.... air-tight case for him that would get him out
scot-free because he was the prime minister's son, there would be a jury.
A judge also passes sentence, which is how long the accused, if found
guilty, should be punished. A judge is looked upon as "god" to the accused
standing before him, the judge holds the fate of a person in his hands.
They command respect, and the job of a judge, if it is the supreme court or
a small claims court, the word "judge" holds special meaning.
A judge also has the good fortune to see almost every type of person
living today, from killer to housewife, from jaywalker to terrorist.
Linear Programming
.... the restrictions present in linear programming problem. The
constraints are expressed mathemically as inequalities. In a practical
real-world situation, the constraints are generated by the presence of
limited resources or commodities such as capital manpower and raw material.
Mathematically, inequations can be converted to equations by the
introduction of slack variables.
Linear programming can be dated from the year 1947 when G.B. Dantzing
evolved an efficent technique call the Simplex Method, for solving linear
programming problems. The following decades, the rapid development of both
the theory and applicati .....
The Study Of Linguistics
.... while others more civilized or advanced will follow
the rules to the very letter.
Accents also have different languages linked to them. Different
letters, phrases, and even a whole new language may be created in the
process of learning the language, over time and a metamorphosis to keep up
with the changing world.
Letters are called graphemes, meaning the 26 letters of the alphabet,
more or less in different languages. In inuit for example, every grapheme
follows a very obvious pattern of a prefix followed by a certain suffix, a
combination of vowels and consonants. For example, there might be a set of
the letters .....
Exploring Mars
.... such as water and at
the same time building up an extensive scientific picture of Mars-its state
at the present moment, its history and what the future developments are
going to be.
As astronauts journey to Mars and finally reach there the main concern
and top priority when landing will be the astronauts safety. There will be
more flexibility when choosing a landing site. The astronauts will decide
where they want to land but must take into consideration that the roving
vehicles would be able to provide extended range when travelling on the
surface of Mars. This most probably would ensure that the sites that are
in the .....
Population Statistics Of Mexico
.... cut the death rate by more than half, thus causing the population to
increase every year since the 1940's. Perhaps now the Government's only
chief problem is trying to provide housing , jobs, and schools for the
rapidly increasing population. Therefore the government has tried to tell
people to limit the amount kids they have (although no law has been placed
under act.)
Another reason for population increase in the past 60 years is due to
the fact that the majority of Mexico's population is Roman Catholic. And in
this religion, no birth control is practised, leading to many unwanted
pregnancies, and an increase in popula .....
Nuclear Weapons: Other Options
.... to clean up the
Many people talk about a drug-free America, including Georg Bush.
Although he wants drug trafficking to stop, he does not allocate enough
funds to accomplish the task. When production of useless weapons are
stopped, the new income can be use to further the police force. More
police stations, officers, and detectives are needed now. Many
investigations at this moment are slowed because of the lack of manpower.
Many people do not feel safe in their homes because the local police force
is understaffed. All of this would change if we stop the cold war. People
could walk on the streets at night, drug l .....
Nuclear Weapons And Their Hazards
.... Hemisphere, this could occur through acute
climatic conditions which chilling or freezing temperatures occurring for
brief periods during the growing season which could destroy crops or lower
production. As result of the variety of potential physical and societal
disruptions to agriculture from a large-scale nuclear war, agriculture in
the Northern Hemisphere could be shut down or significantly reduced for the
first growing season after war and maybe several growing seasons. Only the
major grain-producing countries such as United States, Canada, and
Australia had enough stored food to keep their populations alive if they
lost th .....
The Origin Of Humanity
.... showing what is hypothesized to
be the human evolving.
Evolving from what though? The theory of evolution states that
creatures change overtime to suit their surroundings. This is called
environmental adaptation. The more a creature can adapt to it's environment
the greater chance it has of living and show an increase in population
called survival of the fittest. A theory developed by a scientist nammed
Charles Darwin who had conducted extensive research into the environmental
adaptions of animals, for example the adaptation of the galapagos turtles
from short neck to long neck so they could reach their food. This theory
helps .....
History Of Papermaking
.... were two main
kinds of pulping processes used in the 18th century and they were,
mechanical or groundwood pulping and chemical pulping. Mechanical pulping
contains certain wood components and therefore, it is not suitable for
paper in which high whiteness and permanence are required. Mechanical pulp
was first made in Germany in the 1840's, but was not used much until 1870.
Chemical wood pulp is used when high whiteness, strength and permanence are
required. VAT SIZING: A sheet of paper composed of cellulosic fibres is
water absorbent. Thus, aqueous liquids will penetrate it and spread in it.
Impregnation of the paper with v .....
.... reverse is true. During a recent stay on the Falkland Islands,
a Canadian researcher discovered that penguins are able to recognize
individuals and navigate the rocky terrain on which they live quite well.
Long of body and short of leg, they probably poke their heads forward as an
aid to balance. And as for looking at the ground, they're merely-like us-
keeping an eye on where they're going.
The human eye is adapted for aerial vision, which is why scuba divers-or
even you and I in the local swimming pool-must wear goggles or a face mask
to re-introduce air in front of our eyes in order to see clearly.
Among vertebrates in gene .....
What Is Radar
.... in a fog, and
guide astronauts. Radar can help control street traffic and assist the
police in finding speeding automobiles.
Radar sets come in many sizes. A small set, made for use in a guided
missile, is not much larger than a coffeepot. The larger sets used to study
distant planets may oupy a building many stories high. The size of a radar
set depends on the job it is expected to do. But all radar sets, regardless
of their size, use the principle of the echo.
How Radar Works
Radar sets produce radio signals. They radiate(send out) these
signals into space with a transmitter.
When a radio signal strikes an .....
The Ecology Of A Rain Forest
.... can be found here, ready to lauch into the air, using his
specially developed tail as a rudder to guide his flight. Beneath this is
the second layer of trees, whose crowns form a forest canopy. Rain filters
through this canopy, and the top sides of the crowns hold a large amount of
ferns and other small plants whose roots never touch soil. They live off
the water and nutrients held in the small pockets of the leaves and
branches. Tree frogs and chimpanzees live here, burrowing holes to live in
the vast vegetation. The third layer is called the "understory". This
grows beneath the canopy. The gorilla makes this his regular .....