line. Government attempts to create policy
based upon the voice of the people but affirmative action seems to present an
almost un-solvable dilemma. Traditionally, it had been a policy that was
greatly scrutinized for its quotas and alleged unfairness towards Blacks, but at
the same time it had also been praised for its inherent ability to help
minorities gets jobs they deserve but could not obtain otherwise. So how do we
reach a "happy medium" so-to-sp .....
All Men Created Equal
.... they were not legally citizens of the United States of America. This
issue was dealt with in the ruling of the Dredd Scott case. Lincoln points out
that the ruling of the case was based on historical fact that was wrongly
assumed. Judge Taney, who presided over the case stated that "Negroes were no
part of the people who made, or for whom was made, the Declaration of
Independence, or the Constitution of the United States." This statement was
later refuted by Judge Curtis who shows that "in five of the then thirteen
states…free negroes were voters, and, in proportion to their numbers, had the
same part in making the Cons .....
What Leads To Intervention?: A Case Study Of Intervention During The Bush Administration
.... had just left behind had provided a clear framework for national security
policy and the use of the US military. The environment that Bush walked into was
an environment filled with disagreement and confusion over the new framework
with which the US should operate. It was also an environment with which the
role of Congress was almost eliminated as President Bush continually authorized
military operations without the full consent of Congress. It was an environment
where the executive held the power to use the military based on his own intent.
During his term in the Presidency, George Bush was confronted with many
opportunitie .....
Katha Pollitt's Argument About Media Being Biased Against Liberals And Allan Levite's Argument That Media Is Biased Against Conservatives
.... as common as what she is complaining about, or maybe less common. No one is
trying to bash feminism. This was not planned out to happen. (I hope)
Also, kids in elementary school always are not thinking about getting
their secretaries to have sex with them for raises. Personally, I think kids are
stupid. Even I was a stupid kid. When I was in third grade a guy, Tommy, bit my
ear. Because he bit my ear I have not become accustomed to Sado Masochist gay
sex dealing around ear biting. Tommy has not been going around biting people's
ears and getting turned on by this. He now cleans pools for a living. I doubt
either of us ca .....
Apartheid In South Africa
.... time high. People were
even banned from showing Soweto on television. It was common to see a newspaper
shut down, and then start again after being halted by the government.
Up until 1985, mixed marriages were banned. This meant that a person of
one race cold not marry a person of another race. Apartheid was not only used
in theory, but also by law. Every person was classifed, just like an animal, as
white, black or coloured.
The system of Apartheid began to deteriorate in the mid to late 1980's. In
1985, mixed marriages were allowed, the Pass laws repealed, and a general
weakening of petty segregation laws regarding .....
The Need For Congress In The U.S
.... with lawmaking that most people see is the time involved in getting a
law passed. In order for a bill to become a law it must first be "introduced to
the House or Senate, or both, then referred to a committee." (Cummings / Wise
479). This can be a very time consuming process. Anyone interested in having a
law passed must realize the process involved and be patient. In addition to
lawmaking Congress is also involved in passing amendments. Our nation has been
able to grow and strengthen due to the amendment process. In order for our
government to keep up with the changing times it is crucial that we make
adjustments to the .....
A Victory For Clinton
.... under Dole we
would be likely to see cuts in national parks with the number of rangers, the
Border Patrol with fewer agents, the Bureau of Prisons with fewer prison spaces,
NASA with fewer space shuttle flights, the FBI with fewer agents, drug
interdiction with 2,960 fewer DEA agents, and education with fewer students in
Head Start. On the record Dole has suggested cuts in the Energy Department, and
the possibility of also eliminating the Commerce Department. These cuts alone
would not achieve the goal of eliminating the budget deficit by 2002 which shows
why Dole's ideas are too vague. In the reality for a balanced budget
Tra .....
Political And Economic Changes In Bulgaria
.... February 5th 1997. They agreed to hand over power to a caretaker
government until new elections in mid-April, which they are unlikely to win,
when recent polls conclude that only 10% of the population currently support the
BSP. "We'd better celebrate now, because we have very hard days ahead," said
Ivan Kostov, leader of the opposition United Democratic Forces. ( Source : OMRI
Daily Digest, 18th February 1997. ).
The newly elected Bulgarian President Petar Stoyanov named an interim
cabinet headed by Sofia Mayor Stefan Sofianski to oversee the country and its
collapsing economy until a new parliament is chosen in general electio .....