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Analysis Of Radio Station Mergers And Acquisitions

.... these current deals, the threshold would push that to 75%. The FCC currently has no magic number for reviewing local advertising revenue. One of the cases that the FCC is currently reviewing is Regent Communications’ acquisition of four radio stations in Redding, California. Officials have said that if this deal goes through, one company would control 64% of the local radio revenue and would also give two companies a whopping 99.6% of the market’s radio revenue. The FCC is concerned about competition and trying to help smaller radio stations stay alive. Officials want the industry to remain healthy and profitable for radio s .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 452 | Number of pages: 2

The Preponderant Lysistrata

.... like men lighting matches in a wind” (726, 1028-9). Lysistrata uses her knowledge to gain power over them by summoning all of the women together and calling for “a sex-strike against war” (701). This “sex-strike” puts the men in “a pretty high-strung condition” (727, 1102) and also puts them at the mercy of the women. Sex is the only commonality of any significance between the different groups of men; therefore, sex has to be the object or action to be boycotted to give control over the men to the women. The second step in proving the women’s intelligence and superiority is the seizing of the Acropolis where the financial reser .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1208 | Number of pages: 5

Richard III: Usage Of Imagery, Foreshadowing, And Irony

.... which is developed throughout the play. But despite these hints, he still refers to himself as part of the House of York, shown in the repeated use of "Our". The concept of Richard's physical isolation is reinforced in his dealings with Anne in Act I scene ii. She calls him "thou lump of foul deformity" and "fouler toad" during their exchange. Despite these insults, she still makes time to talk to Richard, and by the end of their exchange, she has taken his ring and been "woo'd" by him. After Richard has successfully gained the throne, he isolates himself when he asks the crowd to "stand all apart" in Act IV scene ii. And .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1752 | Number of pages: 7

Hamlet Criticism

.... their helping him take the throne of his brother. He then quickly marries Gertrude, the widowed Queen. Hamlet is very angry at this situation. Claudius sends emissaries to the aged uncle of Fortinbras, asking him to restrain his nephew. The King and Queen then reprimand Hamlet; he has been unduly melancholy since the death of his father about two months before. Left alone, the Hamlet continues to grieve and rage over his mother’s ‘incestuous’ remarriage. When Horatio tells him about the Ghost, Hamlet arranges to stand watch himself. Meanwhile, hotheaded Laertes, about to return to school in France, warns his sister Ophelia .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2284 | Number of pages: 9

Representation Of Women Through Art

.... The painting "The Proposition" represents an indecent proposal towards a woman and her reaction to this indecent proposal. During this century, there was a resurgence of prostitution throughout European countries. The women represented in many paintings were thought of as willing participants to the offering of prostitution. In Leyster's painting "The Proposition", she tries to give a totally different perspective of women's views during the seventeenth century. In this painting, Leyster shows a woman who is rejecting a proposition of prostitution offered by the man who is laying his hand on her shoulder. The woman in .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2501 | Number of pages: 10

Sex And Death In Literature

.... the man Nora really wants, Dr. Rank. Immediately following Dr. Rank’s impending death notice is the death of Nora and Torvald’s marriage. Miss Julie’s characters struggle with sex and death through Jean and Julie with their sexual advances, the death of loved ones, and finally the death of Julie herself. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof centers on Maggie's desired intimacy with her husband and her continuing struggle to understand his pain and lack of desire, which is something he cannot understand himself. Brick does not even know what desire, if any, he has himself. Finally, the entire family centers on Big Daddy’s death. Each play .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1465 | Number of pages: 6

A Doll House: The Disadvantage Of Determinism

.... however, she does not suffer alone. This time Dr. Rank is limited by his father's history as well. Therefore, through the problems of determinism in society (gender role and hereditary determinism), one is deprived of freedom to be an individual in society. The problem of hereditary determinism is one that certainly restricts a person from developing as an individual in society. Two characters in the play, Dr. Rank and Nora, demonstrate the lack of freedom one has as a result of hereditary determinism. Dr. Rank, for example, suffers from a physical disease passed on to him from his father. He states, "I'd just as soon lau .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1351 | Number of pages: 5


.... of influences. However there were two that were of great importance. The first was a major exhibition o Primitive Art mainly displaying sculptures, totems, juju figures and ancestral figures. The work and end in its self however it was a catalyst for ideas in the future. The second influence was the work of Paul Cezanne. Hs significance for cubists was in attempting to re-establish a sense of 3D-Form in painting, which he believed impressionists had lost. In doing this he developed a theory that the entire world and everything in it could be reduced to basic forms such as cones, cylinders, spheres, cubes. The end result was a n .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 475 | Number of pages: 2

Hamlet: Human Nature

.... and make your wantonness [your] ignorance. I say we will have no more marriage. (3.1.142-149) Knowing that Polonius was an accomplice in such a vicious act Hamlet did not want to betray his father by marrying into a sinful family. In agreement to this idea Hamlet also said, “Get thee to a nunn’ry, why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?” for if Ophelia were to be a nun she would not be given the chance to bear children who would grow up to traitors like their grandfather, Polonius. Another one of Hamlets traitors, King Claudius, was revealed by King Hamlet’s Ghost to be the mastermind of the murder. Being somew .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 724 | Number of pages: 3

The Matrix

.... just bow down to their enemies and so the machines had to devise a way to detain the humans so that they could extract that energy. The machines created a computer program called "The Matrix." In the movie this marvel displays the digital image of a human's mental self along with that of other humans and a mock up of the world as it was at the highest point in human history. While some humans were detained in the matrix to be used for energy, other humans were fed intravenously to them. Humans became crops to the machines, they were grown in massive fields and harvested like wheat until they were ripe enough to be fed to the oth .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1080 | Number of pages: 4

Lady Macbeth

.... a god and boost him up.She says:'Great Glamis!Worthy Cawdor.Greater than both by the all hail hereafter!' She tells Macbeth how to act around the king,to be evil but look innocent, 'Look like the innocent flower,but be the serpent under it'. Lady Macbeth make's the plan and puts the ideas about how to kill the king into feeling good about how to kill the king into Macbeth's head.She treats him kindly to flatter him into feeling good about himself and build up his courage to kill Duncan.She is a very sly and mischievious person.She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it.She doesn't care who she hurts. When Macb .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1270 | Number of pages: 5

Julius Caesar: Roman Life During The First Triumvirate

.... including the sayer Caesar encountered, are indeed right on the mark. Since they lack any formal office or shop, and they predict forthcomings without fee, one can see quite easily why citizens would distrust their predictions. Superstition, in general elements such as the Feast of Lupercal, as well as on a personal level such as with the sooth-sayers, is an important factor in determining the events and the outcome of Julius Caesar, a significant force throughout the entire course of the play. Before the play fully unravels, we see a few of signs of Caesar's tragic end. Aside from the sooth-sayer's warning, we als .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 752 | Number of pages: 3

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