The Greenhouse Effect
.... is hot enough to melt lead.
Water vapor is an important "greenhouse" gas. It is a major reason why
humid regions experience less cooling at night than do dry regions. However,
variations in the atmosphere's CO2 content are what have played a major role in
past climatic changes. In recent decades there has been a global increase in
atmospheric CO2, largely as a result of the burning of fossil fuels. If the
many other determinants of the Earth's present global climate remain more or
less constant, the CO2 increase should raise the average temperature at the
Earth's surface. As the atmosphere warmed, the amount of H2O wo .....
Human Cloning Isn't As Scary As It Sounds
.... or the
random events in human development are utterly insignificant. The overwhelming
consensus among geneticists is that genetic determinism is false.
As geneticists have come to understand the ways in which genes operate, they
have also become aware of the myriad ways in which the environment affects their
"expression." The genetic contribution to the simplest physical traits, such as
height and hair color, is significantly mediated by environmental factors. And
the genetic contribution to the traits we value most deeply, from intelligence
to compassion, is conceded by even the most enthusiastic genetic researchers to
be limit .....
Animalia Vertebrata Mammalia Carnivora Canidae Canis Lupus And Animalia
.... related to the jackal (Canis aureus), than to a wolf. The
Caucasion Wolf (Canis lupus cubanensis) is found in many parts of eastern Europe
and western Asia. The large tundra wolf of eastern Asia, the Tundra or Turukhan
Wolf (Canis lupus albus), is very close in relations to the wolves of northern
In the Arctic Islands and Greenland the Melville Island Wolf (Canis
lupus arctos), the Banks Island Wolf (Canis lupus bernardi), the Baffin Island
Wolf (Canis lupus manningi), and the Greenland wolf (Canis lupus orion), are all
Wolves of the Continental Tundra and Newfoundland include the Alaska
Tundra Wolf (Canis lu .....
Growth Dynamics Of E. Coli In Varying Concentrations Of Nutrient Broths, PH, And In The Presence Of An Antibiotic
.... finally pH 6.0 producing 579,557cells/mL. The remaining four media, after
calculations, produced cell counts greater than the control: 2X with 1,087,009
cells/mL; 0.5X with 2,205,026 cells/mL; pH 8 with 3,583,750 cells/mL and finally
pH 7.0 with 8,090,325 cells/mL. From these results the conclusion can be made
that the environment is a controlling factor in the growth dynamics of E. coli.
This was found through the regulation of pH and nutrient concentrations. In the
presence of the drug/antibiotic, chloramphenicol, cell growth was minimal.
E. coli grows and divides through asexual reproduction. Growth will co .....
Hammerhead Sharks
.... mokarran)-Attaining a length of a possible 18 feet,
this is the largest and most dangerous of all the hammerheads.
One of the most interesting things about the hammerheads is the unique
shape of their heads. Ever since scientists started to study the hammerhead
they have speculated about the use of the hammer. The hammer is a complex
structure and probably serves more than one function. The most important
function of the hammer according to scientists is increased electroreceptive
area and it's sensory perception. This means that the hammerhead has a
remarkable sensory ability to detect the small electrical auras surroundin .....
Nuclear Weapons
.... energy and a neutron. In order to squeeze the two
nuclei together, an atomic fission bomb is usually used. A fusion reaction
releases about four times more energy per unit mass than a fission reaction.
The United States supervised the development of the atomic bomb under the code
name Manhattan Project, during World War II. The first nuclear chain reaction
occurred in December 1942, at the University of Chicago. Soon after the first
bomb test, atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in 1945. The first hydrogen bomb was developed by a team of United
States scientists and was first tested .....
Nuclear Strikes
.... someone stole a bomb simulator, which will explode and make
mushroom cloud but has no nuclear component.(Wilkie) People know that despite
efforts to keep control on the old Soviet stockpile and waste, terrorists are
getting the plutonium and uranium needed to make nuclear weapons to kill masses
of people. This is kind of the history of the nuclear & atomic bomb: (all from
Williams) The first atomic bomb was thought up by Albert
Einstein in the late 30's. In 1942 Enrico Fermi brought about first nuclear
reaction with isotope Uranium 235. From this the Manhattan Project was brought
about and took place in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Th .....
Homo Aquaticus?
.... instance is over three times larger than in chimps, even
though chimps and humans are pretty close to equal in body weight.
Each side of the brain is diveded by the central sulces into independant
halves. Just before the central sulcus lies the post-central cortex, where the
opposite body half (right side for left brain, left side for right brain). Just
in front of the central sulcus lies the pre-central cortex where the information
for the voluntary movements leave tthe brain. The pre-central area is called
primary motor cortex, and also "Area 4" in primates.
III. Human and Chimp Cortex Differences
Changes In The Atmosphere Causing Multicellularity
.... prokaryotes. There are two main theories which describe how
this transition may have occurred. The first is the endosymbiotic theory, or
enosymbiosis, and the other is the autogenous theory, or autogenisis. These two
theories are not mutually exclusive, meaning one or the other could account for
different parts of eukaryotic cells. The endosymbiotic theory states that the
formation of eukaryotic cells were symbiotic associations of prokaryotic cells
living inside larger prokaryotes. The endosymbiotic hypothesis accounts for the
presence in eukaryotic cells of complex organelles not found in the far simpler
prokaryotes. Man .....
Human Evolution And The Fossil Record
.... Potassium-argon dating, another dating method, is possible
due to volcanic ash and rocks found near many fossil sites. Rocks and ash
created in this manner contain potassium-40, but no argon. As time passes, the
potassium-40 decays into argon-40. In the laboratory, the sample is reheated,
and since argon-40 is a gas, it is released. The ratio of argon-40 released to
potassium-40 still present allows for a date to be assigned to objects near the
sample. However, due to potassium's high half-life (1.3 billion years), it is
only useful as a dating technique for finds older than 500,000 years old. Also,
it is only useful wh .....
Nicolaus Copernicus
.... an
astronomical discourse that laid the foundation of his heliocentric theory; the
theory that the sun is the center of our solar system. However, it was 400 years
before it was published.
After leaving his uncle, he wrote a treatise on money, and began the
work for which he is most famous, On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres,
which took him almost 15 years to write. It is ironic that what he devoted a
good part of his life would not be published until he was on his deathbed.
His Theory:
To understand the contribution Copernicus made to the astrological
community, you first need to understand the theory that had been .....
.... It
is propionic acid that is white and powdery, and soluble in water, and organic
solvents such as ethanol and acetone. (1) Its structural formula is:
Its role of action as a drug is not completely clear to the sciences,
but that with time will change. One thing we do know is that people who have
allergies to Aspirin should not take this medicine. (2)
As of now we know that it may play a role in prostaglandin synthesis
inhibition. (1) Prostaglandin are hormonal like substances that form in animal
tissue from polly unsaturated fatty-acids. (3) They do affec .....