My Philosophy In Teaching/Coaching At The Secondary Level
.... I will not accept sloppy practice sessions.
My philosophy as a teacher/coach and in life begins and ends with respect. If I cannot respect myself then it is impossible to have true respect for anyone else, and if I cannot respect others, how can I expect my students to respect each other. Respect starts with self-esteem and coaches teach self-esteem. If I am not careful I could just as easily tear down one's self-esteem. It is easier than many people think to build self-esteem because of the position I'm in as a coach. Being there for them, listening, providing guidance and being a positive role model are just a few .....
The Growth Of A “Scholarship Boy”
.... man.” That is something that Rodriguez has not been able to accomplish over the years that he has been in school.
Rodriguez made it very apparent in his essay that he had grown away from his parents through much of his life. At one point in the essay he stated, “ I was not proud of my parents. I was embarrassed by their lack of education. It was not that I ever thought they were stupid, though stupidly I just took for granted their enormous native intelligence. Simply what mattered to me was they were not like my teacher’s”(573). So he began to think of his teachers as the primary authority in his life because he coul .....
Generosity, Courage, And Strength In Beowulf
.... to be remembered, but only for admirable things. Being remembered for a shameful life would be much worse than dying.
Yea, death is better
for liegemen all than a life of shame!
Next, courage and strength were also looked highly upon during these pre-medieval times. In our time courage is often seen as foolish or ostentatious, while during Beowulf’s time it was seen as admirable and praiseworthy.
‘Twas now, men say, in his sovran's need
that the earl made known his noble strain,
craft and keenness and courage enduring…
Heedless of harm, though his hand was burned,
hardy-hearted, he helped h .....
Foreign Students And Hardships
.... or pushing carts at a Super Market for example. But students also have to be very careful with that and work their schedule so they will have enough time later, to study. Studying foreign language alone at home is also very important. Students should look up in the dictonary the words or phrases they do not understand, every day. They should start with the easy ones, the ones we use every day, and then go to more complicated ones. Teachers should also pay special attention to foreign students, and maybe talk to them after class, ask them ask them about the things they do not understand. ESL students will usually not tel .....
Comparing Edgar Allan Poe And Ralph Waldo Emerson
.... somewhat different outlook. He was an optimistic Transcendentalist. Emerson saw the good in religion, nature, and philosophy. He, like most other Transcendentalists, felt that God was not to be feared but instead to be looked to for guidence. Ralph Waldo Emerson also thought humans should be at peace and in tune with nature. He also had optimistic outlooks about philosophy. He believed in intuition, individuality, and self-reliance. He also believed that humans were naturally good.
Edgar Allan Poe and Ralph Waldo Emerson are very different, much like the Transcendentalists adn the Anti-Transcendentalists, in beliefs of nat .....
My Friend April
.... the two of us were like brother and sister.
One calm summer night April and I climbed to the top of the garage and lay on our backs staring at the thousands of stars in the black summer sky. The garage wasn't tall; in fact, it was perfect because we could sit up there without worrying about sliding off. That night we talked about everything that was on our minds. I will never forget that night because it was so beautiful outside. The tree frogs and crickets were performing their evening melodies, and the man on the moon was looking down upon us. After talking for nearly an hour we decided that it was time we should hea .....
Love And Respect: A Family's Bond
.... pizza now. I said no because it was to early,and beside later they would be hungry again. She said you are not paying for anything so you can not tell me what to do .
Yes I can because you mother left me in charge. Not over me she replied angrily. At the time I was on the telephone
Paying her no attention as she was trying to impress her friend By hollowing at me. Quee and I had disagree before , but nothing like this had happen. I got real upset when quee started to get loud with me.
While I was on the phone, I did not like the way she was talking to me.
Not at all, she thought by getting loud was going make me order the .....
Do What You Want, Just As Long As They Say So
.... even this amount of liberty, too many of us feel it isn’t enough. They constantly search for the loopholes, the ways to make there lives customized because what America sees as unfit for our culture, others may want to try to change. Let us take a simple example to examine. We are free to drive wherever we choose, but under certain speed restrictions, and traffic laws. Yet people day in and day out break these rules. Obviously, according to thousands of traffic violations issued per year, drivers now a days see find speeding, a reckless act that endangers others as well as the driver, a needless oppression. It is simple anarch .....
The Rest Are Just Boys Clubs
.... them, relationships that I hope will be around for many years to come.
I wish everyone thought of fraternities as I do, but that is not the case. They are often thought of as ignorant drunken souls banding together because of common interests, booze. From time to time I get asked how it feels to have to buy my friends, jokingly of course, but it still angers me, because it means so much more to me than that. Ignorant, not by any means. To even be accepted into the fraternity you have to have a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.3, which might sound a bit low, but trust me it will definitely keep you motivated. That is the thing, not .....
Othello - Change Of Characters
.... Venice, because Othello is a Moor or a Negro. Iago shows his black hatred for the Moor, and his jealousy of Cassio in his first soliloquy and also reveals his evil intentions. As the act continues and Othello is being searched for by a group of people, Iago attempts to incite Othello into anger against Brabantio, but Othello does not take the bait. He feels that he (Brabantio) may do his worst because Othello is assured that his military services to the government will outweigh Brabantio's complaints of him marrying Desdemona. These answers to Iago's persistence show that he is still a character of calmness and dignity, and he st .....
The Difference In Opinion Between Marx And De Tocqueville
.... into a really revolutionary party” (Marx, 586). He did not think that the working class was truly united in its goals and tactics, and that is why the revolt was not as fruitful or long lasting as some had hoped.
The proletariats had to come together and be united about their ideas and strategies. They had to let go of their past resentments and forge ahead against their future problems – “in order to arrive at it’s content, the revolution of the nineteenth century must let the dead bury their dead” (Marx, 597). Otherwise, they would just get into the reoccurring pattern of having to start up where they left off, after ever s .....
A Modest Proposal: Spontaneous Or Serious Idea
.... human being, unless in situations of great extremes?
For example, the people that had the plane crash in the 1980's. They crashed in Alaska, stranded with little food and water. As the wounded died they had no choice but to eat their fellow man or die of starvation. In the situation of this essay, A Modest Proposal, this was not the case. There must have been other options. Why did they not consider selling their children to barren couples, couples who would cherish the thought of having a baby. Some families would even return to get more babies until their families were complete.
Considering all that this man wrote, .....