Crime - A Game You Can’t Win
.... attempt at punishing violent criminals.
“We have increased the odds of incarceration,” said Dr. Morgan Reynolds, director of the National Center for Policy Analysis’ Criminal Justice Center. “Perpetrators know it is more costly to commit crime, and that acts as a deterrent”(Reynolds). In the State of Florida, the minimum prison term for a repeat rapist is 10 years. While this is an extensive time to remain locked away from society, the focus should be in the repetition of the crime. Ask the victim of a violent rape if she would endure this violent act again in order to see the perpetrator receive a longer sentence. .....
Marijuana: The Legalization
.... it goes on and breaks into fine detail into which I choose not to venture. To summarize it all, if you're sick, or think you are, your doc can get you some pot. Just like that.
So what's so great about this? It supposedly brings relief to those with terminal illnesses. (Such were listed in 215) Cancer sufferers who are inflicted with nausea due to chemotherapy have reported that a puff or two of a marijuana cigarette relieves the pain. (Theorized after study by psychiatrist Lester Grinspoon of Harvard Medical School) It has also been reported to relieve the pain suffered by AIDS patients. Despite all this great .....
Speeding Tickets As A Form Of Discipline
.... be on your way after paying the fine. If the judge is kind, and offers a traffic school option, the unpleasantness continues. Usually the traffic school is no where near to the courthouse, which causes you to search to find the it. The great experience of paying is close at hand after locating the sorrow-laden school. You must endure the excruciating nine hour course after paying for the privilege of attending. This is a class most people would have never taken if given the chance. The unpleasantness associated with a speeding ticket is almost finished when you have completed the course.
A reoccurring reminder of a pre .....
Treatment Of Drug Offenders Is Dysfunctional
.... prison, one must submit himself to eating, sleeping, and living with harden criminals. And for the most part the drug are still readily available. In prison, the more illicit drugs are readily available.
A once marijuana smoker could very easily become a much harder drug user. And it does happen! One must live in fear and always watch their back. Homosexuality is very predominant in the prison population. The prisoner is faced with this every day. While incarcerated your life is put on a temporary hold, while the rest of the society sources ahead.
Along with prison life comes family turmoil. Many families have fallen ap .....
Capital Punishment
.... and William the Conqueror (1066-1087) was the death penalty not used, although the results of interrogation and torture were often fatal (Kronenwetter 12). Later, Britain reinstated the death penalty and brought it to its American colonies.
Although the death was widely accepted throughout the early United States, not everyone approved of it. In the late-eighteen century, opposition to the death penalty gathered enough strength to lead to important restrictions on the use of the death penalty in several northern states, while in the United States, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Rhode Island abandoned the practice altogether (Kronen .....
Capital Punishment: The Only Defense
.... among those who deserves it is irrelevant to its justice or morality. Punishments are imposed on a person, not a race or economic group. Guilt is personal. The only question that needs to be asked is, does the person who is to be executed deserve the punishment? And that is up to our justice system.
Equality in short seems morally less important than justice. The ideal of equal justice demands that justice be equally distributed, not that it be replaced by equality. Justice requires that as many of the guilty as possible be punished, regardless of whether others have slipped through and avoided punishment. To let these .....
Internet Censorship Laws
.... and all others pass those kind of lows the pornography won't be stopped.
Also I don't believe that pornography does as much harm as most people think. There are still a lot of movies out there with sexual scenes in them, and there are all those magazines, which are all over most of the grocery stores. So the Internet is not the only source of the pornography, even though it is the easiest to access one. Also the problem, or maybe the good of the Internet is that it is very hard to see the difference between the adult person and the child. Most of the porn sites make it so that the users coming to their site must agree to so .....
The Issue Of Gun Control
.... we tend to interpret the Constitution to broadly. Obviously, in the late 1700's, there were no deadly weapons to contend with. They had muskets, which could hardly be used in a very swift and deadly manner. Granted, the musket could kill, but if you asked any semi-sensible person if they would rather use a musket or a handgun, they would take a handgun any day of the week. This is why, in my opinion, we need to radically change the way we go about handling these problems.
With the rising crime rate, the best way to send this trend in another direction is to educate. We must start educating early and if this means raising tax .....
Marijuana: The Untold Story
.... born because their main hemp suppliers The Philippine and East India were taken over by Japan. The military had many uses for hemp such as; parachutes, uniforms, and tents. The fabric canvas’s name was derived from cannabis, the main fiber that is used to manufacture canvas. The fibers from the bark of marijuana plants are used to make a great variety of textile products, including coarse fabrics, ropes, sailcloth, and packing clothe. The oil in hemp seed contains LA, and LNA amino acid which, rarely are found in the present day fast food diet, are the essential building blocks of life. The seed itself contains a high amount of .....
The Push For Legalizing Marijuana
.... escalate the drug war. This policy has obviously done nothing to stop the recreational use of drugs in this country; on the contrary it is causing great harm. When most people imagine the legalization of marijuana, they fear a marijuana free-for-all with everybody constantly getting high. Legalization would include a law passed by Congress allowing the government to control the content, quality, and distribution of marijuana. The laws would be similar to the current laws regulating alcohol, including laws governing age, limits for driving, and distribution (“Bring” 13).
The three general areas where people are opposed to le .....
Is The US Policy On Drug Prohibition Effective?
.... "War on Drugs" is $200 billion a year or an outstanding $770 per person per year, and that figure does not include the money spent by state and local government in this "war" (Evans and Berent, eds. xvii).
The second cost of this "war" is something economist like to call opportunity costs. Here, we have two resources which are limited: prison cells and law enforcement. When more drug crimes take up law enforcement's time and when more drug criminals take up cells, less ability to fight other crime exists. This becomes significant when an estimated 35-40 million Americans use drugs per year. In 1994, law enforcement arrested s .....
The Prohibition
.... of alcohol, seen by some as the devil’s advocate, and thereby reduce crime, poverty, death rates, and improve the economy and the quality of life. “National prohibition of alcohol -- the ‘noble experiment’ -- was undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America” (Thorton, 1). This, however, was undoubtedly to no avail. The Prohibition amendment of the 1920s was ineffective because it was unenforceable, it caused the explosive growth of crime, and it increased the amount of alcohol consumption.
“It is impossible t .....