Prevention Of HIV Transmittance To Babies
.... HIV to their infants.
The new guidelines recommend that all pregnant women should receive HIV
counseling and testing. These guidelines are aimed at helping pregnant women
know their HIV status early so that medical care, including zidovudine (Retrovir,
known as AZT, Burroughs Welcome Co., Research Triangle Park, NC), can be made
available. The new guidelines also reiterate previous federal health advisories
that say counseling should precede HIV testing. Physicians and other health
professionals who counsel women should be well informed about the complex issues
that face HIV infected pregnant women, according to the guide .....
Drugs: How Danagerous Is It?
.... It
includes "baking" the marijuana under a flame without burning it. It is nearly
the same as smoking it, but there is no smoke, which may limit the chance of
lung cancer. Yet is this drug safe? No. The short term effects, besides the
calmness are the following: temporary memory loss, rapid heart beat, and
dizziness. The long term effects include the following: Lung cancer, heart
problems, and immune system disorders. The equivalent of one joint is four
cigarettes, or ten seconds of car exhaust. No one sees the dangers of this drug,
and they usually do not care about them, making it even more dangerous.
LSD, or acid, is .....
Is Marijuana Dangerous To Your Physical Health?
.... may not know what they are taking into their bodies. It will
be shown just what parts of the body marijuana effects and how it effects them.
The main purpose of this collection of information is to see just what marijuana
does to the body and to determine whether the effects are good, bad, or a
combination of both. Many different areas of research will be used.
The report "Marijuana Retains Popularity Despite Anti-drug Attitudes" in
The Dallas Times Herald by the Associated Press shows just how popular marijuana
remains despite health warnings. A 40-something woman referred to as Ruth has a
little something to say. "It .....
Marajuana: Effects And After Effects
.... are in the la
It is still undetermined whether light doses of marijuana has long term
effect. Some short term effects are; it causes a higher heart rate, reddened
eyes, clumsiness, and blunt reflexes.
The physical effects of marijuana use, particularly on developing
adolescents, can be acute. The emotional development of adolescent users may be
interrupted. Scientists feel heavy doses during adolescent damages emotional and
intellectual development a ne system. Marijuana use has an adverse effect on the
social relationships of the user due to severe mood swings and a lack of
interest. Marijuana use also causes a m .....
Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
.... denying the public of the use of Marijuana as a textile, food
source, and alternative energy source, these large companies selfishly robbed
many sick people of a drug that can help them. Marijuana can be used to combat
glaucoma, epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, back pain, asthma, rheumatism, arthritis,
migraines, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, and promotes appetite in some cancer and
AIDS patients. Drugs like morphine, valium, lithium, and codeine are regularly
given to patients and are far more addictive, having many more negative affects
than Marijuana. Marijuana "has little effect on major physiological functions.
There .....
About Medical Marijuana
.... Glaucoma, which damages vision by
gradually increasing eye pressure over time, is the leading cause of blindness
in the United States.
Multiple Sclerosis: Marijuana reduces the muscle pain and spasticity caused by
the disease. It may also relieve tremor and unsteadiness of gait, and it helps
some patients with bladder control. Multiple sclerosis is the leading cause of
neurological disability among young and middle-aged adults in the United States.
Epilepsy: Marijuana prevents epileptic seizures in some patients.
Chronic Pain: Marijuana reduces the chronic, often debilitating pain caused by
a variety of injuries an .....
Use Of Marijuana As Medicine
.... A member of Milwaukee's AIDS community, said that
a friend of his was taking Marinol to increase his appetite: “He spends the
whole day laughing and watching movies...He can't even drive a car because he's
so out of it.” (3/25/97) In addition to that, Marinol only comes in pill form,
which makes it useless for patients taking it for nausea. Marijuana has neither
of those drawbacks. Because it is usually smoked, even the most nauseous patient
can use it as well as easily regulate their intake (“Medical Marijuana” 23). No
prescription drug offers the benefits and potential of marijuana.
Many people have testified to marijuana's val .....
Garlic As Medicine
.... elimate the odor of garlic from the mouth (breath).
Permeability Of Hydrophilic
.... more
accurately between the molecules of intermediate molecular weight compared to
Caco-2 cells.
These results indicated that 2/4/A1 cells could be used as a model for
hydrophilic drug absorption.
The small intestine plays a crucial role in the absorption of drugs and
nutrients. Exogenous substances cross a series of barriers during the process
of intestinal absorption: (1) the aqueous boundary/mucus layer, (2) a single
layer of epithelial cells, and (3) the lamina propria, which contains the blood
and lymph vessels that then transport the absorbed drugs to other parts of the
body (Artursson 1991).
The c .....
.... addition, according to Dr.
Daniel Safer of Johns Hopkins University, over 1.3 million regularly consume
Ritalin for treatment of ADD (Hancock 52). Ritalin appears to be a popular
choice for doctors, but the daily effects of the drug, which family physicians
do not see, creates questions as to how well the drug actually works.
Scientifically know as methylphenidate, Ritalin stimulates the central nervous
system with similarities to amphetamines in the nature and extent of its
effects; furthermore, it supposedly activates the brain stem arousal system and
the cerebral cortex (Bailey 3). The key factor remains that doctors and
resea .....
.... (Bailey 1995).
ADHD is a condition most likely based in an inefficiency and inadequacy
of Dopamine and Norepinephrine hormone availability, typically occurring when a
person with ADHD tries to concentrate. Ritalin improves the efficiency of the
hormones Dopamine and Norepinephrine, increasing the resources for memory, focus,
concentration and attention (Clark 1996).
Ritalin has been used for more than 30 years to treat ADHD. Nervousness
and insomnia are the most common adverse reactions reported, but are usually
controlled by reducing dosage or omitting the afternoon or evening dose.
Decreased appetite is also com .....
Ritalin And Its Uses
.... increase the levels of dopamine in the frontal lobe where attention
and impulsive actions are regulated. When taken in its intended form under a
doctor's prescritption, it has moderate stimulant properties. There has been a
great deal of concern about it's addictive qualities and adverse affects.
ADHD is a relatively new disorder. It was introduced in 1980, where it
was labeled ADD(attention deficit disorder). In the 1950's, children were
simply labeled "hyperkinetic." The term "hyperactivity" was added in 1987,
hence the name ADHD. Not all children have the hyperactivity, and thus are
labeled to have ADD. ADD is not treate .....