Life In 18th Century Europe
.... catch smallpox.” (5) Disease was so rampant during the 18th century that even the rich and powerful could not avoid infection.
One might think that the royalty of the 18th century would rarely catch such deadly diseases, but they did. Disease was a major influence on the aristocracy. During the eighty years between 1695 and 1775 disease killed a tsar of Russia, a king of France, a king of Austria, a queen of England, and a queen of Sweden. Disease many times ended dynasties by killing heirs. In 1700 the Duke of Gloucester died of disease and thus ended England’s Stuart dynasty. (6) One reason that disease was rampant amon .....
The Fall Of Rome
.... poor person could not pay their full share, the tax collector paid the rest. This concept wiped out a whole class of moderately wealthy people.
Later, slavery split communities. Rome believed the workers of society should not benefit from slavery. Slaves then had to reason to try hard or improve. Eastern slaves started doing technical work. Thus, all technical work was looked down upon. Labor was cheap and worthless. Upper-class Romans were content with what they had become. They felt no need to improve their inventions, they were content with slaves.
Another reason for the fall of Rome was political issues. Citizens no longer di .....
The Battle Of The Monarchs: Can Cathrine Really Be Worthy Of The Title Great?
.... and also very concerned with the danger that may come to it. cathrine was also very influenced by western European thinkers and that people were born equal for some time. Louis the XIV ruled for seventy-two years, which is the longest of that time. He began rule at age five but began his complete rule of the throne at twenty-three. He believed in a strong monarchy because he believed that there would be great disorder without it. Both ruled a very strong throne.
Cathrine and Louis both had very similar views on how the lower classes should be treated. Cathrine at one point believed that all people were created equal but when .....
Migration Of The Bantu People
.... As the Bantu moved eastward into savannas, they learned new techniques from herding goats and sheep to raising cattle. Some farming methods exhausted the land, and the search for fertile soil kept them on the move. Territorial wars broke out as the Bantu speakers spread south. The Bantu speakers also intermarried with the people they joined. This intermingling created new cultures with unique customs and traditions. Effects of the migration still affect Africa today with over 60 million people who speak one of the hundreds of Bantu languages.
Beginning in about 1,000 BC and ending sometime in 3rd or 4th century AD, the B .....
World War 1: Forever Wounded
.... their platters of food. Even when Paul is almost killed he doesn’t let go of his plate of pancakes.
On the field it goes without saying how many men suffered. Shells were flying from above while rifles shot in all directions on the ground. Deadly gases were used in this war for the first time in history. Paul described the pain of gas. His lungs felt ripped and smashed into a compressed ball ready to burst. All he had was a tiny mask to shield him from the deadly air. The soldiers had to wait for the gas to spread and dilute before they could get a full breath of fresh air. Even then, “fresh air” was a mix of ash, rottin .....
The New World
.... (Documents Set,13). The Indians were unaware of the hostile environment that was to lie ahead. "The first stages of the Spanish invasion of America included frightful violence. Armies led by conquistadors marched across the Caribbean island, plundering villages, slaughtering men, and capturing women" (Out Of Many,33). This was just the beginning of encomienda, an early form of slavery. Indians later made poor slaves, because they were unreliable. Indians did everything to get out of slavery "many took poison, others hanged themselves"(Out Of Many,33). That is why the African slave trade was started. African slaves were not .....
Reasons For The Downfall Of The Russian Empire In The Year Of 1917
.... but instead of restoring order the soldiers stood by or even joined in the chaos. The desertion of the local army caused the government to crumble. Czar Nicholas II resigned office March 15 not only from the enormous popular action but also from his brother, Michael, handing over the power to the “Provisional Government” formed by the Duma two days prior. The provisional government of liberals and temperate socialists succeeded the czar. Unfortunately, this government could not make genuine changes in Russian society. Although the government purposed many popular actions such as the Petrograd Soviet of Worker’s and Soldie .....
The Bombing At The West Bank
.... Most of the wounded victims were quickly rushed to Laniado Hospital in Netanya, where doctors acted immediately to help all the wounded patients. Some of the wounded were transported to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, and others to Hilel Yoffe Hospital in Hadera.
Many people feel that Barak should end all peace talks until all these bombings are put to a clear end. They feel that these bombings are all caused by the peace process. The bombings are a result of the peace talks, because most likely the ones responsible for these are the ones most against all the peace talks. They are against the peace process, because they do .....
.... positive void coefficient became a problem. The operators tried to raise the power by freeing all the control rods manually and at 01:00 hr. on April 26 the reactor stabilized at 200 MW. Within a short time, an increase in coolant flow and a drop in steam pressure required the operators to withdraw nearly all the rods. The reactor became very unstable and the operators had to make adjustments every few seconds to maintain a constant power. By this time, the operators reduced the flow of feedwater to maintain the steam pressure. Also, pumps that were powered by the slowing turbine provided less and less cooling to the reacto .....
Hiroshima And Nagasaki Bombing
.... on the proliferation and use of the nuclear arms as a result of this. Hiroshima marks a powerful psychological turning point in our attitude toward our own science and technology, because it not only exceeded all previous limits in destruction but had, in effect, declared that there were no limits to destruction.
On December 7, 1941 the Japanese attacked the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. Taking the Americans by surprise 19 ships were sunk and about 2,400 American soldiers and sailors were killed. Four years later, on August 6 and August 9, 1945 the Americans would take the Japanese by surprise by destroying the cities of .....
The Cold War
.... and the rest of Europe was a chessboard that the two powers played on. The U.S. was allied with West Germany, and the Soviet Union was allied with East Germany. When the Berlin Wall was built here, the Soviet Union took a major hit in their political opinions across the globe. Eventually in 1990, theBerlinWall was destroyed and the two sides of Germany were reunited. Cuba was a minor player in the Cold War. When Fidel Castro took over, the U.S. authorized an invasion of this country. This invasion, known as the Bay of Pigs, was a hideous failure. When the U.S. failed on this invasion, the Soviet Union sent missiles to Cuba. .....
Roman Acheivements
.... is often overlooked because it is compared only to Greek literature which the Romans tried to emulate. They did have their masterpieces though. The Ænid is arguably the greatist books in history. It is all to often thrown out as erotic garbage from two thousand yers ago, when in actuality it competes on the same literary plane as Plato's Republic and Homers duet epics, the Illiad and the Oddesy.
Created an Empire
The fact that they conquered so much land (most of the know world) is amazing in itself. The tactics used to rule these land would be questionalble now but were acceptable (as if there were any choice) during their .....