Dolphins & Humans: Breaking Barriers Of Communication
.... Odysseus' son, was saved from drowning as a young child through the aid of a dolphin. A roman scholar Plink the Elder, who lived in AD 23-69, wrote about a boy named Hermias. Hermias had many encounters with a friendly dolphin which he would except rides from. One day Hermias was thrown off the dolphins back by a sudden storm and drowned in the sea. The dolphin brought the boy's body back to the shore, and the dolphin threw itself on the shore beside the boy, dying in grief over the boy's death.
The sleek, smooth, streamline body of the dolphin doesn't begin to describe the physiology of the dolphin. Dolphins are a type of .....
.... ordered as Octopoda, (Family) Octopodidae, (Genus) Octopus. Then its species differ to differentiate one octopus from another. A common octopus's species is labeled as vulgaris.
A common octopus's scientific name:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Classification: Cephalopoda
Order: Octopoda
Family: Octopodidae
Genus: Octopus
Species: (common octopus) vulgaris
Physiology: external
The octopus's physiology is very distinct. It is so unique that there is no other creature that has a similar physiology. Although, many people may think that the octopus has radial symmetry, it has bilateral symmetry due to its internal .....
UFOs Exist
.... divide UFO incidents into three major types of close encounters.
First, close encounter of the first kind (CEI) are classified as UFO sightings. Second, close encounters of the second kind (CE2) are sightings and permanent evidence, such as marks in the ground or burns on grass. Third, close encounters of the third kind (CE3) are actual contact with alien beings from a UFO. (Oberg 240)
There are many different theories about how UFOs travel and where they come from. "Some scientists believe that they come from the larger planets like Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter or Saturn"(Yenne 103). Most people think that UFOs come from Ma .....
Nuclear Fission
.... easiest of all atoms to split apart. Uranium-235 is made up of many protons and few neutrons. Protons naturally repel one another so a nucleus made up of many protons tends to ‘fly apart’ more easily. In addition, uranium makes a good nuclear reactor because it can sustain a series of fission reactions, each time producing more neutrons in chain reaction. Therefore, uranium-235 can produce a steady flow energy output.
Uranium can be found in the United States, Canada, and through the world. Uranium in its natural state cannot be used in the fission process. Uranium must go through four steps before it can be transformed into .....
Natural History Of The Lamprey
.... for Southern Africa. The sea lamprey is a marine species. They are native to the Atlantic Coast of North America and Europe. In many areas it has adapted to a life cycle spent entirely in freshwater. The sea lamprey invaded Lake Erie in the 1920’s, where its warm water was good for reproduction. They migrated to Lake Huron in 1939 and then to Lake Michigan. Within a few years, the lamprey had severely damaged the valuable trout fish in these lakes. They were competing with the fishing industry for the available trout. After invading Lake Superior, the lamprey became a serious threat to the fishing industry there. As a .....
.... years later, Spermann used nuclear transportation to create a clone. He took the nucleus, the cellular structure that contains the most genetic material and controls growth and development, and removed it from an egg cell of an organism. Spermann had successfully created another clone. Later on, other scientists were able to clone plants very easily. Plants are simple in structure and cloning them became very popular with scientists. In the lab scientists have cloned carrots, pine trees, and African violets. This technique of cloning plants enables scientists to select desirable plant and produce as many identical copies of .....
The Effects Of Over-Population On The Earth's Water Supply
.... reveal that the water supplies that we all depend on are being used at an unsustainable rate. There is not enough fresh water on this planet for current growth rates to continue.
The Public Broadcasting Company has posted on the Internet a timeline detailing the Earth's population at different years. According to this Population Timeline, the population in the "year 1954 was three billion"(2), in the "year 2000 the population is at approximately six billion"(3). This means that the Earth's population took thousands of years to reach three billion and only 46 years to double that amount to six billion.
The British Medical Jo .....
Biomedical Engineering
.... subjects and living systems. He/she may work applying the patterns of living organisms to engineering design or engineering new approaches or products to improve human health and productivity. On the one hand, the biomedical engineer may use his/her knowledge of physiological systems to reverse engineer nature, creating, for example, artificial tissues and neural networks. “On the other hand, a biomedical engineer may use knowledge of engineering to create new equipment or environments for maximizing human performance, accelerating wound healing, providing non-invasive diagnostic tools, product design, or numerous other appl .....
.... The point is however that we now have a man created sheep, what else could be done in the near future. There are many different goals for genetic cloning. Would you like to clone someone close to you who had died? In the movie “Gattaca” you get a peak at something that could be made possible by cloning, the genetic engineering of children not yet born. It could be the end of birth defects. If given the choice to be able to make a child perfectly healthy and have the traits you want in your child, would you do it? Infertile couples would be able to have babies. Organs could be cloned for transplants, no more searching endlessly f .....
Keeping The Snake River Dams
.... of Engineers to consider the removal of four dams on the Lower Snake River.” There is no disputing the fact that the number of native salmon swimming in the rivers and streams of the Pacific Northwest are dangerously low levels. Most experts believe native salmon will be gone in 25 years. The endangered salmon species can travel thousands of miles in their lifetimes, making them susceptible to a wide range of environmental conditions and human actions. While it is generally agreed that the dams have at least some level of impact on these species, this impact is difficult to quantify to a degree that can be meaningfully compared to .....
The Solar System
.... sun orbits the sun ever 365.25 days. The average surface temperature is 15 degrees. The distance from the sun is 150million km (93 million miles). The sun is 150million km (93 million miles) away from earth. It is 1.4million km (864,000 miles) in diameter. Its surface temperature is 5,800 degrees Celsius (10,472 degrees Fahrenheit).
As the earth rotates on its axis the sun can only shine at one side at a time. When the earth spins around one side receives the light of day and the other is darkness of night. The earth turns in a counter-clockwise direction. As the earth rotates the sun rises in the east. The suns motion is e .....
Salt Water Can Support An Electrical Current
.... similar to the molecules of the solvent have the highest solubility. When a solute is added to a solvent, several physical properties of the solvent change. Its boiling point rises and its freezing point lowers with increasing concentrations of solute.
Solutions are similar to other types of mixtures known as colloids and suspensions. Colloids are mixtures of tiny particles of one substance, called the dispersed phase, suspended in another substance, called the dispersion medium. The particles are so small that they remain in suspension indefinitely, unaffected by gravity. Both the dispersed phase and the dispersion m .....