.... varied slightly by each different government. Stalin and Lenin were
the driving forces behind Russia's Socialist Workers party. Fidel Castro ran
the party in Cuba. Mao Tung ran the Chinese Workers party.
Democratic governments support basic rights and freedoms. People in the
United States can participate in government activities by voting and opposing
their views. People are protected under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
These documents lay down the blueprint for freedom. As a man, women, or child,
you are affected by these important documents they guarantee your basic rights
like freedom of speech, freedom of rel .....
Congressmen And Their Influences
.... be lower than a freshman Democrat in the 105th Congress
from a rural, low industry district are probably those that represent our
protectorates Guam, Puerto Rico, etc. Many levels within the parties and the
institution afford some members leadership roles and positions that they can use
to sway the other members. The Whips, Majority and Minority leaders and the
Speaker of the House are looking for party cohesion and also bi-partisan support
for a bill. Coalitions are forged or broken depending on the issue at hand.
Individual committee positions are another point were some are more powerful
than others. The committees are major su .....
Conservative Personalities
.... his conservative personality, the tendency to face changes is
very low. When sudden changes occur and as the same time the upper doesn't give
guidelines immediately, Jack can't handle well under this situation. Then the
flexibility and imagination in facing different situations tend to absolutely
low. Because his task-oriented leadership, he always neglects the new ideas and
unresponsive to change.
Mostly important, Jack doesn't realize the importance of staff
motivation. Subordinates think that the budget in their section is
comparatively lower than other department. As a result, they feel they are
underpaid and overworked .....
Constitutional Democracy
.... in that
the most popular acts or ideas of the people will be adopted by our government.
There must be an allowance or willingness on behalf of the unpopular group to
Popular consent may provide a means for judging parental consent laws
for minors seeking abortion. Since minors are not legally allowed to be
competent to engage in sex, to enter into contracts, or to form sufficient
"informed consent" to agree to their own medical treatment, it is incredible
that they would be regarded as competent to make a life and death decision about
something that later in life they might themselves regard as a real person, with
individua .....
Same Sex Marriages
.... as well a perhaps promise in the eyes of the Lord and their
friends and family, to be responsible for the obligations of marriage as well as
to enjoy its benefits, should the law prohibit their request merely because they
are of the same gender? I intend to prove that because of Article IV of the
United States Constitution, there is no reason why the federal government nor
any state government should restrict marriage to a predefined heterosexual
Marriage has changed throughout the years. In Western law, wives are now
equal rather than subordinate partners; interracial marriage is now widely
accepted, bot .....
Cultural Diversity In Local Politics
.... of any metropolitan area in
the country.
What does this ethnic diversity mean for multiethnic coalition building in the
politics of Los Angeles County? Does the changing demography increase the
opportunity for ethnic cooperation? Or, has the ethnic changes increased rather
than decreased the prospects of interethnic conflict?
After the 1992 riots, a clarion call was issued from all corners for the
emerging multiethnic majority to take its rightful place in the politics and
leadership of the city. A multiethnic coalition, it ws suggested, could lead the
city to a new multicultural future.
This call was cl .....
Ecuador And Democracy
.... sq. km is the highest of any South American nation.
Like other Latin American countries, the major religion is Roman
Catholicism. Some of the older cities have splendid 16th and 17th-century
Catholic churches. Although churches of other faiths can found, they form only
a very small minority. The Indians, while outwardly Roman Catholic, tend to
blend Catholicism with their traditional beliefs. In Ecuador, Spanish is the
main language. Most Indians are bilingual, with Quechua being their preferred
language and Spanish their second tongue.
Ecuador, that is the smallest of the Andean countries, is a republic
with a democratic .....
A Democratic Society
.... The only thing equal
about people is that we are all born and eventually we all die. In North
America, I believe that equality among people is nearly impossible. The
education is the main source of the problem. Education itself created
inequality between children at an early age. Since no two persons are created
equally, they will not have the same opportunities, nor will they make use of
opportunities offered to all people like the education system.
One of the most important things to a person living in North America is
liberty. Liberty Liberty can be defined as limited only be laws
established on behalf of the commun .....
.... use varations of the main ideas. The main feature
of democracy, which determines a true democracy, is free, competitive elections.
Sometimes however, women or minorities don't have the right to vote. Some of
these other features, such as checks on power, help to limit the strength of any
one person or party. Other features like free elections, and majority/ minority
rule, help to make elections fair, since the judgment of many people is
generally better then the judgment of a few people. Political parties keep one
government, or idea of government form holding all power. These features let the
people to govern themselves withou .....
Democratic World Government - An Outline Structure
.... to a global government of this sort.
Secondly, the risk - of which we are, and must always be, very aware - of
permitting a future global dictatorship of a particularly intransigent kind
(imagine how difficult it would be to dislodge a Hitler if he was in possession
of the kind of absolute power available through such a form of government). And
thirdly, as we see sometimes today in the European Community, the tendency of
such a large-scale government to create detailed, uniform laws for the entire
area it governs; the impetus would be towards a sort of global standardisation,
almost certainly based in the cultural attitudes of t .....
Development Of Major Political Parties In America
.... Republican Policy was ineffective in relieving the economic
problems. The Democrats dominated for the most part through the 1960s. However,
the Republicans have won five of the last seven presidental elections. The
current President is a Democrat but it is not clear if the Democratic Party will
be able to continue to dominate. There have been 900 other "third" parties
throughout history but the Republican and Democratic Parties have remained the
leaders of the two party systems since 1854.
Realignment of the parties have occurred about every 30 years. The first four
were in 1828, 1860, 1896 and 1932 due to democratization of .....
Diplomatic Immunity
.... of proportion. What once protected
the diplomat and his staff from parking tickets and some differing social laws,
now grants them protection under the law to commit crimes such as drug
trafficking, kidnapping, rape, and murder. Even though serious crimes are rare
and punishable to various extents in most countries, domestic authorities were
forced to look the other way. While it would be convenient to believe that the
six hundred pounds of marijuana was sent for personal consumption at the embassy,
it is evident a small drug trafficking ring was being protected under the guise
of diplomatic immunity.
The i .....