Jim Stolpa And His Family's Trip
.... and the baby to stay, but Jen insisted they go. So they wrote whomever a letter letting them know where they were headed and bundled up for the long journey.
They walked 29 hours without sleep before finally reaching a cave. They climbed in for shelter and some warmth. Finally after a day or two, Jim decided that he needed to head back if they had any chance of surviving. They said their good-byes and he promised to be back by Wednesday. Jen used that as her meaning to struggle for life.
After straggling miles and miles, Jim spotted a truck. He ran for his life, yelling to the truck and jumped in before the man even ha .....
The Quinault Indian Tribe
.... on the Olympic Peninsula in Gray's Harbor and Jefferson County in western Washington. It consists of 189,061 acres, 4,414 of, which are tribal, owned.
Second, The Quinault Indians live in longhouses. They build longhouses made of red and yellow cedar. Cedar is a conifer meaning that it is a cone bearing The Longhouses could hold up to 30-40 people. They were seldom less than 50 feet long and 40 feet wide. Many longhouses had Totem Poles at their entrance. A Totem Pole was carved out of a cedar tree, into animal shapes. These animal shapes represented different members of the family tree. The Totem Poles showed everyone how prou .....
Nuclear Warfare
.... of a war. We shouldn’t have to settle wars by blowing up 50 miles diameter of land, natural resources, and people to prove our point that we are more powerful than you. Also, think about the long-term effects. The most major is radiation in the ground. Food cannot be grown in certain areas, and people who were hit with high radiation and lived, and then had children, the child is defective due to the high radiation in his body’s genetics.
Another situation to consider is nuclear terrorism. What would happen if a terrorist got his hands on an A-bomb. With that kind of threat, there is nothing we can do. For instance, l .....
Time Management
.... the less likely it will be dropped or failed. Goal setting is another main issue in managing time. Goal setting for grades has been proven to be very helpful. Once a goal has been set figure out the time it will take to achieve the goal. Setting priorities is a main key in making time. The understanding of what needs to be done and what can be done will make a big difference. If parties are number one then how is an “A” expected when every party is attended. Something as simple as a list can be extremely useful. Taking the time to make a list helps to clear the mind and organize thoughts rather than keeping a mess jumble .....
Does Heaven Exist?
.... that someday she could contact him. This obsession is complicated by the fact that she does not believe in God. In Puerto Rico, she meets Palmer, a young man who does believe in God. They have a brief but important love affair, and then when Drumlin pulls the plug on her research, she leaves for New Mexico and an alternate SETI site. Ellie’s research project has all but ended when there is a sudden breakthrough, intelligent signals from space. Drumlin, in the manner of all the bureaucrats everywhere, forgets his opposition to SETI and takes the credit. The signals, which included a startling bounce-back of a TV image from .....
Aztec Mythology: Quetzalcoatl
.... A more understandable translation would be feathered serpent. This point is interesting in that he very rarely appears in this form. He is more often depicted in many of his other roles, specifically as Topiltzin the high priest (Brundage 102-03). The significance of this will appear later in the paper, but suffice it to say the name is in itself misleading when referring to this complex deity of the Aztecs.
Many of the roles designated to Quetzalcoatl are unrelated to say the least, however the Aztecs seemed to be able to accept the various roles without question. The Aztecs, like many Native Americans, had a vivid creation s .....
Sammy Sosa Vs. Mark McGwire
.... and Sosa have have been pretty close to the number they should have in this point of their careers. McGwire has 1,388 hits in 1,576 games and Sosa has 1,280 hits in 1,289 games. If Sosa were in the league the same amount of time that McGwire has been, Sosa would have probably had more hits. Sosa has only played in 1,289 games as where McGwire has only played in 1,576 games. Sosa has a 99 percent chance of getting a hit each game, however McGwire has only an 88 percent chance of getting a hit each game.
The amount of their RBI's (Runs Batted In) is a totally different story. McGwire has 1,162 RBI's in his 13-year career, wh .....
Friedrich Nietzsche's Philosophy
.... Without these goals there would be no motivation for life. Artists wouldn’t want to be artists, scientists wouldn’t care about science, and people wouldn’t care about themselves.
I also agree with the master morality’s virtues not the master morality as a perfect being. I think we need these virtues In order to succeed in fulfilling the goals set forth by the will to power. I feel that when a person finds him or herself these master morality virtues are evident.
The slave morality on the otherhand, I think has some virtues and some downfalls as Nietzsche suggests. Patience, modesty, charity and compassion are some of the v .....
Hunting Wild Hogs
.... and lots of water. Make sure your knife is sharp and most of all don’t forget the lunch. The cut collars and vests are to protect the dogs from getting hurt. These collars and vests may even save your dogs life.
Now it is time to go hunting. Getting to your area early and dark is very important. Waking up early is part of the hunt, so make sure you are bright and early, even before the sun comes up. You may think it is just driving there, getting out, and hunt, but it is not only that. Opening gates, dealing with the weather, and strapping up the dogs are all part of getting to your area. The ideal time to get to you .....
Is There Really A Pet Overpopulation Problem?
.... that each offspring is worth X amount of dollars, and wow - multiply that by X number of offspring, and we'll be rich! This is rarely the case. Responsible breeders know that proper selection and veterinary care (pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy and birth, and neonatal care and vaccination) all incur cost. Sure, there are those that sell their kittens and puppies to the local pet store, but that brings us back to the original problem. Too many "pet store puppies" and kittens are seen each day with congenital problems and infectious diseases, such as Parvo, Kennel Cough, and parasites
The Game Of Baseball
.... tries to hit the ball into the baseball field. Payers score runs by hitting the ball and running around a series of bases before a player in the field can put them out. Batters and runners can be put out in a variety of ways. Innings are divided into two halves, referred to as the top and bottom of the inning. During the top of an inning, one team is at bat while the other team is in the field. After the team at bat has three outs the two teams switch these roles, and the bottom of an inning begins. If the game is tied after nine innings, the teams continue to play until one has scored more runs at the end of an extra inning.
.... keep pace with his companions - perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer” (Thoreau). Thoreau is
saying that just because a man does not conform to society, it does not mean he is weird; he is an individual.
Transcendentalism emphasizes the fact that man should be his own individual and rely only on himself. Emerson
states, “Society every where is in conspiracy against the manhood of everyone of its members” (Emerson). This
maxim means that society tries to conform man, taking away his ability to be his own individual and to think for
One other essential element of Transcendentalism is getting back to natu .....