The Legalization Of Marijuana: Pros And Cons
.... Lobbying groups in a San Diego, California , council committee unanimously
voted to urge president Bill Clinton and congress to end federal
restrictions against the use of marijuana for " legitiment medical use."
City council women Christine kehoe said she wanted the city of San Diego
"to go on the record we support the medical use marijuana.; marijuana can
be a drug of necessity in the treatment of AIDS, glaucoma, cancer and
multiple sclerosis. ''
Many agencies which are anti marijuana such as Drug Enforcement Agency
and police departments argue that marijuana shouldn't be legalized. These
agencies believe .....
Paula Jones' Lawsuit Against Bill Clinton
.... from his job which
is to run the United States of America. Fifteen years ago, the Supreme Court
blocked a damage suit against Richard Nixon with a five to four vote finding
that the president is immune from being suied for his official acts. If the
president gets in trouble, the whole nation is also in trouble because after all
we did elect him. Our confidence in our political leaders will suffer, and out
system of government will be impacted negatively. If Paula Jones is allowed to
sue the president, then others may follow, creating an even greater impact on
the president and his duties. This would be especially unfortunate .....
Software Licensing And Piracy
.... can qualify to be property in two ways; patent law
and copyright laws which are creations of federal statutes, pursuant to
Constitutional grant of legislative authority. In order for the government
to prosecute the unauthorized copying of computerized information as theft,
it must first rely on other theories of information-as-property. Trade
secret laws are created by state law, and most jurisdictions have laws
that criminalize the violations of a trade-secret holder's rights in the
secret. The definition of a trade secret varies somewhat from state to
state, but commonly have the same elements. For example, AThe information
must .....
Is The Death Penalty Just?
.... as equally barbaric. The mitigating factor of the death penalty
is, or should be, an already established punishment for this crime. The killer
willingly committed the heinous act of taking a life, knowing they would be
subject to this penalty. Therefore, he decided to gamble on not being caught,
or thought that he was above the law. In either case he willingly forfeited his
life with the taking of another. The killer may not agree with "Lex Taliones",
but the consequence of his action were obvious.
While critics argue that an innocent person may be put to death, most
agree this may unfortunately happen. However, we must .....
Capital Punishment: Costs Of The Death Penalty
.... do but the price
tag on issuing a death sentence according to a Florida study is $3.1 million
compared to $1 million for a life sentence; a 3100% difference (Walker 1994,
108). Imagine your death being valued at $3.1 million - how flattering. Based
on these figures, the difference in the price of an execution and the price of
life behind bars is enough to feed 7,200 starving children for ten years.
The price of an execution is amazing. Naturally, for such a price, we
should consider our "valued" return. In return for an execution we receive
utter incapacitation; an essential return indeed but we get the same from a life
Capital Punishment
.... The essential basis on which community is built requires each
citizen to honor the rightful claims of others. The utter and deliberate denial
of life and opportunity to others forfeits ones own claim to continued
membership in the community, whose standards have been so flagrantly violated.
The preservation of moral community demands that the shattering of the
foundation of its existence must be taken with utmost seriousness. The
preciousness of life in a moral community must be so highly honored that those
who do not honor the life of others make null and void their own right to
membership. Those who violate the personhood o .....
.... man, child or
transsexual who alleges injury by pornography in the
way women are injured by it also has a claim.
[emphasis added]
My goal in this paper is to suggest that a slight modification to
this subsection of the ordinance would make it very difficult for liberals
and legal conservatives to object to it. This modification would restrict
the cause of action to the same persons as the other sections of the
ordinance, namely, the particular victim of the specified injury. I shall
argue that such a modification would largely cohere with the conception of
harm already at work in Ontario law, w .....
Don't Talk To Cops
.... to prolong the conversation. The longer the conversation, the
more chance there is for a skill investigator to find out what he wants to
Many times a police officer will ask you to accompany him to the
police station to answer a few questions. In that case, simply thank him
for the invitation and indicate that you are not disposed to accept it at
this time. Often the authorities simply want to photograph a person for
identification purposes, a procedure which is easily accomplished by
placing him in a private room with a two-way mirror at the station, asking
him a few innocent questions, and then releasing him.
Capital Punishment
.... viewed as violent and should be
punished with the highest degree of discipline available to achieve justice.
After much public pressure, capital punishment was suspended on a
trial run in 1967. This proved to be ineffective, because even though the
law stipulated that crimes such as treason or the murder of law enforcement
agents, were still to be subjected to the death penalty, the federal
cabinet continued to commute those criminals from death to life sentences,
hence the law was not being followed and justice was not being served.
This soon was followed with capital punishment's abolishment in 1976, as a
formal decla .....
Efficiency And Effectiveness Of Our Criminal Court System
.... and recorder
seem to know each other very well. They joked openly, even while the court
was in session, the defence lawyer asked if he could persuade the judge
into a lighter sentence after the judge had already made a decision in a
very easy and friendly tone of voice, something seemly unprofessional that
caused chuckles throughout the courtroom. Where in the Ontario Supreme
Court the atmosphere was much more serious, professional, strict and at
times high in tension.
Our current bail system, in either monetary terms or personal
recognizance, seemed pretty successful in Provincial Court, though not
observed in the Ontar .....
Serial Killers And Society
.... mutilated, or shot- and enjoy it
in some sick way. The media goes out of its way to glamorize murder
and terrify the public. We support killers like Charles Manson on
Death Row with our tax dollars. In fact, we support them with more
than that. About two months ago there was an art show in California
entitled: The Death Row Art Show III. Pieces sold for thousands of
dollars regardless of their aesthetic appeal, because of the identity
of the artists. Serial killers are becoming as popular as rock stars.
Serial killers are a development of the industrial world; th .....
Dangers Of Anabolic Steroids
.... they're cheaper then marijuana or
cocaine. A ten week cycle of testosterone cypinate and methandrostone
costs only about one hundred dollars. Steroids are also very hard to
trace because of their water base composition. They can pass through
the body within two days. All these benefits of steroids help an
athletes become more competitive and increase their chance of being a
winner. Of course everybody wants better biceps and triceps but when
using steroids to achieve this goal there is a large price to pay.
However, steroids should remain illegal because they .....