Disaster Spills Across Bhopal
.... the morning of December 3rd, a faulty valve ruptured, allowing the deadly gas to escape into the atmosphere and cause a huge vapor puff to fall onto silent, sleeping Bhopal (Cush, 30).
Before the release of 40 tons of MIC, Bhopal was a prospering city. The population was growing to about 700,000 people. In India large corporations were encouraged to build there to bring more jobs to the community and raise the economy. So when Union Carbide built their plant in the middle of heavy slums and shantytowns, they were welcomed with open arms.
In the seven years the plant was running, it experienced six small accidents, and still .....
Stop Pollution
.... about 97%. And also 97% of Earth's water is ocean. There is a greater variety of living creatures in the ocean than anywhere on land. Scientists say that (including microscopic creatures) there may be 10 to 100 million unnamed species on the ocean bed alone. And that it could take up to 5000 years to classify them.
The sea is a very has a very important contribution to human life. We shouldn't take the services that it provides, for granted. Like never before, in the past century, man has removed billions of tons of living creatures from the sea and dumped billions of tons of toxic waste in it without much thought about any .....
What Is Physics?
.... a transformation of society.”
Uncertainty in Measurements
Because the number of digits that are valid for any measurement is limited, the precision of all measuring devices is also limited. Every measurement is subject to uncertainty.
Causes of uncertainty:
1. temperature
2. magnetic fields
3. parallax
4. carelessness
Chapter 3:
General Principles of Temporal Displacement
In chapter 3, we learned that displacement is the change in position of an object. Because this interests me I decided to enlighten you on the subject of Temporal Displacement. The TARDIS is a powerful machine that allows temporal displaceme .....
Earth's Climate And Seasons: ‘How Do They Relate?’
.... hours. At the middle of the day, noon, the sun is as direct as it can be, and this is also the hottest time of the day. But, when Earth makes one half turn, it changes to night when all of the air cools off, because the sun is on the opposite side of the earth. Without night, Earth would become unbearably hot in the summer. The sun, after doing all of these things, still gives us energy in the form of heat, light, etc. Without heat, there would be very little if any rain, because the water could not evaporate. Without the sun, Earth would be a lifeless, barren planet with no plants, animals, or any other form of life, climate .....
Effects Of Acid Rain On Water
.... levels of acidity, but if they eat insects like the mayfly, they may be affected because part of their food supply may disappear. As lakes and streams become more acidic, the numbers and types of fish and other aquatic plants and animals that live in these waters decrease. Some types of plants and animals are able to tolerate acidic waters. Others, however, are acid-sensitive and will be lost as the pH declines. Some acid lakes have no fish. At pH 5, most fish eggs cannot hatch. At lower pH levels, some adult fish die. Toxic substances like aluminum that wash into the water from the soil may also kill fish.
Together, biological .....
.... were hired by lords and noblemen who wanted to know the secret so they could become wealthier then they already were. Basically they saw easy money and would waste their lives and money to find out how to get it.
There was another side to alchemy them just changing lead into gold, people not only wanted to be rich but they also wanted to live forever. The Elixir was the substance that would extend the life of the user. They thought that the elixir would start its own transformation in the human body, incorruptibility and hence longevity. (Halleux 140) By making these substances would sometimes get the opposite effect of wh .....
.... a few living D. magna. This is a very large species, as cladocerans go, and one that is easily cultured in the laboratory. Return to your bench and observe the animals using the dissecting microscope. Note the characteristic jerky swimming motion. The uneven appearance of this motion is a result of there being only one pair of locomotory appendages, or oars. Try to observe the movement of the second antennae, which are the locomotory appendages. If you have watched adult brine shrimp, Artemia, in motion, the difference should be immediately apparent. Adult Artemia have many pairs of oars and thus has a smooth, even motion throu .....
Venomous Creatures Of The West Pacific
.... organs, and reproduce sexually. Echinoderms have the ability to regenerate lost or injured body parts.
Starfishes are free-living echinoderms that have a flat, star-shaped or pentagonal body, usually with a continuous disc that has five or more ray-like extensions called arms. Tube feet are located in an open furrow along the underside of the arms. These arms contain the digestive glands and genital organs. Located on the upper surface are many blunt, calcarous spines. The stomach is large and sac-shaped, the intestine minute, and the mouth tuns downwards. With the use of their tub feet, starfishes move abo .....
Theory Of Evolution
.... uncounted eons, this simple life gradually became more and more complex as chance modifications of the original proteins combined with external conditions of moisture, temperature, food supply, etc., to eventually produce all the varied and complex life forms inhabiting first the oceans, then the land, and finally the air, that we see today. Homo sapiens is seen as the topmost branch in the evolutionary tree of life, but the tree is still growing, and who knows what the next branches will look like? “
I wasn’t exactly raised with religion. Sure, my family celebrated Christmas and Easter. But that was more of an excuse .....
The Age Of The Earth
.... out, this is what scientists believe the age of the earth to be.
The assumption that the earth is 4.5 billion years old has raised doubts in the minds of some skeptics who question the accuracy of the data used in radiometric dating! They claim that without knowing the exact amount of Uranium in the beginning, most of the calculations will be based on assumptions and if one is to assume the amount of Uranium that existed 4.5 billion years ago, then, there is a chance that calculations would not yield an accurate result, because the initial data is assumed and it is not concrete.
Another problem that radiometric dating fa .....
The Planet Venus
.... was the first planet to be reached by a space probe. The space probe Mariner 2 flew close to Venus that sent information to Earth. The Mariner 2 was from the United States. A space probe from the Soviet was called the Venera 7. It was the first probe to land on Venus. When it landed it stopped working because the temperature was so hot. The first color pictures was from the space probe Venera 13.
Venus, Jupiter and the moon formed a triangle on 2-17-99 and 2-18-99. Venus and Jupiter passed each other on 2-23-99. Venus and Saturn passed each other on March 30, 1999.
Bang, The Life Cycle Begins
.... the forever turning Wheel of Samsara.