The Watergate Affair
.... into the possible corruption
of White House Officials. (Encyclopedia of the American Presidency, Volume 13,
page 1603)
Among those arrested on the night of June 17, 1972 were James McCord Jr.,
security coordinator for the Committee for the Re-election of the President (CRP
also known as CREEP). (New York Times, June 21, 1972, page 1, column 3)
Immediately after the arrests, the news media had already began initial
accusations and offering possible motives to the public through statements like:
“ There was continuing speculation here and in the Cuban community in
Miami that unnamed men, in or out of an anti-Castro org .....
The Sedition Act Of 1798
.... have everywhere perished." James
Madison wrote in Federalist Papers #10, "By a faction, I understand a
number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the
whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of
interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and
aggregate interests of the community." He went on to explain that faction
is part of human nature; "that the CAUSES of faction cannot be removed, and
that relief is only to be sought in the means of controlling its EFFECTS."
The significant point Madison was to make in this essay was that the Union
was a s .....
Definition Of War: Sherman's Hell
.... taken away. It is difficult to say who was in the
right, but when all of the negotiations had been exhausted, war was the
result. In this case there was no other option because both sides believed
in their cause.
Gen. William T. Sherman said ³War is Hell², and that quote has
remained famous because even though simple, it is accurate. American men
spent weeks at a time in rat infested trenches with lice all over their
bodies in both World War One and Two. There are countless examples of
horrible war crimes, biological weapons, napalm strikes, and of course
nuclear weapons. War has claimed millions of lives throughout history. .....
More About The 1968 Tet Offensive
.... days of the lunar new year while the Chinese
troops were still feasting and not ready to organize their defense.
Those who claimed the similarity between the two campaigns certainly did
not know the whole truth, but jumped into conclusion with wild imagination
after learning that the North Vietnamese attacking units also celebrated
Tet "one day ahead" before the attacks.
In fact, the Tet Offensive broke out on the Tet's Eve - in the early
morning of January 30, 1968 at many cities of Central Vietnam, such as Da
Nang and Qui Nhon, as well as cities in the central coastal and highland
areas, that lied within the Communist 5th .....
The Townshend Act
.... by the Townshend Acts. The Massachusetts legislature sent the other
colonies a circular letter condemning the Townshend Acts and calling for a
united American resistance. British officials then ordered the dissolution
of the Massachusetts General Court if it failed to withdraw its circular
letter; the court refused, by a vote of 92 to 17, and was dismissed. The
other colonial assemblies, initially reluctant to protest the acts, now
defiantly signed the circular letter, outraged at British interference
with a colonial legislature.In other ways, British actions again united
American protest. The Board of Customs Commissioners extort .....
U.S Involvement In The Vietnam War
.... been committed to without political interference or control
because of the problems and hidden interests which are always present when
dealing with polit
United States involvement in the Vietnam War actually began in 1950
when the U. S. began to subsidize the French Army in South Vietnam. This
involvement continued to escalate throughout the 1950's and into the early
1960's. On August 4, 1964 the Gulf of Tonkin incident occurred in which
American Naval Vessels in South Vietnamese waters were fired upon by North
Vietnam. On August 5, 1964 President Johnson requested a resolution
expressing the determination of the United .....
Vietnam War Memorial - Powerful Granite
.... crashes, snake bites, illnesses, and
other non-combat related deaths (Olson 227). There is no distinction made
between the two groups on the monument. The structure is a v-shaped
polished granite slab that unlike other monuments has no message of honor
or patriotism. All of those subjects are left to the thoughts of the
beholder. People often find therapy in locating the name of a companion or
a loved one. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is by far the most emotional
moving war monument in Washington, and that alone makes it very
unique(Collier¹s 138).
In comparison with other monuments, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is
vastly dif .....
The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy Or Single-Gunman?
.... nightclub
owner, while he was being moved from the city to the county jail.
At a glance, the above story sounds as if this should be an open-and-shut case.
After all, according to the facts above, Oswald must have killed Kennedy.
However, you must take a deeper look into this case. Many people who witnessed
the murder of John F. Kennedy dispute the facts above, saying that they heard
shots from places besides the book depository, and other things that may
contradict what is stated above. One of these witnesses, Abraham Zapruder,
captured the entire assassination on his Bell and Howell eight millimeter movie
camera. This movi .....
A Look Back On The Great Depression Of 1936
.... and were very upset about his decisions involving the economy. They dealt
with their anger by not reelecting Hoover, but instead, electing Franklin Delano
Roosevelt for president the next time around. He was the one who helped get
the economy back in shape by creating a program called the "Big Deal." The Big
Deal was a government funded program that gave jobs to the jobless, and homes to
the homeless. In return for getting the economy back in shape, FDR was elected
again for another term and yet another four years.
The Civil Rights Movement
.... and the Grandfather Clause. Also when some blacks went to
vote, people simply wouldn't let them register. Due to lack of voting ability,
no blacks were elected into office and therefore, blacks had no say in the
government. Also, blacks were not allowed to serve on juries, yet they were
almost always found guilty in court, even if the evidence was clearly against
them. For example, years ago a boy in Georgia broke into a school to steal an
ice cream. While he should have gotten a few hours of community service, he got
three years in jail just because he was black. A truth to the Kerner Commission
report that occurs today is that bl .....
Civil War
.... held more
than 40 percent of the entire population and also they needed slavery for their
industrialization. Therefore, if they freed all the slaves, someone would
predict, many whites would have no jobs and many things would be up-side-down.
As the result, controlling over slaves was very important for the Southern. But
the Northern were opponent of slavery since the slavery population took less
than 10 percent of the entire population and Southern states were already free.
Then something really happened when Abraham Lincoln, a known opponent of slavery,
was elected president. The Southern states then decided to sece .....
Conflicts During The 1920s
.... the new intelligencia could express their views on
impracticality and injustice of the social system and government in the 1920's.
Sinclair Lewis was one such author who used his writing to condemn the
stale and outdated ways of thinking that were so widely popular in our nation
during the 1920's. In addition to exposing the poor working conditions of most
factory labor, particularly the meat-packing industry, he criticized the common
man who could not think or act individually in his novel, Babbit, which was
published in 1922. His description from the novel of the common man portrayed a
person who acted in a manner that wa .....