Endangered Manatee
.... it is a virus, the scientists can devise some sort of medicine to defeat this
Energy Flow Systems
.... in the river cuts and
shapes the river basin into the land. This movement is a slow and inefficient
use of energy. According to White, only two percent of water's potential energy
results in the work of erosion. The other ninety-eight percent of water's energy
was lost as water molecules rub against themselves, the river bed, and the river
banks. This energy was released as heat into the river.
Often the energy of flowing water was not recognized. There are
occasions when rivers do show their power is destructive ways. Power was
usually demonstrated through floods, and more so in flash floods. Thousands of
years ago, an .....
Environmental Pollution
.... CFCs from aerosols. Every bit of this
harms our atmosphere. Factories and transportation depend on huge amounts of
fuel billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year.
When these fuels burn they introduce smoke and other, less visible, by-products
into the atmosphere. Although wind and rain occasionally wash away the smoke
given off by power plants and automobiles, the cumulative effect of air
pollution poses a grave threat to humans and the environment. A big example of
smog is LA you can see the smog just hovering above the city. I don't think any
human alive should be subject to that kind of environm .....
.... years, an estuary is
cradled between outreaching headlands and is buttressed on its vulnerable
seaward side by fingers of sand or mud.
Estuaries transform with the tides, the incoming waters seemingly
bringing back to life organisms that have sought shelter from their temporary
exposure to the non-aquatic world. As the tides decline, organisms return to
their protective postures, receding into sediments and adjusting to changing
The community of life found on the land and in the water includes
mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, shellfish, and plants all interacting within
complex food webs. Flocks of shore birds sti .....
Human Evolution
.... bipedalism, seems to be one of the earliest of
the major hominine characteristics to have evolved. This form of locomotion led
to a number of skeletal modifications in the lower spinal column, pelvis, and
legs. Because these changes can be documented in fossil bone, bipedalism usually
is seen as the defining trait of the subfamily Homininae.
Brain Size and Body Size Much of the human ability to make and use tools and
other objects stems from the large size and complexity of the human brain. Most
modern humans have a braincase volume of between 1300 and 1500 cc (between 79.3
and 91.5 cu in). In the course of human evolution the s .....
Faster Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit
.... the amount of pollution we are producing. (Knopman, 1993)
The early biosphere was not pleasant for life because the atmosphere had
low levels of oxygen. Photosynthetic bacteria consumed carbon dioxide and
produced simple sugars and oxygen which created the oxygen abundant atmosphere
in which more advanced life forms could develop. (Brown, 1994) The mystery of
how Earth's oxygen levels rose is very complex. Scientists don't agree when or
how the oxygen on earth got here, but we know we could not live without it.
(Pendick, 1993) Oxygen is crucial for humans to survive. Dissolved oxygen is
also crucial for most fish and a .....
.... adding anything to the water that is not already there, since virtually
all sources of drinking water in the United States contain some fluoride.
Fluoridation is a form of nutritional supplementation that is not unlike the
addition of vitamins to milk, breads and fruit drinks; iodine to table salt; and
both vitamins and minerals to breakfast cereals, grains and pastas. The
protection of fluoridation reaches community members in their homes, at work and
at school -- simply by drinking the water. The only requirements for the
implementation of fluoridation are the presence of a treatable centralized water
supply and approval by .....
Global Economy And The Environment
.... in resource utilization and land
management. This also refers to the notion of Rthe locals know their land
better than anybody elseS. The tropical rain forest of Brazil is a good example
of this. The RindigenousS or the local people have a good understanding of how
to extract and utilize its resources in a very sustainable manner. However when
a multinational timber company comes into Brazil, result of their actions will
probably be more harmful, due to the fact that they are not complying to the
RtraditionalS methods.
Another important aspect is the fact that in any international trade
agreement, a MNC is most likel .....
Global Warming
.... Fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gases. We use these fuels
to run factories, power plants, cars, trucks, buses, air conditioning and etc.
The people of the earth are putting 5.5 billion tons of carbon, in the form of
carbon dioxide in the air every year! Seventy five percent of this is fossil
3. Impact Causing Global Change
For many years, scientists have been predicting that our disregard for
Mother Nature would make the climatic temperature of this Earth to increase
greatly. There have been arguments that the whole idea of Global Warming is a
hoax, that the temperature cycle is just experiencing an upward tre .....
Global Warming
.... the relations among these factors.
Many of us have seen linear graphs of human population showing the enormous
growth in the last two centuries. However, significant changes in population
dynamics are lost in the exponential growth and long time scales. If the data
are replotted on a log-population by log-time scale, significant population
dynamics emerge. First, it is apparent that population growth has occurred in
three surges and second, that the time between surges has dramatically shortened
(Deevey, 1960).
Figure 1. Population (Log-population verses log-time since 1 million
years ago) .....
Global Warming
.... in sea level, along with other severe environmental disturbances. An
example of a runaway greenhouse effect is Earth's near-twin planetary neighbor
Venus. Because of Venus's thick CO2 atmosphere, the planet's cloud-covered
surface is hot enough to melt lead.
Water vapor is an important "greenhouse" gas. It is a major reason why
humid regions experience less cooling at night than do dry regions,. However,
variations in the atmosphere's CO2 content are what have played a major role in
past climatic changes. In recent decades there has been a global increase in
atmospheric CO2, largely as a result of the burning of fossil f .....
Greenhousing The Wrong Way
.... ice caps will continue causing ocean waters to rise, resulting in massive
coastal flooding of major cities such as Los Angeles and Miami.
If the next century's warming stays at a low end of estimates, the
consequences are likely to be mild. But if warming reaches the middle or top
estimates, we are likely to see such things as more frequent and more intense
heat waves, increased flooding, and droughts in different areas. Not to mention
the 60,000,000 migrants that would be caused if only 1% of our future population
had to seek higher ground. This many migrants would help to further our
already crowded cities, and take mo .....