Teaching Respect To Children
.... even lead to drug use. It is easy to
see how these problems can be easily solved or would be nonexistent if
their was respect. Violence would not be a problem, because no one would
fight if they had respect for the other person. The next problem is crime.
Nobody is going to steal or vandalize someone's property if they respect
them. One other problem is drug use, this would not be a problem is people
respected themselves enough to not harm their bodies with drugs. They also
would not sell drugs because selling something to someone that will harm
them is not showing respect to that person.
It is extremely easy to sit back and say .....
Sexual Abuse And Children
.... Virginia Beach alone in
1993 the social services office counted 6,613 sexual abuse cases reported.
The reason only a third of the cases are reported because most of
the time the abuser is a friend or family member. In fact the book Child
Abuse: an american epidemic says “only 28% of child molestors are
strangers.” Most of the time the abuser is the money maker in the family
and the child fears that if the molestor gets taken away that they will
have nothing. If it is a friend or another family member they don't tell
because they don't want to ruin the friendship or break up the family.
Sexual abuse has several categories and a .....
.... “correct”, if ever? We are provided with prerogative to think
however we like, but is it correct in assuming that stereotyping is immoral
and unfair? This topic will be more discriptive through the proceeding.
As it was mentioned in the Introduction, stereotyping is relative
to making generalizations towards a whole culture, class, or nation, etc.
based on the actions of one or a select few. It is quite obvious that the
accuracy rate of observing in such a manner would be quite minimal, yet
there are people who practice it and people who have done it before,
including myself. I would be telling an a .....
How Cultures Affect Teenagers
.... may happen because they will be
confide to their marriage and paying respect to their elders. This boy
experiences traditional culture and the other culture is modern. Modern
culture incorporated with economy has made child marriage irrelevant to
those who have the background of modern culture.
Teenage boys in Brazil are customed to soccer because of their
geography. Boys here will not be worrying about marriage until they are in
their 30's. They will be more concerned about getting to every young
Brazilian's teenage fantasy, being a soccer star with fame and fortune.
Soccer is very important in Brazil to everyone and most .....
Domestic Violence
.... There are
three general ways in which a child may be affected, but are a wide variety
of situations. I can't predict the future so I cannot tell which one I will
fall into, but I am hoping it is the second way. Firstly, the child may
take on the psychological effect that it is OK to do since one has seen
their mother or father commit the acts. Children may do this cause they
grow up as followers of grown ups around them. Sort of like that monkey
see monkey do concept. On the other hand they could be doing this cause
their parents told them not to. Secondly they may never repeat this act
seeing there is no good in it, which co .....
The Need For An Anglo American Lifestyle
.... the Cubans and the Japanese were deemed less than American.
The Cubans were acceptable as long as they did not assert their hotness,
nor their Cubanness on the street under a shady palm tree(136), or hold a
prominent position in Anglo Miami. The Japanese Americans were bearable as
long as they were locked up. The public anger at the "treachery" of the
surprise attack on Pearl Harbor left many fearing disloyalty and sabotage
(98). Although both cultures were deemed unacceptable by Anglo-American
society, the Japanese Americans and the Cubans went about setting up their
lives as if they were in their homelands, not fully as .....
The Pressures Of Today's Youth
.... like and not what the
individual likes. Peers create some of the so-called rites, then when
one follows more start to follow, then it becomes the scenario of the
lemmings following their leader off of the face of a cliff.
Some teens think that drinking is a passage into adulthood because
the law states you must be 21 to drink . The logic of some teens then
indicates that if you drink you are considered an adult. Therefore if one
teen tries it he/she is supposedly accepted as a more mature person, so
more people will follow.
Many adolescents fear their peers because of the fact that the peer
group may have set certa .....
The Publics Right To Know
.... is being
treated unfairly. However, by not reporting such information could elude
the voters knowledge of the presidential candidate. A journalist is
required to report, it is there job.
When making implications about any person, the facts must be known
without a doubt. The uselessness of hearsay information or a animus tip
does no good on the creditability of the news. If there is potential
situation developing, it would be a good idea for a journalist to watch and
wait for the events to unfold , then gather the necessary facts upon
gaining the information. It is unconstitutional to spread lies about an
individual. Even .....
The Role Of Women In India And South America
.... 335 of women are subjected to cruelty. 17 dowry deaths are reported every
day. In the reading done this semester it is shown that the treatment of
women in India is not often understood.
"The Shroud", written by Prem Chand, is a perfect example on how women are
disrespected by their husbands. The women in the story dies during
childbirth and her husband is worried too much about his own enjoyment than
purchasing a proper shroud for her to be burned in. This is quite an
isolated case though, because the people of the village are ashamed by his
actions. The husband, Madhav, and his father, Ghisu, go around the town
weeping for t .....
Smokers: The Right To Pursuit Of Happiness
.... It is not right. We should
be able to enjoy a cigarette in comfort. We are entitled to the same
treatment as every other student here at Albright. We are entitled to a
comfortable chair when we want to sit down. It doesn't matter if we want to
smoke a cigarette while we're sitting.
The Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal,
that they are endowed . . . with certain unalienable rights . . . among
these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Equal Rights
Amendment takes this one step further by saying equality of rights under
the law shall not be denied or abridged . . . on account of sex. This m .....
To Help The Poor
.... be spread more vigorously if we are aiming at an equal
world. So one should think twice before turning one's back to the next aid
The Chinese New Year
.... house cleaning, decorations, lots of food, and more for their
Chinese New Year is a time of special celebration and joy;
therefore many old customs and performances are incorporated into the
festival celebrations and competitions held on Chinese New Years. The most
common of these are perhaps the dragon dance and lion dance.
The dragon dance was already a popular activity by the Sung
Dynasty(960-1279A.D.), and has continued to be so up to the present. The
dragon mask and boy used in the dance may be gold, green, variegated, or
firey red. The dance may be performed in the daytime or at night. If
perfo .....