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.... who declared that if the prince were to see a sick person, an old person, a corpse, and a world renouncing ascetic, he would become dissatisfied with life and become a wandering monk in order to seek final peace. King Shuddhodana decided to prevent his son from running into any of these four sights and surrounded him with pleasant diversions during his early years. Finally the prince convinced his father into letting him visit a part of the city that was beyond the palace gates. Before allowing the prince to ride out in his chariot, Shuddhodana first ordered the streets to be cleared of the sick or the infirm, that the princ .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 777 | Number of pages: 3


.... English equivalents) instead of translated. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words defines “baptisma” (translated “baptism”) as “consisting of the process on immersion, submersion, and emergence.” Is water needed to be immersed? Baptism does not always mean “dunking in water”, but it does always mean “immersion.” An example of this would be Matthew 20:22 where Jesus asks James and John, “Can you drink of the cup I am going to drink?” Jesus here is giving a picture of the agony that He is about to endure. H. Leo Boles in his commentary on Matthew has stated concerning this, “Incidentally we see what is me .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2593 | Number of pages: 10

The Muslim Pilgrimage To Mecca

.... some minute processes of many, which enable a person to achieve purification during the pilgrimage. On the first day of the pilgrimage, thousands of Muslims join each other by walking in a circles (circumambulating) around the Ka'ba seven times. The Ka'ba also is known as "The House of Allah", and is very symbolic in the Islamic religion. The Ka'ba is the axis mundi of all Muslims. It is believed that the area above and the area below the Ka'ba are very sacred, because the Ka'ba of Heaven is located directly above the Ka'ba on earth. Muslims see this as being the center of the world and the point of rotation. The Ka'ba i .....

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.... why he was not. People in the days of Jesus had every reason to think Jesus was crazy and deviant. Look at how we view people in our society today who think they are the chosen one, who have been sent down from God or think they are some kind of God. Society looks at these people as crazy and as a threat to our everyday society. These people could just as easily be God's second son, but society sees these people just as they saw Jesus back then. For a man to be able to walk across water, move mountains, and make a blind man see, were unthinkable acts for the people around him. Some of the people believed in what he .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 809 | Number of pages: 3

Noah's Ark And The Great Flood

.... 320 different species of hummingbird alone, for example, have very high metabolic rates and have to consume large amounts of nectar throughout the day. The Ark would have had to cater for 640 hummingbirds, requiring a constant supply of insects and nectar. How could the ark cope with disposing of the waste products of all those creatures? It must have had an incredibly advanced plumbing and ventilation system, superior to anything to be found on modern ocean liners or large military vessels (e.g., aircraft carriers). Next time you are at a zoo, ask one of the keepers how easy it is to deal with the needs of a few hundred .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1701 | Number of pages: 7

Christianity: What Does God Mean?

.... knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.” That spirit can be compared with God for man was made in His image. Man’s spirit can not be seen, or felt, weighed or measured. We really can’t explain what a spirit is, in all honesty, because it is mystery that eludes precise definition or description. What is important is that when we confess that God is a Spirit, we deny His material Substance, as we know that substance to be. God, our great grandparent, will continue to show His concern to His people and watch them. He, who judges and punishes those who do wrong, leads and helps His people, and shapes their history. God is the one .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 538 | Number of pages: 2

Buddhism And The Four Noble Truths

.... suffering has been blow out can one truly reach enlightenment. In order to help lead us toward enlightenment, Buddha created a set of guidlines which he called the Four Noble Truths. THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS: 1. The Truth of misery. 2. The Truth that misery originates within us from craving for pleasure. 3. The Truth that misery can be eliminated. 4. The Truth that elimination is the result of following the middle way(Eightfold Path). 1. right mode of seeing things. 2. right thinking. 3. right speech. 4. right action. 5. right mode of living. 6. right effort. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 929 | Number of pages: 4

God And A Divine Plan?

.... with God even though I do not attend church on a regular basis. I was really never told by my parents that everything in life happens for a reason, nor was I told that what happens in life happens because of blind fate, they have always told me to make the best of my life and to go as far as I possibly can in life. So reasonably, I have always believed that I decide what happens in my life, and that there are many different paths to choose in life. I also, however, have always believed that God plays a major part in my life, I believe that my religious belief’s influence the choices that I make in my life. The ideas that God .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1209 | Number of pages: 5

Aztec Religion

.... of the different tribes the people as a whole would not admit that their local god was subject to any other or that he was only an attribute of a superior being. An exception to this generalized thought was Huitzilopochtli, the Aztecs' own tribal god, and other deities associated with him in the national myths kept alive by Aztec pride. In later legends this god is associated with the creation of the world, occupying a space similar to that held by the traditional Toltec and Teotihuacan gods and by those gods worshiped by the people of the Valley of Mexico before the volcano Xitle covered their homes with lava, several centurie .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 574 | Number of pages: 3

The Islamic Faith

.... Furthermore, the man must know how to hinder his release, and be able to grow stiff again. Consequently, if a man can satisfy all of these rules he will be truly desired by the opposite sex. When it comes to concerning women and their laws, there is a lot more to consider. The woman's appearance is greatly detailed. Her hair is to be black, forehead wide, and eyebrows black. She must have large, black eyes with "eyelashes like polished blades,"1 mouth smooth, tongue and lips luscious, with a touch of red, her neck to be strong and lengthy, with tendons showing, and her bust firm. The woman's body, overall, must have a pe .....

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The History Of Religion

.... a religious belief that deviated from the accepted norm, and a strong authority figure at the head. All this has seemed strange to some people, but this type of situation has been going on since before the inception of this country. Today's modern cults have simply borrowed some of their ideas from the past. Society has tended to forget the past, and has oftentimes labeled these "cultists" insane. Webster's dictionary defines the word cult as, "A formal religious variation, a religious system, a faddist devotion; a group of persons showing such devotion." In many ways, this description is an accurate one, but the descrip .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1945 | Number of pages: 8

Back To Religion?

.... they wanted a choice. Coming to the Americas in the time frame from fifteen hundred to 1770 was promising for settlers on a journey for new lives. Many people were looking for wealth and fortune but most of all freedom. Freedom was about all that was available. Freedom of few choices, most of the new people worked heard for others or even became slaves against their will. Religion kept them going. The churches here gave them opportunities to choose what and who to follow and believe. This was very strong so strong that for a while one was required to be religious to vote. The churches that were dominant in the Americas we .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 962 | Number of pages: 4

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