Teen Pregnancy
.... man ejaculates.It prevents pregnancy by preventing the sperm from entering the vagina. There is however a risk that you might get pregnant even with the use of condoms. It is not one hundred percent effective. However, latex condoms also protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV. The latex condom offers better protection againsts STDs than any other birth control method. It blocks exchange of bodily fluids that may be infected.
The Pill is one of the most effective reversible methods of birth control. "The Pill" is the common name for oral contraception. Obtaining oral contraceptives require a medical .....
A Report On The Fundamentals Of Dyslexia
.... is not any ones fault it simply occurs when the barrier in the language center of you brain cracks. In some experiments done by the University of Montreal, they are comparing good adult readers to dyslexic adult readers. In most cases the adult dyslexics were at about the high school level. When the adult dyslexics were compared to third graders in matching sounds with letters, they scored below the eight and nine year olds that were tested. It's not just a visual problem, actually they can see the letters fine, it is more of a comparing problem. Dyslexics usually cannot spell simple words by just hearing someone speak them t .....
The Spread Of AIDS
.... to conquer infections, the Western world was ill prepared to cope with the advent of AIDS in 1981. (Retro- spective studies now put the first reported U.S. case of AIDS as far back as 1968.) The arrival of a new and lethal virus caught us off guard. Research suggests that the agent responsible for AIDS probably dates from the 1950s, with a chance infection of humans by a modified Simian virus found in African green monkeys. Whatever its origins, scientists surmise that the disease spread from Africa to the Caribbean and Europe, then to the U.S. Current estimates are that 1.5 to 2 million Americans are now probably HIV carrier .....
Unconventional Medicines
.... inside their neck and dripping down the back. Within minutes, the pain should be gone. Imagery can also include sounds, tastes, and smells. (Nash,1996:45) The list of alternative therapies goes on and on.
For every disease known to mankind, there is probably a complementary alternative medicine to counter it. Most alternative medicines are unheard of in North America, where conventional medicines and doctors dominate over eastern medicine. This is mainly because when North Americans hear the term “alternative medicine”, they can think up some pretty exotic images. In recent years though, the more popular eastern medicines .....
Bipolar Affective Disorder
.... thoughts of death and suicide (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ). The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ).
Bipolar disorder is diagnosed if an episode of mania occurs whether depression has been diagnosed or not (Goodwin, Guze, 1989, p 11). Most commonly, individuals with manic episodes experience a period of depression. Symptoms include elated, expansive, or irritable mood, hyperactivity, pressure of speech, flight of ideas, inflated self esteem, decreased ne .....
Being Physically Fit
.... that people are healthy when they start a fitness program. Therefore, they need to check with their physician before starting any new activity or training, to insure a safe and enjoyable workout (Zuti 1). To begin a physical fitness program, people must set goals and develop plans as how they expect to achieve them. Their long-term goal will be overall fitness. Write down ultimate goals, such as being able to jog or walk two miles and feel good about it. No matter what shape people are in now, if they have not been exercising regularly they should start slowly and not try to progress too fast. If people go too fast, t .....
.... Americans have a personal friend or relative who has had a drinking problem for ten years or longer. Almost two out of three Americans report that they know someone who drinks too much. It is estimated that there are 18 million alcoholic or problem drinkers in the U.S. For every alcoholic there are at least four other people who are affected by the alcoholic. This means that in the U.S. there are at least seventy-two million other people dealing with the disease somehow. Many people believe that alcoholics are people that are the skid row winos and bums. This is a common misconception, actually ninety-four percent of alcoho .....
Myasthenia Gravis
.... MG is muscle weakness and fatiguability. The muscles most commonly affected are the oculomotors, which cause ptosis or diplopia. MG can also commonly present with oropharyngeal muscle weakness. The patient may regurgitate food through the nose, be unable to chew meat, speak in a markedly ‘nasal’ tone, or have a history of choking on food/secretions. MG can also present with limb weakness and rarely respiratory distress. The weakness typically (but not always) worsens as the day progresses, especially after prolonged use of the affected muscles. The course of the disease is variable but usually progressive, progressing from loca .....
Drugs And Steroids In Sports
.... always used for sports, they started out the same way most drugs did, medicinal purposes. Victims of starvation and severe injury profited from it's ability to build new tissue quickly. They also helped prevent muscle tissue from withering in patients who had just had surgery. Steroids are used to treat Addison's disease. Anabolic steroids are drugs that come from hormones or from combinations of chemicals that achieve the same result as hormones. Hormones may be given to an individual in their natural state, or in a synthetic one. The synthetic state is sometimes more potent than the natural one. Testosterone and pr .....
Skin Cancer: The Dangers Of Wanting A Dark Tan
.... do it. The cause of skin cancer is related to UV rays. The majority of these are from the sun. I would recommend that if a person is planning to go out into the sun for long periods of time, he or she should put on the proper level of sunscreen for their area. Also, they should limit their exposure to sun. To use a blanket statement to sum it up, "Use common sense when dealing with the sun, it could mean life or death."
Advantage Of Nutrition, Exercise, And Well-being Programs
.... of exercise and well-being programs, companies are not only helping employees, but also dramatically increasing the overall potential of the company.
Exercise in the work place? True this sounds unusual, but look at all the benefits exercise has to offer, and with so many exciting choices in exercise programs, popularity of exercising at work has increased. " Enthusiastic participation in workplace wellness programs can yield a variety of health benefits," said Dr. Roy J. Shephard of the University of Toronto (Dreyfuss n.p.). Fewer cases of illnesses which results in less absenteeism, lower blood pressure as a result .....
.... spread if untreated.
In the secondary stage, occurring about six weeks later, a generalized rash appears. It can last for weeks or months, perhaps up to a year. Painless ulcers develop in the mouth. Most people discover raised areas around the genitals or anus. The bacteria can be easily spread through mucous patches on the raised areas, which are called condylomalata. Flu-like symptoms start to occur, and can come and go for years. These symptoms may include a rash (over entire body or just on palms of hands and soles of feet), a sore in the mouth, swollen and painful joints, aching bones, and a mild fever or headache. These .....