Outlaws In The Frontier
.... have always attracted misfits, failures, and renegades who hope to profit by being beyond the reach of government. In the years just before the Revolutionary War, gangs of horse thieves in the back country of South Carolina were broken up by organized bands of farmers called Regulators.
As frontier settlement expanded rapidly after the Revolution, more opportunities for criminals opened. Two common types of bandits were highwaymen and river pirates.
Highwaymen accosted people who traveled on foot or horseback, while river pirates preyed upon the boat traffic on the Ohio, Mississippi, and other rivers. Some bandits engaged in bo .....
A Comparison Of Male Juvenile Sex Offenders With Delinquent Non-Offenders
.... over 200 are sexual assaults (Harris County Juvenile Probation Department, 1993). It is increasingly becoming a major problem and could possibly have profound effects in the near future. Though this is not a great number in comparison to the number of referrals, to this researchers knowledge, there are no treatment facilities in Harris County specifically designed to treat this type of offender. Statistics are not clear on recidivism rates here; but one thing is clear, that this problem will not go away nor improve by itself.
Younger children are typically the victims of assaults by juvenile sex offenders. In 1986, it .....
The Mafia And Street Gangs
.... of money in return for protection. If the money wasn't paid, the recipients could expect violence such as kidnappings, bombings, and murder. By the nineteenth century, this society grew larger and more criminally oriented.
Gangs of today have similar roots to yesterday. Gangs in one form or another have been around for hundreds of years. Pirates were probably some of the original bad gangs. (An Overview of Gangs) Most gangs were formed years ago as small groups of people who shared common interests, like today, but for more productive purposes. Some say reasons for joining gangs are to gain identity, discipline, reco .....
“Smoke” The Prohibition!
.... or harmful drugs, i.e. Alcohol Prohibition. Cartel is a formal or informal agreement among business firms designed to reduce or suppress competition in a particular market; for example, controlling the distribution and production of a drug. Imperialism is a practice by which powerful nations or people seek to extend and/or maintain control or influence over nations or people; for example, the United States over Cuban immigrants.
First, among the costs of the "War on Drugs," the most obvious is monetary cost. The direct cost of purchasing drugs for private use is $100 billion a year. The federal government spends at least $10 .....
Juvenile Justice System In America
.... mid-19th century, other state institutions for juvenile delinquents were established, and their populations soon included not only young criminals but also less serious offenders and dependent children. The movement spread rapidly throughout the U.S. and abroad. These early institutions were often very rigid and punitive.
In the second half of the 19th century increased attention was given to the need for special legal procedures that would protect and guide the juvenile offender rather than subject the child to the full force of criminal law. Massachusetts in 1870 and 1880 and New York in 1892, provided for special heari .....
Gun Control - A Firing Issue
.... the people to own and use firearms, and any law or control on that right would be unconstitutional. Gun control activists essentially believe the Second Amendment guarantees only to its militia the right of arms, but the “Gun control proponents have yet to identify even a single quote from one of the founders to support their claim” (Silver 78). The 2nd Amendment supports gun owners, and hard evidence that it does otherwise is nonexistent.
Gun control advocates have been lobbying for 7 years for the passage of the Brady Bill, which makes a waiting period mandatory for all national firearm sales. Ironically, the passage .....
.... spreading like milkweed of thistle, crowding out neighboring grasses and reaching heights of three to twenty feet at full growth. Marijuana has been cultivated for at least 5,000 years; it is one of the oldest agricultural commodities not grown for food. The stalks of the plant contain fibers that have been woven for years to make rope, canvas, and paper. Cannabis is dioecious, spawning male and female plants at an equal rate. The flowering buds of the female secrete a sticky yellow resin rich with cannabinoids, the more than sixty compounds unique to marijuana. Several of the chemicals are psychoactive, most prominently delt .....
The Seat Belt Law
.... a passenger in approximately ten car accidents. A few of these were significant enough to cause minor injuries. But in two specific cases, the police officer reminded the driver and myself of the luck we encountered by wearing seatbelts. I have been very lucky.
On the other hand, I have had a few not so lucky friends. Just recently, a drug-free acquaintance of mine, and three of his friends, were driving down the road at a fairly fast pace. The driver lost the road and hit a telephone pole. He was not wearing a seatbelt and he did not survive. The passengers had major and minor injuries, but are doing better today. Wo .....
Prostitution Should Be Legalized
.... in order to complete their jobs. Athletes, bus drivers, and construction workers all "sell" their bodies to perform physical work. These people would find themselves out of work were it not for their freedom to "sell" their bodies. Norma Jean Almodovar, a former police officer turned prostitute, concurs. "In a free country, people should be able to engage in behavior that others find immoral or objectionable as long as no force or fraud is involved.
As an adult, I feel confident that I can make my own moral judgments." The second most common argument of opponents is that prostitution is degrading to women, and their definitio .....
.... Irish police force known as the Royal Irish Constabulary), and handling the Irish famine in 1817 which brought him many praises. Peel's return to Parliament came when he lead a Protestant party to defeat the emancipation bill which allowed Catholics membership in Parliament. Peel's first interest in police began when acting as home secretary in Parliament. As home secretary, Peel began a major program to reform criminal law. From 1823 to 130, he formed many new ordinances including the improvement of the prison system, lessening criminal punishments, and running the administration of justice. Peel's major problem was an increasing .....
Heroin Abuse
.... into a more open and frightening, yet decidedly more promising way of tackling the issue. Reform does not mean, as opposers argue, condoning the use of drugs. It means accepting that drugs are part, admittedly an unfortunate part, of our society which will not simply ‘go away’.
The refreshingly new ideas of controlled heroin trials, legal injecting rooms and greater availability of clean needles should be given consideration.
Lightening of the law would bring drug use out of the shadows it has long inhabited, removing the violence, criminality and risk which go hand in hand with the current drug trade. It is argued that a .....
Analysis Of International Law
.... and aims to serve the state, as well as protect the state by giving its rights and duties. This is done through treaties and other consensual engagements which are legally binding.
The case-law of the ICJ is an important aspect of the UN's contribution to the development of international law. It's judgements and advisory opinions permeates into the international legal community not only through its decisions as such but through the wider implications of its methodology and reasoning.
The successful resolution of the border dispute between Burkina Faso and Mali in the 1986 Frontier Dispute case illustrates the .....