The Illiad
.... is in the following books that Achilles shows some of his not to desirable qualities, yet in these qualities the character of Achilles is ultimately developed. Homer describes the plot of Achilles to avenge his disgrace at the hand of Agamemnon. He has his mother, the goddess Thetis, ask Zeus to punish the Achaeans on behalf of her and Achilles. Zeus reluctantly agrees to this, and Achilles success in having the whole of his people subjected to a brutal and costly war to get his ‘revenge' on Agamemnon. As the Trojan War presses foreword, taking countless lives of both Trojan and Achaean alike, Achilles stands by and watc .....
Greek Mythology
.... Projects:
1. Daily Journal Entries: Students will write daily in their journals on related
topics that also integrate other subjects, and students can also record
information and responses from activities done in class. Students may
write in their journals during the Social Studies, Writing, or Reading period
or at another time during the day.
a. The journal can also be used to assess student mastery of each activity
or the lesson as a whole. A grade can also be given in Social Studies,
Reading, or Writing.
D. Lesson Set-up
1. Internet Literature Circles: These are small groups, usually .....
She Works Hard For Her Money
.... didn't want to work an office job (Terkel 294). She feels that she learns a lot about people in her line of work, and enjoys talking to her customers. She invents ways to keep her job interesting, and likes to converse with her customers about a great number of topics. Dante says that giving service and being servile are two different things (Terkel 294).
Delores Dante takes pride in her work, and aims to please all of her customers. She says that she does certain things to make her customers' experience more enjoyable, like emptying ashtrays, so that her station looks nice, not in order to increase her tips (Terkel 297). .....
The Epic Of Gilgamesh
.... Gilgamesh’s journey and our own journey through life. Some of the texts that will be compared with The Epic of Gilgamesh, are the Bible, and Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The characters of these stories are all have that burning desire to be successful in life, which we can relate to. These texts span across different time periods and societies illustrating how human nature, particularly the desire to obtain more than one possesses, plays a significant role throughout written and present human history.
It is in human nature to want to be recognized and receive what one think he or she may deserve. .....
Political Correctness: The Teddy Bear Massacre
.... find something that they could identify with and rally around their school. If the burning was intentionally created to represent or oppress the offended students, the event would have been banned long ago. However, as Matt Hutaff stated in his editorial in the Daily Trojan:
"It’s about school pride. It’s love for the things that brought the university to where it is today. It is traditions that define a school; it’s student body and its heritage. Strip the school of its traditions and all you have is a school that isn’t worth rallying behind." [5]
In appeasing one group, it seems the university neglected another group .....
Let's Really Reform Our Schools
.... that can help these troublemakers to find work in the community when they are no longer able to attend or wish to be at these special schools. These programs would be designed to help these students get a job in what they are most interested in doing. By offering these worst troublemakers alternatives of being in jail or working, city officials hope this program will give these troubled teens a better choice then being in a gang or being in jail. There are more ways to deal with the issue of trouble-makers but these seem to work the best in Southern California. I feel that all children even the troublemakers deserve a second .....
The Beat Generation
.... a visit. Dean is a fast-talking, womanizing product of Denver reform schools. Sal idolizes Dean for his cowboy style, his ease with women and his high-spirited joy in living. However, it took Sal traveling across America and back to figure out the magnetic character Dean Moriaty was only good for the good times. The joyrides became less exciting after Dean leaves him in Mexico in a feverish state to marry a girl in New York. Sal catches up with Dean and Marylou in New York with a little animosity to say the least. Dean with his egotistical attitude says to Sal, “you’ve finally come to me,” but Sal doesn’t fall for his line again. .....
An Analysis Of David Hume’s “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding”
.... man cannot imagine what the color red is or what it looks like. But, if somehow the blind man is able to see, “this new inlet for his sensations” will provide the ability to conceive ideas. This ability of conceiving ideas is brought to us by the senses and through experience.
Using again the example of color, who is to say that everyone sees colors that same way? I see the color yellow, and through past experience I know the color is yellow. But, another person may see the color yellow and imagine its “colorness” as being what I consider to be red. We, as humans, may be able to relate to each others thoughts and ideas, or .....
Definition Of War
.... say who was right, but when all of the negotiations had been exhausted, war was the result. In this case there was no other option because both sides believed in their cause. The soldiers in the war suffered. American men spent weeks at a time in rat infested trenches with lice all over their bodies in both World War One and Two. There are countless examples of horrible war crimes, biological weapons, napalm strikes, and of course nuclear weapons. War has claimed would say that they would do it again.
In all of these wars, the soldiers believed they were fighting for their own personal freedom or the freedom of some other grou .....
Julius Caesar – Victim Of Tragic Flaw
.... to bring Caesar to the Senate, the place in which the assassination would occur. Not only does Caesar trust his friends, but all the citizens of Rome.
Caesar cared very much for all Romans, and always openly expressed his compassion for them. An example of this display of affection is when Caesar is on his way to the Senate. Artemidorus is desperately trying to get his attention to read a warning of the conspirators, but Caesar does not listen or heed the man’s plea because he feels that he should take care of the people before worrying about himself. It is this grave mistake and tragic error that costs Caesar his life. Ha .....
Science Fiction
.... people to see the incoherence of their own though. He demonstrates this by commenting on the absurdity of war and God:
Those sedentary and slothful barbarians, who,
From their palaces, give orders for murdering
A million of men and then solemnly thank God for
Their success (RABKIN, 67).
At the root of his social criticism is a program of reformation. Voltaire’s greatest tool in Micromegas is his ability to use alienation to make the seriousness of his argument felt without removing the sarcastic undertones of his satire. The use of alienation allows his points to be fully expressed without offending the reader. For i .....
Every Gain There Is A Loss
.... keep peace and avoid conflict. After dinner, families are forced to discuss their feeling with another and not allowed to keep any secrets. But this boy, Jonas, realizes just how shallow these people are. They claim anger, but have never felt the blood-boiling rage of a fatal injustice. They profess sorrow, but have never lost anything dear to them. Indeed, they've never been endeared to anyone or anything. Such a bland society isn't really living. They're existing, but without emotions or struggles, there's no meaning to that existence. At one point, Jonas confronted his parents, asking what we consider a most simple que .....