My Role As A Pastoral Counselor
.... fruit being borne. These are our down times. Down times come for many reasons such as we're not trying, we're trying too hard, we're doing the wrong things, or we're doing the right things at the wrong time or in the wrong way. Either way, every Christian experiences them at some point in their lives.They come to pastors as problems with the family, marriage, child rearing, sexual dysfunction.They come as other relational problems with peers, coworkers, neighbors, bosses and other Christians including church members and staff. While they may feel and even hear the voice that says, "Cut it down!" they need to hear the voice of t .....
.... and inferior to his father, "Far be it from me -I haven't the shill, and certainly no desire, to tell you when, if ever, you make a slip in speech… though someone else might have a good suggestion."(766-69) Haemon uses words like if, might, and suggestion; which give the impression that he cannot stand if own ground or stand up for what he for what he believes is right, unlike his fiancé, Antigone. If Haemon cannot demand that Creon respect his opinion, there is no way that he could persuade his father, the king to agree with him. For Haemon to succeed he must try twice as hard to convince his father, because his lack of matu .....
Beowulf And Paradise Lost
.... Lost involves two different settings, heaven and earth. In both stories the evil is defeated but by different ways. In Beowulf, Beowulf kills the evil monsters and fire-dragon. In Paradise Lost, Satan is just exiled from heaven forever and forms his own place, Hell. In Paradise Lost the main characters are Satan and God, these characters are still existing today, according to our religion. In Beowulf, Beowulf and the monsters all got killed, but they were mortal and would have died anyway.
Oedipus Rex: Fate
.... the King and Queen could not have a child.
Oedipus grows up as the son of Polybus and Merope. When Oedipus was a young man he was told that he was not his father's son. He tires to dismiss this horrible accusation as that of a drunken man, but it always bothered him. One day Oedipus decides to go to the Oracle to see his knowledge of Oedipus' birth.
The oracle tells Oedipus his fate is the death of his father by his own hands and that he will marry his mother. He does not answer the original question Oedipus asked as to who his true parents are. Upon hearing this Oedipus decides to leave the city and never return as long .....
Antigone And A Few Good Men: Doing What Is Right
.... either.
In "A Few Good Men", Colonel Jessep also did what he believed even though he faced opposition. He ordered Dawson and Downey, two Marines who he knew would follow his orders without question, to do a Code Red on William Santiago, a mess-up Marine. A Code Red is a type of severe harassment in which something is do to toughen up the offending Marine. Such Code Reds were part of Marine tradition but were official forbidden by recent Marine Regulations. Dawson and Downey did the Code Red and Santiago died. When Colonel Jessep said in the play that "People have to die to save lives", he meant that he believed that this ba .....
Nietzsche And Apollonianism And Dionysianism
.... relate closely to those of Buddha, Plato, and Aristotle in believing that, “self-mastery was the key to transcending the confusion of modern thought. “ (Par. 4) being in touch with one’s self, according to Nietzsche, was the greatest quality one could posses.
Nietzsche believed that in order to achieve this a person had to obtain a balance of two parts of his mind, Apollonianism and Dionysianism. Apollonian intellectuality is very clear, calm, and full of reason. Dionysian passion, on the other hand, is full of obscurity, disorder, irrational behavior, and even hysteria. In ancient Greek mythology Apollo and Dionysus were two god .....
The Odyssey: Virtues And Vices
.... happen.
Also a theme found in the Odyssey is revenge. One case of revenge is where Odysseus blinds the Cyclops in order for his crew and himself to escape and at the same time obtain revenge for the deaths of his men. Polyphemus deserved his fate because of his cruelness. Even after being blinded, Polyphemus stumbles out of his cave to thrown boulders at Odysseus' ship and to curse the men to never return home. Later along the story, when Odysseus, Telemachus, and the faithful herdsmen slaughter all the suitors, it displays to what extremes one would go to obtain revenge. This act of vengeance suits the crime of what th .....
A Three Generation Comparison Of Discipline
.... is based on how you were disciplined as a child?
I chose to interview my mom and her father, mainly because I thought they’d show the most character and audacity when answering my questions. I will be the third generation view regarding spanking. My mom was the disciplinarian in our household, and her mom was in her household growing up. I thought it would be interesting to see how my grandfather felt on the issue.
My grandfather is 79 years old, and one of the kindest men I know. He is 100% German, which can only add to his character. He is no ordinary man. He has accomplished many things in his lifetime. .....
Writings Of Confucius, Hammurabi's Code Of Laws, And Egypt's Book Of The Dead
.... is most evident in Confucius' writings. He is constantly stressing family values and responsibility. One quote that shows this is "Let the sole sorry of your parents be that you might become ill." This stresses personal responsibility and respect to your parents. Hammurabi showed responsibility by saying "If a builder has built a house for a man, and has not made his work sound, and the house he built has fallen, and caused the death of the man's son, the builder's son shall be put to death." That quote shows a man's responsibility for himself and his family. In Egypt, during the ritual of the dead, it is said that the dead man, .....
Knowledge VS Intelligence
.... of the Cave, in which Plato declares, ‘let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened.” He goes on to discuss men in a world of darkness who can only guess what the shadows are. The truly intelligent would see these shadows and formulate an idea as to what they are. A somewhat intelligent person or a grade two thinker would be the man that is brought into the light and enlightened. He then goes back and applies what he has seen toe the shadows and determines where they come from. A person who functions entirely by fact is the one who cannot make a guess because they have never seen anything suc .....
Lifetime Of Choices
.... a very unpredictable work schedule. They are often required to put in long hours of overtime on cases making it harder to raise a family.
My mother wants me to be a lawyer. She wanted to be a lawyer, but her parents persuaded her to be a teacher. She has recently begun taking law classes and insists that “I would be a great lawyer and should pursue it”. My grandparents on the other hand think that I should be a teacher. My mother and my grandparents are both important to me, which would makes it harder to pick either side.
Greek Gods And Mythology
.... science. "It is an explanation of something in nature; how, for instance, any and everything in the universe came into existence: men, animals, this or that flower, the sun, the moon, the stars, storms, eruptions, earthquakes, all that is and all that happens"(Hamilton 12). If there was a lightning storm, it was because Zeus was hurling lightning bolts down from Mount Olympus, home of the gods. Natural occurrences were explained by saying that the gods were responsible.
Zeus, was the supreme god? His realm was the sky. Zeus sat atop the throne on Mount Olympus, where the major gods lived. "Zeus and his brothers drew lot .....