Diversity Within English
.... carries groceries home from the supermarket in a paper
bag or from the grocery store in a paper sack (Yule 184). And the person who
comes home from the supermarket with a paper sack serves to remind us that
language variation is not a discrete, but rather a continuous variable.
Characteristics of the dialect are more pronounced in the center of the speech
community and tend to be less discernible at the outer boundaries, where they
often overlap other regional dialects.
Within, and between, these regional variations we find the social
dialects. The primary social factors that influence dialects are class,
education, oc .....
The Problem Of Domestic Violence
.... has just been popularized overnight, domestic violence has been
going on from as far back as anyone can remember and probably farther than that,
and two, this is not affecting many people at the same timem, because, as I've
stated before, "in most families men and women do not engage in physically
abusive behavior". If you as the reader gets anything out of this paper, it is
important to me as the writer, that you find that, while domestic violence is a
major problem for some families, it is by no means an epidemic.
The major reason domestic violence has become so widespread over the
last couple of years is because of the O. J. .....
Down With Community Service
.... to go to college after they
graduate. I also asked them about doing community service. Most of them said
that they would be getting a job, and they would not have time to do community
service. My survey has brought me to the conclusion that students who are
thinking about going to college should not be thinking about doing two years of
community service.
Community service is detrimental to college students. I was talking on
the phone with my cousin, Waldo, who lives in Rhode Island. We got to talking
about the community service subject. He told me that there is a law in
Providence that when a person graduates from hig .....
Knights And Chivalry
.... By this time, however, chivalry had
become largely a system of etiquette. Tournaments, in which knights had
originally risked their lives in jousting combat before the ladies, became
simply elaborate, stylized, and harmless entertainments. Moreover, the expense
of this and other trappings of knighthood led many nobles who were eligible for
knighthood, having served the customary apprenticeship of 7 years as a page at a
noble court and another 7 as a squire, or attendant, to a knight, not to become
knights at all. From chivalry, always larger in literature than in life, comes
the modern concept of the gentleman.
The Knight .....
.... the article I scrolled down the page to where it listed
"more feminist links", the five that were given consisted of; three lesbian
rights pages, and two "neo-feminist pages". Thinking this must be only a small
percentage of feminist pages which were given by this specific author, I went
back and searched many of the feminist pages on the web myself. To my unpleasant
surprise it turned out that almost all were expressive of the same extreme theme.
So what does the current view of feminists as a whole mean to society? I
feel that the current view of feminists is detrimental to the women's movement.
One reason is that I feel the cur .....
First Impressions May Be Deceiving
.... the library this impressive look of a bank. These light white-grayish,
square pillars are 2 by 2 ft. and almost half the way up them there are two
engraved lines that run all the way around them about 6 in. from the other.
Concrete, a sign of strength, is also used in the patio around the tower
entrance. This grayish colored concrete was poured in slabs of 3 by 3 ft.
sections. Concrete was also used as dividers between floors. Between each
floor, the redish-brown, 4 by 8 in. bricks are split up by a light grayish
horizontal concrete layer. The items used in the construction of this building
show the strength
needed fo .....
The First Impression
.... the state of Arizona, he
met up with a man in ragged clothes, messy hair and in need of a bath. Still,
the young man started up a conversation and found this hobo to be very
intellectual and pleasant man despite his appearance. As night approached each
went and sought shelter for the night, but before they departed the hobo said
"You think I'm a bum, am I right?" Being truthful the young man replied "Yes."
"I am really a millionaire," the hobo confessed, "I dress and live this way
because I want to be taken for who I am and not my money." The hobo is a prime
example of how appearances can be deceiving.
While appearance .....
Following A Dream Toward Freedom
.... "The first is freedom of
speech and expression-everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every
person to worship God in his own way-everywhere in the world. The third is
freedom want-which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings
which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants-
everywhere in the world. The forth is freedom from fear-which, translated into
world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in
such a through fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of
physical aggrestion against any neighbor-anywhere in the wor .....
A Black Cloud
.... Hitler!”, and the infamous Skinheads are
harsh reminders of hatred which exists throughout the world.
In the same way that prejudices of large groups of people are
expressed, hate crimes are committed to demonstrate acts of hatred. Most
recent are the burning of black churches across the South. A crime of this
sort shows hatred against the black race. Sometimes leading to
manslaughter, racial tensions are abundant. Furthermore, the burning of
crosses or flags are offensive crimes that are committed to show a person's
hatred for religion or the government. Spousal abuse, child abuse,
homicide, and wars between races can only .....
Affirmative Action In Seattle
.... the City can determine whether or not women, people of color, or
persons with disabilities are underrepresented in a given job
classification within the work force; second, the City's affirmative action
program encourages managers and personnel officers to make special outreach
efforts into groups and communities that are underrepresented in our work
force, in order to increase the number of qualified candidates in the
potential hiring pool;
Third, the City's affirmative action program directs that when there
are two fully qualified candidates for a given position, preference should
be given to the candidate th .....
Animal Rights
.... that way. In other laboratories animals are confined to small cages
or locked up so that thay can't move. They are then used to test cosmetics
and household chemicals. They have chemicals poured on to their eyes and
skin to see if they cause irritation. These experiments would hurt the
animals by causing burns and evn blinding them sometimes. I don't think it
is right to hold these animals, caged against their wills and hurting them
repeatedly. Nothing is done to ease or prevent their pain and suffering.
There must be a better way to test substances without in iflicting
suffering on innocent, bewildered animals. Some scienti .....
Anti-Affirmative Action
.... Another article I found, "Affirmative action: A Counter-
Productive Policy" by Ernest Pasour also on the W.W.W., is one example
which reveals that Duke, a very famous and prestigious university, adopted
a resolution requiring each of it's department to hire at least one new
African-American for a faculty position the 1993 date. More proofs of
Affirmative Action in action is the admission practices at the University
of California Berkeley. In the same article by Pasour, it states that
while whites or Asian-Americans need at least a 3.7 grade point average
through high school to be in consideration for admission in Berkeley, mo .....