The Writing Of The Constitution
.... the process of applying these
principles when the declaration was adopted on July 4, 1776. After this,
the Congress sent the document to the printer. Then, by the end of 1776,
independent governments were functioning in every state except Georgia and
New York. Each new state government had three branches: an executive
branch, a legislature, and a court system. Most state constitutions
guaranteed certain inalienable rights that the governments could not take
President Jackson And The Removal Of The Cherokee Indians
.... map shows eloquently, the relationship
between time and policies which effected the Indians. From the Colonial and
Confederation treaties, a significant amount of land had been acquired from
the Cherokee Indians. Successively, during Washington's, Monroe's, and
Jefferson's administration, more and more Indian land was being
commandeered. The administrations during the 1790's to the 1830's had
gradually acquired more and more land from the Cherokee Indians. Jackson
followed that precedent by the acquisition of more Cherokee lands.
According to Document B, "the first of which is by raising an army,
and [destroying the resisting .....
E.J Lennox And Building Of A Courthouse
.... hall could have been used on practical
schemes such as sewer improvage, water supplies and other important city
needs. This mind blowing amount of money encouraged many investigations and
lawsuits. One affair being in which the architects name was revealed
carved immediately below the ledge under the uppermost windows and it
spelled out "E J LENNOX ARCHITECT A D 1898".
Before designing the building Lennox made a tour to cities of the U.S
with buildings with the same style, now city hall's resemblance to H. H.
Richardosn's Pittsburgh court house in 1886 is often pointed out. The
bui .....
The Industrial Revolution
.... market or transport
their product since the new system introduced the art of specialization.
Specialization allowed a person to perform a single task and guarantee them
wages as a source of income. However, as wonderful as this might seem, this
new system led to the emergence of a n working class (proletariat) and
forced them to depend on market conditions in order to survive as producers.
Although seemingly content at first, those who became employed by these
factories were immediately subjected to deplorable conditions. Arnold
Toynbee made a scholarly assessment of this new wave of socio-economic
behavior and concluded that .....
Thesis: Show How Mexico Lost An Enormous Territory To The U.S. In 1848.
.... were sent to the land between
the Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers. General Taylor was ordered to protect the
Grande River. When in 1846, Mexican troops attacked them, war had commenced.
Though Mexico believed they would win easily, they were greatly wrong. The
capturing of Mexico city by the U.S. made them the conquerors over their
enemy. In consequence, the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was made in 1848.
Mexico was to give up California and New mexico for only 13,000,000. It was
the Manifest destiny that had started the war. U.S.A. now had what it
focused on territorially, and thus Manifest destiny had been fulfilled.
In summary, .....
For Another Man's Freedom
.... at the time I am sure they believed that they were taking part
in an inconceivable historical event. I am sure that at that time they did not
realize that this would be an ongoing struggle even three-hundred years after
their existence. The soldiers entered this battle with great pride, holding
their flags high, hoping to make a difference. They did make a clearly
substantial impact on their society , but this quest for equality is still being
This fight was not considered the only option at the time, but peaceful
talks were always considered. As society knows, peace talks are not always the
best way to get th .....
Events Leading To The American Revolution
.... all due subordination to that august
body, the Parliament of Great Britain." This statement can be used as a
summation of the entire document that the Stamp Act Congress had initiated.
The statement depicts the colonists has having to be submissive and servile
in the view of Great Britain, this policy angered the colonists very much,
and was another component of the transition of the colonists' rights and
When the Declatory Act was passed in March of 1766, many colonies were
attempting to claim that they were "seceding" from England. "Whereas
several of the houses of representatives in his Majesty's colonies and
pl .....
Witchcraft At Salem
.... postulate "God's doings" as the answers
to all of our unanswered questions. Are we on this earth because "God put
us here"? Was it a chance arrangement of amino acids in a molecular pool
which evolved into a human being? Or does the answer lie in some different
theory that only time will reveal? Whether it be in the case of medicine,
religion, history, or anything requiring judgement, even gossip, one must
realize that reality is impossible to pin down. Although we may be sure
that two parallel lines could never meet, there may be someone named
Lobachevski who is sure that they can.
(1) Alice Dickenson, The Salem Witchcraf .....
The 1960s: Happenings, Causes, And Effects
.... student
movement, space exploration, the sexual revolution, the environment,
medicine and health, and fun and fashion.
The Civil Rights Movement
The momentum of the previous decade's civil rights gains led by rev.
Martin luther king, jr. carried over into the 1960s. but for most blacks,
the tangible results were minimal. only a minuscule percentage of black
children actually attended integrated schools, and in the south, "jim crow"
practices barred blacks from jobs and public places. New groups and goals
were formed, new tactics devised, to push forward for full equality. as
often as not, white resista .....
The Roaring 20s
.... talented actor's in the twenties were Charlie Chaplai who
was known for his "tramp" look, Keaton with his stone facial expressions
(because he showed no emotion) and the famous romatic Radolph Valintino.
These three and many more entertained Canadians through the twenties.
In 1926 the voice era was coming in effect by Warner Brothers by the
Vitaphone. In 1927 Warner Brothers finally completed the first sound
picture called "The Jazz Singer"
To canadains evenings were not spent infront of t.v. Instead they would
listen to the radio. One for the radio stations listened to was CKCL. They
would listen to mostly music and .....
The Cold War
.... these
agencies came about, discuss past and present operations, and talk about
some of their tools of the trade.
Origin of the CIA and KGB
The CIA was a direct result of American intelligence operations during
World War II. President Franklin D. Roosevelt recognized the need to
coordinate intelligence to protect the interests of the United States. In
1941, he appointed William J. Donovan to the head of the Office of
Strategic Services (OSS) with headquarters in London. Four departments made
up the OSS: Support, Secretariat, Planning, and Overseas Missions. Each of
these departments directed an array of sections known as 'o .....
American Involvement In The Cuban Revolution
.... his regime . Failure in the elections of 1954
showed the discontent of the people, and failure in communications with the
United States illustrated its discontent. Finally, opposing forces
confronted Batista's power: there were street protests, confrontations
with the police, assault, sabotage, and urban violence. This began the
revolution in Cuba.
America, with its stubborn ideas and misjudgements of character, forced
Castro to turn to the Soviets for alliance and aid. When Castro visited
the United States in April, 1959, there were different respected
individuals holding different views of him and his future action .....