.... large amounts of food. Some bulimics then use their fingers to induce vomiting, or they use laxatives to purge the food from their bodies and thereby decrease the body's opportunity to turn food into fat.
Symptoms of eating disorders are fear of gaining weight, food obsessions, avoidance of meals, rigid dieting and fasting, rigorous exercise, weight loss, unusual mood states like confusion and lethargy, "chipmunk" cheeks (swollen glands), dark circles under the eyes, raspy voice, social withdrawal and combative behavior, low self- esteem, declining school performance, use of syrup of ipecac, and lack of menstrual periods .....
The Causes And Effects Of Anorexia
.... diagnosed with anorexia over the age of 45 are males(Heywood, 1996). Other misconceptions are that anorexia is only common with younger people and that anorexia is not a real disease at all, just a staple of obsessive teenage girls.
Another widespread misconception about the disease of anorexia is that it is a new disease. Actually, doctors say that anorexia has its roots centuries ago. Through different time periods, people have fasted for a number of reasons, they say. People fasted in Biblical times to pay reverence to God or just to exercise self-discipline. Anorexia has been around almost as long as man.(Deth and Vand .....
Pesticides And Their Harmful Affects
.... Mexico and South America, for example, many of the pesticides that the United States and Europe have banned, wind up being used on a majority of their produce crops. The largest problem with this is that Europe and the United States import from South America for produce all of the time.
What good does it do to ban harmful agricultural chemicals to be used on domestically grown crops if crops in other countries are grown with these same harmful chemicals, and are then allowed to be imported? Mexico and South America are the leading suppliers of produce for the earth's population because their climate is very conducive to year .....
Skin Cancer
.... also contains follicles, which are tiny pockets from which the hair grows.
The most common malignant cells are the basal cells. Cancer in the basal cell is called nonmelanoma cancer. This means that the cancer did not start in the melanocytes located in the epidermis. Basal Cell Carcinoma is caused by overexposure to the sun. The sun gives off ultraviolet rays, which are harmful to the human body. Basal cell carcinoma will affect body parts such as the eyes, ears and nose. If it is detected before it gets deep into the skin there will most likely be no problem treating the cancer. A problem will occur if it isn't detec .....
Compare And Contrast Depression And Schizophrenia
.... have different physical effects on boys than on girls. These effects, in turn, produce different psychological experiences in the sexes.
But male-female differences in personality are not due solely to biology. The environment is equally important. Society tends to treat boys and girls differently from an early age. Mothers and fathers, for example, give boys trains to play with, and give girls dolls to play with.
Many personality theorists emphasize the importance of early childhood experiences in the development of the personality. The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, held that childhood experiences and up .....
.... observable over the past few decades, due in part to improved cancer screening programs, and also to the increasing number of older persons in the population, and also to the large number of tabacco smokers--particularly in women. Some researchers have estimated that if Americans stopped smoking, lung cancer deaths could virtually be eliminated within 20 years.
The U.S. government and private organizations spent about $1.2 billion annual for cancer research. With the development of new drugs and treatments, the number of deaths among cancer patients under 30 years of age is decreasing, even though the number of deaths from .....
Treatments Of Huntington's Disease
.... attaches itself to the defective protein in Huntington's and four other inherited diseases. This finding may lead to identifying the defects in a variety of others unexplained disorders.
The identification of the gene an the huntingtin protein promised to be a major breakthrough in tracing the causes of Huntington's, but that promise has so far been delayed. The protein of Huntington is unlike any other protein known making it difficult for researchers to guess its role in a healthy cell. However, this has not stopped researchers from trying to find a possible cure for HD.
Lyme Disease In Horses
.... Ninety-four percent of the human cases are reported from California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
For a tick to pass Lyme Disease to a horse, it must feed for 12 to 24 hours. This can work to our advantage in preventing the disease. Proper grooming, and examining your horse in areas where ticks like to feed, such as the head, neck, legs, belly and under the tail. Tick repellents may also be used, and applied to these areas. Horses are bit by the adult stage of the deer ticks, which are active in early spring and fall. During this time, to decrease your horse's chanc .....
Cancer Of The Eye
.... A slow growing tumor of the unnoticed until the cancer is more advaced. Any changes in vision or other problems such as a prtruding eye, squinting, or changes in the eyelid should be seen by an ophthalmologist. Although eye cancer is rare and most eye problems have a benign cause, the possibility of cancer should be ruled out as soon as possible.
A number of different instruments are now available that enable an opthalmologist to examine most parts of the eye by noninvasive techniques. the degree of protrusion os the eyeball is measured with a speacial device called an exophthalmometer. the anterior portions of the globe, .....
.... of LDL cholesterol reflects an increased risk of heart disease. That is why LDL cholesterol is often called "bad" cholesterol.
Cholesterol comes from two sources. It’s produced in your body, mostly in the liver (about 1,000 milligrams a day). And it’s found in foods that come from animals, such as meats, poultry, fish, seafood and dairy products. Foods from plants (fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds) do not contain cholesterol
For some people, exercise affects blood cholesterol level by increasing HDL level ("good" cholesterol). A higher HDL level is linked with decreased risk of heart disease. Exercise can als .....
AIDS History And Treatment
.... three most common forms of treatment now are azidothymidine (AZT), protease inhibitors, and multidrug therapies. These drugs have been successful in prolonging patients' lives because they interfere with the duplication of HIV within the body. The reason that they don't destroy the virus is because of the virus's unique ability to mutate into different strains and become resistant to these drugs. However, with the success of the current treatments of AZT, protease inhibitors, and multidrug therapy, as well as the prospect of future treatments such as genetic therapy and vaccines, it appears that a cure may be discovered in the .....
Bipolar Affective Disorder
.... affective disorder affects approximately one percent or three million persons in the United States, afflicting both males and females. Bipolar disorder involves episodes of mania and depression. The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight and often reckless or irresponsible behavior (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ). These episodes may alternate with profound depressions characterized by a pervasive sadness, almost inability to move, hopelessness, and disturbances in appetite, sleep, in concentrations and driving.
Bipolar disorder is diagnosed .....