Environmental Pollution Concerns Come To Forefront
.... water districts use closed steel or concrete tanks. Only a few other California water districts currently store treated water in open reservoirs, including those in McCloud, Santa Barbara, Montecito, Carpinteria and Los Angeles. None of those has as many as the 11 used in EID.
The El Dorado reservoir water consistently meets state health standards on bacteria, EID officials say, because the district constantly bubbles chlorine from nearby tanks into the reservoirs and sends the water on to homes. But they admit their open reservoirs expose the water to contamination by disease-causing agents for which there are no health standar .....
Maintaining Civil Liberty
.... , yet, the Joseph Raz article , The Authority of Law , tends to disagree. Raz argues that there is no obligation to obey the law. That man should and does resist the urge/temptation to commit crime not for obligation but because of his enate knowledge that that is not acceptable.
" One has reasons not to kill , assault, rape or imprison other people which have no connection with the law and depend entirely on the fact that such acts are against the will or interests or ( moral ) rights of others." ( Raz, p.233)
Yet , I tend to disagree. For example , why does one obey the traffic laws ? On a bad day when you 'r .....
The Meaning Of Society
.... and the goods to trade and the proletarians who owned nothing but their own labor power. Marx felt that the division of classes was what was responsible for the conflict and suffering of all society. This is what encouraged Marx to believe that chaos was the only way in which classes would break up and no longer exist.
Marx was able to get his point across in the modern socialist doctrine, better known as the Communist Manifesto. Even though, Marx was ordered to leave Paris because of all his revolutionary activities he did set a great influence on all communist literature.
The situation of the banishment of Marx was very .....
Does Violence In Movies Contribute To Violent Teens
.... about it. People are always looking to put the blame off on other people or something other than themselves. If people would stop blaming movies and start trying to help their kids, our society will improve. But taking the easy way out seems to be the way society looks at everything, because they figure if they look the other way they cannot be blamed, when in all reality, they are the problem. The kids that I know who cause trouble do not cause the trouble because the seen a movie star playing a gangster in a movie, they cause the trouble because they’ve are not getting enough attention from their parents.
Growing up as .....
Traffic Jams And The World's Patience
.... happen to glance over at a cowboy and his father in the truck next to me. I glance over as they watch the lane to their left move. They seem to wish that it is the trailer they are pulling that is moving instead of the one with the jet-skis on it. Their trailer has a bulldozer on it, which makes me wonder if they are simply trying to move from yesterday's job, to tomorrow's duty. If this is indeed the case, then their patience is one of grace. They seem to be enjoying the radio, and each other's company, but deep inside they look bored. Their patience is one like a person's in an audience for a dreaded opera-don't w .....
A Winning Attitude Being A Good Sport
.... Teamwork is what makes the team, and what gives you, and the rest of the team a winning attitude. All of these factors are important to have a winning attitude.
Even when you lose a game you still need a winning attitude. After the game go shake hands with the other team. Say good game or good job. If you or somebody you know gets all mad or upset if they lose a game tell them that they don't have a winning attitude. Even if you have a winning attitude encourage others to have one too. The more winning attitudes, the more winners, or example; After a baseball game you don't see the baseball players yelling or screamin .....
An Anaysis Of Sexism Against The Female In Athletics
.... Today surveyed 303 Division I schools to see where Title IX has taken us in it twenty-five years and found that men still get most of the money. Taken together, the results are like a “good new, bad news” joke. The good news: the number of female athletes has increased 22% since 1992. The bad: for every one-dollar spent on woman’s colleges sports three dollars is spent on men’s. Female athletes get just 38% of the scholarship money, 27% of recruiting money and 25% of operating budgets. “ It is encouraging to see the increases for women but very discouraging to see that they are not really sharing equally in the money. The .....
Sexual Harrassment In The Military
.... areas are still restricted because of it. For example: serving in direct combat capacities such as armor, infantry, and special forces-branches from which much of the senior leadership is drawn. "In 1994, the annual Navywide Personnel Survey included questions on women's role for the first time. Some 65 percent of officers and almost 50 percent of enlisted respondents said they did not think women were fully accepted in combat roles. While approximately 80 percent said harassment was not tolerated at their command, almost half of all respondents disagreed that everyone is treated equally in promotions and advancements."( .....
The Effects On Children When Both Parents Are Employed
.... values and norms based on the way that they view or identify with their parents as well as from the quality and amount of care, love and guidance given to them by their parents. Parents who work present a different image to their children than parents who do not work. In addition, wage earners, including parents, must (in most cases), be absent from the home during the day. When considering these modifications to the family dynamics, there is a considerable basis for the opinion that the increaced household income outweigh the negative effects experienced by offspring in families were both parents are employed.
The worki .....
Gender Roles In Men And Women
.... the use of guns by her Uncle Bo in Gun Crazy. Although Dorothy knows that she should not use guns because her mother and aunt do no do it, she is still want to fire a gun. However, her desires are repressed by the males of her family (Allison 288). The family is first source of prejudice about gender role.
Trough the years, a human being has the psychological need to a role identity. Since an early age, children are looking for their role identity, and the children have the family as their first medium of communication with the world . In order to understand the world, the child first how to compare this with respect to his or h .....
Did Immigrants Have To Leave Behind Their Cultures?
.... where they were the minority. On the other hand, these immigrants added their cultures to the American society; thus none were forced to give up their roots.
If immigrants were not ready to start a new life then they should never have come to America. If they left behind their cultures, it is nobody’s fault but their own. Vecoli gave an example of Italian immigrants that emigrated to Chicago had established seventeen colonies around the city. Vecoli goes on to say that many south Italian families that lived in Chicago functioned as they did at home. The roles of the men and women, in the household, remained unchanged. Th .....
Adoption Of Children
.... There are several situations that constitute a need for adoption.
There are many couples that are unable to have children of their own. Adoption allows those couples to experience and enjoy parenthood. Most of the time it is not their choice that they can not have children. They can try everything that is offered medically to get pregnant, and still not succeed. Adopting a child can then become a positive alternative, and it also gives the child a good home with people eager to be good parents. It is a miracle to the parents when they hold their new child because they are given a chance to be a parent.
There are same sex c .....