Green Laws Boost Clean-up Iindustry
.... environmental
responsibilities. Investments on a volunta-ry basis are often due to the fact
that it makes good ecnomic sense or because it gives the corporate image a face-
Seen from a geoprahical point of view Germany and primarily eastern
Europe form tremendously good breeding ground for the sale of clean-up equipment.
As a result of opencast mi-ning of lignite coal in Poland, for example, a huge
clean-up is left, which will amount to billions of dollars. However accidents
also occur at sea, where a spate of oil tanker disasters are likely to fill out
the order book at oil cleaning industries.
Nevertheless a stroke .....
.... deliberately lead their toxic waste to lakes nearby, Greenpeace sealed the
pipes, from which the toxic waste was coming from and furtermore the activists
refused to leave. A up-to-date example could be Mururoa, where the French
government held a series of underground nuclear tests and banned all nearby
sailing activities meanwhile. Greenpeace had no hesitation, sailed right to
Mururoa and stayed there until they were forced to leave by a commando squad.
Even though straight on action, seems to be their game, Greenpeace also has it's
own research center, from where the ozone-friendly refrigerators was designed.
But ‘direct action .....
Hawaiian Goose
.... Nene
was named the State Bird, rescue efforts were underway. Conservationists began
breeding the birds in captivity in hopes of preserving a remnant of the
declining population and, someday, successfully re-establishing them in their
native habitat. Other programs for returning captive birds to the wild life was
difficult, but more efforts have been successful. Some other efforts used to
help this bird have been to get donations for the bird and have schools help out
by donating money to organizations. There are now small populations of Nene on
the islands of Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai. There are about 1000 Nene outside of
Haw .....
Hemp: The Truth About The Earth's Greatest Plant
.... grow throughout the entire Midwest today. Wild hemp, like hemp used for
industry purposes, is useless as an intoxicant. Yet U.S. drug law states that
one acre of this can result in the owner being sentenced to death. The death
penalty exists for growing one acre of perfectly harmless, non-intoxicating
Hemp can produce any product that paper can produce. The difference is
that one acre of hemp can produce four times as much paper as one acre of trees
( a study done by the U.S. Department of Agriculture). Also, a crop of trees
takes twenty to fifty years to be ready for harvest where hemp is ready to
harvest four times .....
.... that has
blinded and crippled our ability to realize this resource.
A plant exists that is so strong that it can be grown without requiring
chemicals in almost every part of the world. Many have touted this plant as a
possible way in which to wean society from its dependence on fossil fuels for
energy and the need to log forests for pulp, paper and wood. It is even said
that this plant could adequately clothe and feed the world more efficiently and
cheaply than we can do now!
Why is this miracle plant not used if all evidence points to its
versatility? The answer is bogged down in a century of law, sociology, .....
The Hippopotamus: Endangered Species Report
.... Trade in Endangered Species in Florida,
for a ban on hippo poaching. But they say they're a long way from putting an
end to the slaughter." (Howard & Koehl)
The hippopotamus is an enormous amphibious animal with smooth, hairless skin.
Hippos can be found in Liberia, the Ivory Coast, and a few can also be found in
Sierra Leone and Guinea. Hippos used to be found anywhere south of the Sahara
Desert where they could find enough water and plenty of room to graze. Now, due
to poachers and predation they are confined to protected areas, but they can
still sometimes be seen in many major rivers and swamps.
Hippos need water .....
Household Waste!
.... to cover it has been lost for some time now.
II Windex
In the cupboard in the upstairs bathroom is where we keep the Windex.
The Windex is blue and clearly labeled, with no chance of any person mistaking
it for something else. The top part is tightly screwed on with Windex filled to ¾
of the original volume. I cannot find any expiration date, nor can I find any
hint there ever was one. I should contact the product vender to see if the
Windex is immortal or what.
III Vinegar
I go to the kitchen cupboard and find vinegar. Vinegar is what we use to
mop our tile floor with. The vinegar has an "Easy flip-off cap!" and is about
h .....
Climatic Change And Its Effect On Society
.... which could lead to
even drier conditions and enormous stresses on vegetation in the western
Canadian boreal forest. This type of impact was observed following the 1988
drought it experiences, when there was a die-back of aspen over extensive areas
of the aspen parkland in Western Canada. Associated with this drought was a
drying up of large lakes in the region. Another potential impact for the region
is a major increase in forest fires. This is due to the fact that fire frequency
is closely linked to moisture levels which are expected to decrease under
climatic change. Thus, it is noticed that with increased climatic change the
.... sea surface, it soaks up more and more water
vapour. At the storm center, this new supply of water vapor gets pulled into the
thunderhead updrafts, releasing still more energy as the water vapor condenses.
This makes the updrafts rise faster, pulling in even larger amounts of air and
water vapor from the storm's edges. And as the updrafts speed up, air swirls
faster and faster around the storm center. The storm clouds, moving with the
swirling air, form a coil.
In a few days the hurricane will have grown greatly in size and power. The
swirling shape of the winds of the hurricane is shaped like a dough-nut. At the
center of t .....
Hydrogen: The Fuel Of The Future
.... chemicals (aluminum,sodium hydroxide, and water) can
be reacted in the home to produce heavy hydrogen to power your furnace or your
hot water heater . No electrical power at all is required. The reaction also
gives off a tremendous amount of heat. Even the waste heat could be captured for
heating the house. The resulting sodium aluminate is harmless and could be
collected at recoiling centers for complete acid/base neutralization. This way
is a simpler way than electrolysis produce hydrogen for heating the home,
because in a automobile it would be harder to do.
Electrolysis is another way to produce hydrogen electronically. .....
.... hydroponics, by measuring which plant has grown the highest or
bushiest. We also well be looking for green and healthy looking leaves on the
plants. We have no idea what the results might be, so this should be an exciting
Which form of plant life will thrive the most in a hydroponics
enrichment. Will it be Tomatoes our fruit, Peas our vegetable, Tinkerbell
flowers, or Beans a legume?
First we selected a suitable PVC pipe and cut it into a 4 foot long
piece. Next we cut four holes into the pipe with a jigsaw. After that we
drilled two holes for the brass tee's to fit into. Next we glued on the two caps. .....
Integrated Pest Management
.... that eat harmful species. Many pests that are attached to
crop residues can be eliminated by plowing them underground. Simple paper or
plastic barriers placed around fruit trees deter insects, which can also be
attracted to light traps and destroyed. Weeds can be controlled by spreading
grass, leaf, or black plastic mulch. Weeds also may be pulled or hoed from the
Many biological controls are also effective. Such insect pests as the European
corn borer, and the Japanese beetle, have been controlled by introducing their
predators and parasites. Wasps that prey on fruit-boring insect larvae are now
being commercially bred a .....